Snowflake Loader for LLM Recently my second contribution to Llamaindex "SnowflakeReader" was merged to Lllamahub repository. This loader connects to Snowflake (using SQLAlchemy under the hood). The user specifies a query and extracts Document objects corresponding to the results. This loader is designed to be used as a way to load data into LlamaIndex and/or subsequently used as a Tool in a LangChain Agent. Usage Option 1: Pass your own SQLAlchemy Engine object of the database connection Here's an example usage of the SnowflakeReader. from llama_index import download_loader SnowflakeReader = download_loader ( 'SnowflakeReader' ) reader = SnowflakeReader ( engine = your_sqlalchemy_engine , ) query = "SELECT * FROM your_table" documents = reader . load_data ( query = query ) Option 2: Pass the required parameters to esstablish Snowflake connection Here's an example usage of the SnowflakeReader. from llama_index import down...
Godwin Paul Vincent
Technology Leader | Senior General Manager (IT) | Oxford Executive Leadership Program | Azure Solution Architect Expert | PSM