Telecom Churn Case Study Upgrad
Telecom Churn Case Study¶
In the telecom industry, customers are able to choose from multiple service providers and actively switch from one operator to another. In this highly competitive market, the telecommunications industry experiences an average of 15-25% annual churn rate. Given the fact that it costs 5-10 times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one, customer retention has now become even more important than customer acquisition.
For many incumbent operators, retaining high profitable customers is the number one business goal.
Business Objective¶
The objective is to reduce customer churn and improve customer retention in a highly competitive market. Retaining high profitable customers is the number one business goal
Case Study Objective¶
The goal is to build a machine learning model using customer-level data to identify customers at high risk of churn.
# Supress Warnings
import warnings
!pip install Ipython
Requirement already satisfied: Ipython in d:\sw\python\3.8\lib\site-packages (8.12.2) Requirement already satisfied: backcall in d:\sw\python\3.8\lib\site-packages (from Ipython) (0.2.0) Requirement already satisfied: decorator in d:\sw\python\3.8\lib\site-packages (from Ipython) (5.1.1) Requirement already satisfied: jedi>=0.16 in d:\sw\python\3.8\lib\site-packages (from Ipython) (0.19.0) Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib-inline in d:\sw\python\3.8\lib\site-packages (from Ipython) (0.1.6) Requirement already satisfied: pickleshare in d:\sw\python\3.8\lib\site-packages (from Ipython) (0.7.5) Requirement already satisfied: prompt-toolkit!=3.0.37,<3.1.0,>=3.0.30 in d:\sw\python\3.8\lib\site-packages (from Ipython) (3.0.39) Requirement already satisfied: pygments>=2.4.0 in d:\sw\python\3.8\lib\site-packages (from Ipython) (2.16.1) Requirement already satisfied: stack-data in d:\sw\python\3.8\lib\site-packages (from Ipython) (0.6.2) Requirement already satisfied: traitlets>=5 in d:\sw\python\3.8\lib\site-packages (from Ipython) (5.9.0) Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions in d:\sw\python\3.8\lib\site-packages (from Ipython) (4.7.1) Requirement already satisfied: colorama in c:\users\timeparity\appdata\roaming\python\python38\site-packages (from Ipython) (0.4.3) Requirement already satisfied: parso<0.9.0,>=0.8.3 in d:\sw\python\3.8\lib\site-packages (from jedi>=0.16->Ipython) (0.8.3) Requirement already satisfied: wcwidth in d:\sw\python\3.8\lib\site-packages (from prompt-toolkit!=3.0.37,<3.1.0,>=3.0.30->Ipython) (0.2.6) Requirement already satisfied: executing>=1.2.0 in d:\sw\python\3.8\lib\site-packages (from stack-data->Ipython) (1.2.0) Requirement already satisfied: asttokens>=2.1.0 in d:\sw\python\3.8\lib\site-packages (from stack-data->Ipython) (2.2.1) Requirement already satisfied: pure-eval in d:\sw\python\3.8\lib\site-packages (from stack-data->Ipython) (0.2.2) Requirement already satisfied: six in c:\users\timeparity\appdata\roaming\python\python38\site-packages (from asttokens>=2.1.0->stack-data->Ipython) (1.14.0)
[notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.1.2 -> 23.2.1 [notice] To update, run: python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
#Import the required packages
import os
import calendar
from datetime import datetime
import math
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import display_markdown
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import IncrementalPCA
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, RandomizedSearchCV, StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, accuracy_score
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor
import xgboost as xgb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import plotly.graph_objects as go
Data Understanding, Preparation, and Pre-Processing¶
# reading the dataset
telecom = pd.read_csv("train.csv")
# summary of the dataset:, show_counts=True)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 69999 entries, 0 to 69998 Data columns (total 172 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 69999 non-null int64 1 circle_id 69999 non-null int64 2 loc_og_t2o_mou 69297 non-null float64 3 std_og_t2o_mou 69297 non-null float64 4 loc_ic_t2o_mou 69297 non-null float64 5 last_date_of_month_6 69999 non-null object 6 last_date_of_month_7 69600 non-null object 7 last_date_of_month_8 69266 non-null object 8 arpu_6 69999 non-null float64 9 arpu_7 69999 non-null float64 10 arpu_8 69999 non-null float64 11 onnet_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 12 onnet_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 13 onnet_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 14 offnet_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 15 offnet_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 16 offnet_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 17 roam_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 18 roam_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 19 roam_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 20 roam_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 21 roam_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 22 roam_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 23 loc_og_t2t_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 24 loc_og_t2t_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 25 loc_og_t2t_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 26 loc_og_t2m_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 27 loc_og_t2m_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 28 loc_og_t2m_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 29 loc_og_t2f_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 30 loc_og_t2f_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 31 loc_og_t2f_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 32 loc_og_t2c_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 33 loc_og_t2c_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 34 loc_og_t2c_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 35 loc_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 36 loc_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 37 loc_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 38 std_og_t2t_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 39 std_og_t2t_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 40 std_og_t2t_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 41 std_og_t2m_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 42 std_og_t2m_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 43 std_og_t2m_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 44 std_og_t2f_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 45 std_og_t2f_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 46 std_og_t2f_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 47 std_og_t2c_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 48 std_og_t2c_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 49 std_og_t2c_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 50 std_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 51 std_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 52 std_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 53 isd_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 54 isd_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 55 isd_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 56 spl_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 57 spl_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 58 spl_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 59 og_others_6 67231 non-null float64 60 og_others_7 67312 non-null float64 61 og_others_8 66296 non-null float64 62 total_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 63 total_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 64 total_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 65 loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 66 loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 67 loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 68 loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 69 loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 70 loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 71 loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 72 loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 73 loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 74 loc_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 75 loc_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 76 loc_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 77 std_ic_t2t_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 78 std_ic_t2t_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 79 std_ic_t2t_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 80 std_ic_t2m_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 81 std_ic_t2m_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 82 std_ic_t2m_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 83 std_ic_t2f_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 84 std_ic_t2f_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 85 std_ic_t2f_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 86 std_ic_t2o_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 87 std_ic_t2o_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 88 std_ic_t2o_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 89 std_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 90 std_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 91 std_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 92 total_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 93 total_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 94 total_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 95 spl_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 96 spl_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 97 spl_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 98 isd_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 99 isd_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 100 isd_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 101 ic_others_6 67231 non-null float64 102 ic_others_7 67312 non-null float64 103 ic_others_8 66296 non-null float64 104 total_rech_num_6 69999 non-null int64 105 total_rech_num_7 69999 non-null int64 106 total_rech_num_8 69999 non-null int64 107 total_rech_amt_6 69999 non-null int64 108 total_rech_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 109 total_rech_amt_8 69999 non-null int64 110 max_rech_amt_6 69999 non-null int64 111 max_rech_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 112 max_rech_amt_8 69999 non-null int64 113 date_of_last_rech_6 68898 non-null object 114 date_of_last_rech_7 68765 non-null object 115 date_of_last_rech_8 67538 non-null object 116 last_day_rch_amt_6 69999 non-null int64 117 last_day_rch_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 118 last_day_rch_amt_8 69999 non-null int64 119 date_of_last_rech_data_6 17568 non-null object 120 date_of_last_rech_data_7 17865 non-null object 121 date_of_last_rech_data_8 18417 non-null object 122 total_rech_data_6 17568 non-null float64 123 total_rech_data_7 17865 non-null float64 124 total_rech_data_8 18417 non-null float64 125 max_rech_data_6 17568 non-null float64 126 max_rech_data_7 17865 non-null float64 127 max_rech_data_8 18417 non-null float64 128 count_rech_2g_6 17568 non-null float64 129 count_rech_2g_7 17865 non-null float64 130 count_rech_2g_8 18417 non-null float64 131 count_rech_3g_6 17568 non-null float64 132 count_rech_3g_7 17865 non-null float64 133 count_rech_3g_8 18417 non-null float64 134 av_rech_amt_data_6 17568 non-null float64 135 av_rech_amt_data_7 17865 non-null float64 136 av_rech_amt_data_8 18417 non-null float64 137 vol_2g_mb_6 69999 non-null float64 138 vol_2g_mb_7 69999 non-null float64 139 vol_2g_mb_8 69999 non-null float64 140 vol_3g_mb_6 69999 non-null float64 141 vol_3g_mb_7 69999 non-null float64 142 vol_3g_mb_8 69999 non-null float64 143 arpu_3g_6 17568 non-null float64 144 arpu_3g_7 17865 non-null float64 145 arpu_3g_8 18417 non-null float64 146 arpu_2g_6 17568 non-null float64 147 arpu_2g_7 17865 non-null float64 148 arpu_2g_8 18417 non-null float64 149 night_pck_user_6 17568 non-null float64 150 night_pck_user_7 17865 non-null float64 151 night_pck_user_8 18417 non-null float64 152 monthly_2g_6 69999 non-null int64 153 monthly_2g_7 69999 non-null int64 154 monthly_2g_8 69999 non-null int64 155 sachet_2g_6 69999 non-null int64 156 sachet_2g_7 69999 non-null int64 157 sachet_2g_8 69999 non-null int64 158 monthly_3g_6 69999 non-null int64 159 monthly_3g_7 69999 non-null int64 160 monthly_3g_8 69999 non-null int64 161 sachet_3g_6 69999 non-null int64 162 sachet_3g_7 69999 non-null int64 163 sachet_3g_8 69999 non-null int64 164 fb_user_6 17568 non-null float64 165 fb_user_7 17865 non-null float64 166 fb_user_8 18417 non-null float64 167 aon 69999 non-null int64 168 aug_vbc_3g 69999 non-null float64 169 jul_vbc_3g 69999 non-null float64 170 jun_vbc_3g 69999 non-null float64 171 churn_probability 69999 non-null int64 dtypes: float64(135), int64(28), object(9) memory usage: 91.9+ MB
# view the top 5 rows of the data
id | circle_id | loc_og_t2o_mou | std_og_t2o_mou | loc_ic_t2o_mou | last_date_of_month_6 | last_date_of_month_7 | last_date_of_month_8 | arpu_6 | arpu_7 | ... | sachet_3g_7 | sachet_3g_8 | fb_user_6 | fb_user_7 | fb_user_8 | aon | aug_vbc_3g | jul_vbc_3g | jun_vbc_3g | churn_probability | |
0 | 0 | 109 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 6/30/2014 | 7/31/2014 | 8/31/2014 | 31.277 | 87.009 | ... | 0 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1958 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 109 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 6/30/2014 | 7/31/2014 | 8/31/2014 | 0.000 | 122.787 | ... | 0 | 0 | NaN | 1.0 | NaN | 710 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 |
2 | 2 | 109 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 6/30/2014 | 7/31/2014 | 8/31/2014 | 60.806 | 103.176 | ... | 0 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 882 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 |
3 | 3 | 109 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 6/30/2014 | 7/31/2014 | 8/31/2014 | 156.362 | 205.260 | ... | 0 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 982 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 |
4 | 4 | 109 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 6/30/2014 | 7/31/2014 | 8/31/2014 | 240.708 | 128.191 | ... | 1 | 0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 647 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 |
5 rows × 172 columns
Understand Data dictionary¶
#function to plot data as table
def PlotAsTable(df, figName):
print(f"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n Note: If you dont see the table '{figName}' below,\n please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) \n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
display_markdown(f'''#### {figName} ''', raw=True)
display_markdown("---", raw=True)
display_markdown(df.to_markdown(index = False), raw=True)
#return df.to_markdown(index = False)
# read the data dictonary
data_dict = pd.read_csv("data_dictionary.csv")
PlotAsTable(data_dict, "Data Dictionary" )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'Data Dictionary' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Data Dictionary¶
Acronyms | Description |
CIRCLE_ID | Telecom circle area to which the customer belongs to |
LOC | Local calls within same telecom circle |
STD | STD calls outside the calling circle |
IC | Incoming calls |
OG | Outgoing calls |
T2T | Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile |
T2M | Operator T to other operator mobile |
T2O | Operator T to other operator fixed line |
T2F | Operator T to fixed lines of T |
T2C | Operator T to its own call center |
ARPU | Average revenue per user |
MOU | Minutes of usage voice calls |
AON | Age on network number of days the customer is using the operator T network |
ONNET | All kind of calls within the same operator network |
OFFNET | All kind of calls outside the operator T network |
ROAM | Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call |
SPL | Special calls |
ISD | ISD calls |
RECH | Recharge |
NUM | Number |
AMT | Amount in local currency |
MAX | Maximum |
DATA | Mobile internet |
3G | G network |
AV | Average |
VOL | Mobile internet usage volume in MB |
2G | G network |
PCK | Prepaid service schemes called PACKS |
NIGHT | Scheme to use during specific night hours only |
MONTHLY | Service schemes with validity equivalent to a month |
SACHET | Service schemes with validity smaller than a month |
*.6 | KPI for the month of June |
*.7 | KPI for the month of July |
*.8 | KPI for the month of August |
FB_USER | Service scheme to avail services of Facebook and similar social networking sites |
VBC | Volume based cost when no specific scheme is not purchased and paid as per usage |
From the Data Dictionary we know:¶
1. "ALL" the below 9 object indicate datetime and and should be converted to datetime¶
last_date_of_month_6, last_date_of_month_7, last_date_of_month_8,¶
date_of_last_rech_6, date_of_last_rech_7, date_of_last_rech_8¶
date_of_last_rech_data_6, date_of_last_rech_data_7, date_of_last_rech_data_8¶
2. Following columns names are not consistent with naming, we would rename to be consistent¶
aug_vbc_3g jul_vbc_3g jun_vbc_3g¶
3. The total recharge amount for data is missing, it can calculated based on Total Data Recharge Count * Average data recharge amount¶
# Convert followng columns to datetime
# last_date_of_month_6, last_date_of_month_7, last_date_of_month_8,
# date_of_last_rech_6, date_of_last_rech_7, date_of_last_rech_8
# date_of_last_rech_data_6, date_of_last_rech_data_7, date_of_last_rech_data_8
dateColumns = telecom.select_dtypes(include='object')
#function that converts required columns to datetime
def ConvertDateTimeColumns(df):
for dCol in dateColumns.columns:
df[dCol] = pd.to_datetime(df[dCol])
#update the datetime columns
#Rename Columns with Meaning full Names
# aug_vbc_3g jul_vbc_3g jun_vbc_3g
#function that renames required columns
def ApplyMeaningfulName(df):
df.rename(columns={'jun_vbc_3g': 'vbc_3g_6', 'jul_vbc_3g': 'vbc_3g_7', 'aug_vbc_3g': 'vbc_3g_8'}, inplace=True)
def ShowSummary(df):, show_counts=True)
# summary of the updated dataset:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 69999 entries, 0 to 69998 Data columns (total 172 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 69999 non-null int64 1 circle_id 69999 non-null int64 2 loc_og_t2o_mou 69297 non-null float64 3 std_og_t2o_mou 69297 non-null float64 4 loc_ic_t2o_mou 69297 non-null float64 5 last_date_of_month_6 69999 non-null datetime64[ns] 6 last_date_of_month_7 69600 non-null datetime64[ns] 7 last_date_of_month_8 69266 non-null datetime64[ns] 8 arpu_6 69999 non-null float64 9 arpu_7 69999 non-null float64 10 arpu_8 69999 non-null float64 11 onnet_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 12 onnet_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 13 onnet_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 14 offnet_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 15 offnet_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 16 offnet_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 17 roam_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 18 roam_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 19 roam_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 20 roam_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 21 roam_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 22 roam_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 23 loc_og_t2t_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 24 loc_og_t2t_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 25 loc_og_t2t_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 26 loc_og_t2m_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 27 loc_og_t2m_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 28 loc_og_t2m_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 29 loc_og_t2f_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 30 loc_og_t2f_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 31 loc_og_t2f_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 32 loc_og_t2c_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 33 loc_og_t2c_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 34 loc_og_t2c_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 35 loc_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 36 loc_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 37 loc_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 38 std_og_t2t_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 39 std_og_t2t_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 40 std_og_t2t_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 41 std_og_t2m_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 42 std_og_t2m_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 43 std_og_t2m_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 44 std_og_t2f_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 45 std_og_t2f_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 46 std_og_t2f_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 47 std_og_t2c_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 48 std_og_t2c_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 49 std_og_t2c_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 50 std_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 51 std_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 52 std_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 53 isd_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 54 isd_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 55 isd_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 56 spl_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 57 spl_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 58 spl_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 59 og_others_6 67231 non-null float64 60 og_others_7 67312 non-null float64 61 og_others_8 66296 non-null float64 62 total_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 63 total_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 64 total_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 65 loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 66 loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 67 loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 68 loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 69 loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 70 loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 71 loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 72 loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 73 loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 74 loc_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 75 loc_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 76 loc_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 77 std_ic_t2t_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 78 std_ic_t2t_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 79 std_ic_t2t_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 80 std_ic_t2m_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 81 std_ic_t2m_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 82 std_ic_t2m_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 83 std_ic_t2f_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 84 std_ic_t2f_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 85 std_ic_t2f_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 86 std_ic_t2o_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 87 std_ic_t2o_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 88 std_ic_t2o_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 89 std_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 90 std_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 91 std_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 92 total_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 93 total_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 94 total_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 95 spl_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 96 spl_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 97 spl_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 98 isd_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 99 isd_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 100 isd_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 101 ic_others_6 67231 non-null float64 102 ic_others_7 67312 non-null float64 103 ic_others_8 66296 non-null float64 104 total_rech_num_6 69999 non-null int64 105 total_rech_num_7 69999 non-null int64 106 total_rech_num_8 69999 non-null int64 107 total_rech_amt_6 69999 non-null int64 108 total_rech_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 109 total_rech_amt_8 69999 non-null int64 110 max_rech_amt_6 69999 non-null int64 111 max_rech_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 112 max_rech_amt_8 69999 non-null int64 113 date_of_last_rech_6 68898 non-null datetime64[ns] 114 date_of_last_rech_7 68765 non-null datetime64[ns] 115 date_of_last_rech_8 67538 non-null datetime64[ns] 116 last_day_rch_amt_6 69999 non-null int64 117 last_day_rch_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 118 last_day_rch_amt_8 69999 non-null int64 119 date_of_last_rech_data_6 17568 non-null datetime64[ns] 120 date_of_last_rech_data_7 17865 non-null datetime64[ns] 121 date_of_last_rech_data_8 18417 non-null datetime64[ns] 122 total_rech_data_6 17568 non-null float64 123 total_rech_data_7 17865 non-null float64 124 total_rech_data_8 18417 non-null float64 125 max_rech_data_6 17568 non-null float64 126 max_rech_data_7 17865 non-null float64 127 max_rech_data_8 18417 non-null float64 128 count_rech_2g_6 17568 non-null float64 129 count_rech_2g_7 17865 non-null float64 130 count_rech_2g_8 18417 non-null float64 131 count_rech_3g_6 17568 non-null float64 132 count_rech_3g_7 17865 non-null float64 133 count_rech_3g_8 18417 non-null float64 134 av_rech_amt_data_6 17568 non-null float64 135 av_rech_amt_data_7 17865 non-null float64 136 av_rech_amt_data_8 18417 non-null float64 137 vol_2g_mb_6 69999 non-null float64 138 vol_2g_mb_7 69999 non-null float64 139 vol_2g_mb_8 69999 non-null float64 140 vol_3g_mb_6 69999 non-null float64 141 vol_3g_mb_7 69999 non-null float64 142 vol_3g_mb_8 69999 non-null float64 143 arpu_3g_6 17568 non-null float64 144 arpu_3g_7 17865 non-null float64 145 arpu_3g_8 18417 non-null float64 146 arpu_2g_6 17568 non-null float64 147 arpu_2g_7 17865 non-null float64 148 arpu_2g_8 18417 non-null float64 149 night_pck_user_6 17568 non-null float64 150 night_pck_user_7 17865 non-null float64 151 night_pck_user_8 18417 non-null float64 152 monthly_2g_6 69999 non-null int64 153 monthly_2g_7 69999 non-null int64 154 monthly_2g_8 69999 non-null int64 155 sachet_2g_6 69999 non-null int64 156 sachet_2g_7 69999 non-null int64 157 sachet_2g_8 69999 non-null int64 158 monthly_3g_6 69999 non-null int64 159 monthly_3g_7 69999 non-null int64 160 monthly_3g_8 69999 non-null int64 161 sachet_3g_6 69999 non-null int64 162 sachet_3g_7 69999 non-null int64 163 sachet_3g_8 69999 non-null int64 164 fb_user_6 17568 non-null float64 165 fb_user_7 17865 non-null float64 166 fb_user_8 18417 non-null float64 167 aon 69999 non-null int64 168 vbc_3g_8 69999 non-null float64 169 vbc_3g_7 69999 non-null float64 170 vbc_3g_6 69999 non-null float64 171 churn_probability 69999 non-null int64 dtypes: datetime64[ns](9), float64(135), int64(28) memory usage: 91.9 MB
id | circle_id | loc_og_t2o_mou | std_og_t2o_mou | loc_ic_t2o_mou | arpu_6 | arpu_7 | arpu_8 | onnet_mou_6 | onnet_mou_7 | ... | sachet_3g_7 | sachet_3g_8 | fb_user_6 | fb_user_7 | fb_user_8 | aon | vbc_3g_8 | vbc_3g_7 | vbc_3g_6 | churn_probability | |
count | 69999.000000 | 69999.0 | 69297.0 | 69297.0 | 69297.0 | 69999.000000 | 69999.000000 | 69999.000000 | 67231.000000 | 67312.000000 | ... | 69999.000000 | 69999.000000 | 17568.000000 | 17865.000000 | 18417.000000 | 69999.000000 | 69999.000000 | 69999.000000 | 69999.00000 | 69999.000000 |
mean | 34999.000000 | 109.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 283.134365 | 278.185912 | 278.858826 | 133.153275 | 133.894438 | ... | 0.081444 | 0.085487 | 0.916325 | 0.909544 | 0.890319 | 1220.639709 | 68.108597 | 65.935830 | 60.07674 | 0.101887 |
std | 20207.115084 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 334.213918 | 344.366927 | 351.924315 | 299.963093 | 311.277193 | ... | 0.634547 | 0.680035 | 0.276907 | 0.286842 | 0.312501 | 952.426321 | 269.328659 | 267.899034 | 257.22681 | 0.302502 |
min | 0.000000 | 109.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | -2258.709000 | -1289.715000 | -945.808000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 180.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.00000 | 0.000000 |
25% | 17499.500000 | 109.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 93.581000 | 86.714000 | 84.095000 | 7.410000 | 6.675000 | ... | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 468.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.00000 | 0.000000 |
50% | 34999.000000 | 109.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 197.484000 | 191.588000 | 192.234000 | 34.110000 | 32.280000 | ... | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 868.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.00000 | 0.000000 |
75% | 52498.500000 | 109.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 370.791000 | 365.369500 | 369.909000 | 119.390000 | 115.837500 | ... | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1813.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.00000 | 0.000000 |
max | 69998.000000 | 109.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 27731.088000 | 35145.834000 | 33543.624000 | 7376.710000 | 8157.780000 | ... | 33.000000 | 41.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 4337.000000 | 12916.220000 | 9165.600000 | 11166.21000 | 1.000000 |
8 rows × 163 columns
colDesrciption = []
data_dict['Acronyms'] = data_dict['Acronyms'].str.replace(" ","")
for colName in telecom.columns:
colDescr = ""
acronymDescription = data_dict.loc[data_dict['Acronyms'] == colName.upper()].head(1)
if (not acronymDescription.empty):
colDescr = f"{acronymDescription.iloc[0]['Description']}"
for acronyms in colName.split("_"):
acronymDescription = data_dict.loc[data_dict['Acronyms'] == acronyms.upper()].head(1)
if (not acronymDescription.empty):
colDescr = f" {colDescr} {acronyms}: {acronymDescription.iloc[0]['Description']},"
elif (acronyms in ["6" , "7", "8"]):
colDescr = f" {colDescr} {acronyms}: {calendar.month_name[int(acronyms)]},"
elif (acronyms == "fb"):
colDescr = f" {colDescr} fb_user: Service scheme to avail services of Facebook and similar social networking sites"
columnDescription = pd.DataFrame({'ColumnName': telecom.columns, 'Description':colDesrciption})
PlotAsTable(columnDescription, "Column Description" )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'Column Description' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Column Description¶
ColumnName | Description |
id | |
circle_id | Telecom circle area to which the customer belongs to |
loc_og_t2o_mou | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, |
std_og_t2o_mou | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, |
loc_ic_t2o_mou | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, |
last_date_of_month_6 | 6: June, |
last_date_of_month_7 | 7: July, |
last_date_of_month_8 | 8: August, |
arpu_6 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 6: June, |
arpu_7 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 7: July, |
arpu_8 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 8: August, |
onnet_mou_6 | onnet: All kind of calls within the same operator network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
onnet_mou_7 | onnet: All kind of calls within the same operator network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
onnet_mou_8 | onnet: All kind of calls within the same operator network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
offnet_mou_6 | offnet: All kind of calls outside the operator T network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
offnet_mou_7 | offnet: All kind of calls outside the operator T network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
offnet_mou_8 | offnet: All kind of calls outside the operator T network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
roam_ic_mou_6 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
roam_ic_mou_7 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
roam_ic_mou_8 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
roam_og_mou_6 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
roam_og_mou_7 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
roam_og_mou_8 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_og_t2f_mou_6 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_og_t2f_mou_7 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_og_t2f_mou_8 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_og_t2c_mou_6 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_og_t2c_mou_7 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_og_t2c_mou_8 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_og_mou_6 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_og_mou_7 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_og_mou_8 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_og_t2m_mou_8 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_og_t2f_mou_6 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_og_t2f_mou_7 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_og_t2f_mou_8 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_og_t2c_mou_6 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_og_t2c_mou_7 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_og_t2c_mou_8 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_og_mou_6 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_og_mou_7 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_og_mou_8 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
isd_og_mou_6 | isd: ISD calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
isd_og_mou_7 | isd: ISD calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
isd_og_mou_8 | isd: ISD calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
spl_og_mou_6 | spl: Special calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
spl_og_mou_7 | spl: Special calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
spl_og_mou_8 | spl: Special calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
og_others_6 | og: Outgoing calls, 6: June, |
og_others_7 | og: Outgoing calls, 7: July, |
og_others_8 | og: Outgoing calls, 8: August, |
total_og_mou_6 | og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
total_og_mou_7 | og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
total_og_mou_8 | og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_ic_mou_6 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_ic_mou_7 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_ic_mou_8 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_ic_t2t_mou_6 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_ic_t2t_mou_7 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_ic_t2t_mou_8 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_ic_t2m_mou_6 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_ic_t2m_mou_7 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_ic_t2m_mou_8 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_ic_t2f_mou_6 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_ic_t2f_mou_7 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_ic_t2f_mou_8 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_ic_t2o_mou_6 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_ic_t2o_mou_7 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_ic_t2o_mou_8 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_ic_mou_6 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_ic_mou_7 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_ic_mou_8 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
total_ic_mou_6 | ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
total_ic_mou_7 | ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
total_ic_mou_8 | ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
spl_ic_mou_6 | spl: Special calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
spl_ic_mou_7 | spl: Special calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
spl_ic_mou_8 | spl: Special calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
isd_ic_mou_6 | isd: ISD calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
isd_ic_mou_7 | isd: ISD calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
isd_ic_mou_8 | isd: ISD calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
ic_others_6 | ic: Incoming calls, 6: June, |
ic_others_7 | ic: Incoming calls, 7: July, |
ic_others_8 | ic: Incoming calls, 8: August, |
total_rech_num_6 | rech: Recharge, num: Number, 6: June, |
total_rech_num_7 | rech: Recharge, num: Number, 7: July, |
total_rech_num_8 | rech: Recharge, num: Number, 8: August, |
total_rech_amt_6 | rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 6: June, |
total_rech_amt_7 | rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 7: July, |
total_rech_amt_8 | rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 8: August, |
max_rech_amt_6 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 6: June, |
max_rech_amt_7 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 7: July, |
max_rech_amt_8 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 8: August, |
date_of_last_rech_6 | rech: Recharge, 6: June, |
date_of_last_rech_7 | rech: Recharge, 7: July, |
date_of_last_rech_8 | rech: Recharge, 8: August, |
last_day_rch_amt_6 | amt: Amount in local currency, 6: June, |
last_day_rch_amt_7 | amt: Amount in local currency, 7: July, |
last_day_rch_amt_8 | amt: Amount in local currency, 8: August, |
date_of_last_rech_data_6 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 6: June, |
date_of_last_rech_data_7 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 7: July, |
date_of_last_rech_data_8 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 8: August, |
total_rech_data_6 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 6: June, |
total_rech_data_7 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 7: July, |
total_rech_data_8 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 8: August, |
max_rech_data_6 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 6: June, |
max_rech_data_7 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 7: July, |
max_rech_data_8 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 8: August, |
count_rech_2g_6 | rech: Recharge, 2g: G network, 6: June, |
count_rech_2g_7 | rech: Recharge, 2g: G network, 7: July, |
count_rech_2g_8 | rech: Recharge, 2g: G network, 8: August, |
count_rech_3g_6 | rech: Recharge, 3g: G network, 6: June, |
count_rech_3g_7 | rech: Recharge, 3g: G network, 7: July, |
count_rech_3g_8 | rech: Recharge, 3g: G network, 8: August, |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | av: Average, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, data: Mobile internet, 6: June, |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | av: Average, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, data: Mobile internet, 7: July, |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | av: Average, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, data: Mobile internet, 8: August, |
vol_2g_mb_6 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 2g: G network, 6: June, |
vol_2g_mb_7 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 2g: G network, 7: July, |
vol_2g_mb_8 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 2g: G network, 8: August, |
vol_3g_mb_6 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 3g: G network, 6: June, |
vol_3g_mb_7 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 3g: G network, 7: July, |
vol_3g_mb_8 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 3g: G network, 8: August, |
arpu_3g_6 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 3g: G network, 6: June, |
arpu_3g_7 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 3g: G network, 7: July, |
arpu_3g_8 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 3g: G network, 8: August, |
arpu_2g_6 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 2g: G network, 6: June, |
arpu_2g_7 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 2g: G network, 7: July, |
arpu_2g_8 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 2g: G network, 8: August, |
night_pck_user_6 | night: Scheme to use during specific night hours only, pck: Prepaid service schemes called PACKS, 6: June, |
night_pck_user_7 | night: Scheme to use during specific night hours only, pck: Prepaid service schemes called PACKS, 7: July, |
night_pck_user_8 | night: Scheme to use during specific night hours only, pck: Prepaid service schemes called PACKS, 8: August, |
monthly_2g_6 | monthly: Service schemes with validity equivalent to a month, 2g: G network, 6: June, |
monthly_2g_7 | monthly: Service schemes with validity equivalent to a month, 2g: G network, 7: July, |
monthly_2g_8 | monthly: Service schemes with validity equivalent to a month, 2g: G network, 8: August, |
sachet_2g_6 | sachet: Service schemes with validity smaller than a month, 2g: G network, 6: June, |
sachet_2g_7 | sachet: Service schemes with validity smaller than a month, 2g: G network, 7: July, |
sachet_2g_8 | sachet: Service schemes with validity smaller than a month, 2g: G network, 8: August, |
monthly_3g_6 | monthly: Service schemes with validity equivalent to a month, 3g: G network, 6: June, |
monthly_3g_7 | monthly: Service schemes with validity equivalent to a month, 3g: G network, 7: July, |
monthly_3g_8 | monthly: Service schemes with validity equivalent to a month, 3g: G network, 8: August, |
sachet_3g_6 | sachet: Service schemes with validity smaller than a month, 3g: G network, 6: June, |
sachet_3g_7 | sachet: Service schemes with validity smaller than a month, 3g: G network, 7: July, |
sachet_3g_8 | sachet: Service schemes with validity smaller than a month, 3g: G network, 8: August, |
fb_user_6 | fb_user: Service scheme to avail services of Facebook and similar social networking sites 6: June, |
fb_user_7 | fb_user: Service scheme to avail services of Facebook and similar social networking sites 7: July, |
fb_user_8 | fb_user: Service scheme to avail services of Facebook and similar social networking sites 8: August, |
aon | Age on network number of days the customer is using the operator T network |
vbc_3g_8 | vbc: Volume based cost when no specific scheme is not purchased and paid as per usage, 3g: G network, 8: August, |
vbc_3g_7 | vbc: Volume based cost when no specific scheme is not purchased and paid as per usage, 3g: G network, 7: July, |
vbc_3g_6 | vbc: Volume based cost when no specific scheme is not purchased and paid as per usage, 3g: G network, 6: June, |
churn_probability |
# see the top 5 rows of the data
id | circle_id | loc_og_t2o_mou | std_og_t2o_mou | loc_ic_t2o_mou | last_date_of_month_6 | last_date_of_month_7 | last_date_of_month_8 | arpu_6 | arpu_7 | ... | sachet_3g_7 | sachet_3g_8 | fb_user_6 | fb_user_7 | fb_user_8 | aon | vbc_3g_8 | vbc_3g_7 | vbc_3g_6 | churn_probability | |
0 | 0 | 109 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2014-06-30 | 2014-07-31 | 2014-08-31 | 31.277 | 87.009 | ... | 0 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1958 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 109 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2014-06-30 | 2014-07-31 | 2014-08-31 | 0.000 | 122.787 | ... | 0 | 0 | NaN | 1.0 | NaN | 710 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 |
2 | 2 | 109 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2014-06-30 | 2014-07-31 | 2014-08-31 | 60.806 | 103.176 | ... | 0 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 882 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 |
3 | 3 | 109 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2014-06-30 | 2014-07-31 | 2014-08-31 | 156.362 | 205.260 | ... | 0 | 0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 982 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 |
4 | 4 | 109 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2014-06-30 | 2014-07-31 | 2014-08-31 | 240.708 | 128.191 | ... | 1 | 0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 647 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0 |
5 rows × 172 columns
Check for missing values¶
def ReturnColumnsMissingPercentage(df):
missing = df.isnull().sum() * 100 / len(df) = "MissingPercentage"
missing = missing.to_frame().reset_index()
return missing
percent_missing = ReturnColumnsMissingPercentage(telecom)
percent_missing["Description"] = columnDescription["Description"]
PlotAsTable(percent_missing.sort_values(by=['MissingPercentage'], ascending = False), "Missing Percentage")
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'Missing Percentage' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Missing Percentage¶
index | MissingPercentage | Description |
arpu_3g_6 | 74.9025 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 3g: G network, 6: June, |
count_rech_2g_6 | 74.9025 | rech: Recharge, 2g: G network, 6: June, |
night_pck_user_6 | 74.9025 | night: Scheme to use during specific night hours only, pck: Prepaid service schemes called PACKS, 6: June, |
arpu_2g_6 | 74.9025 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 2g: G network, 6: June, |
date_of_last_rech_data_6 | 74.9025 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 6: June, |
total_rech_data_6 | 74.9025 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 6: June, |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | 74.9025 | av: Average, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, data: Mobile internet, 6: June, |
max_rech_data_6 | 74.9025 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 6: June, |
count_rech_3g_6 | 74.9025 | rech: Recharge, 3g: G network, 6: June, |
fb_user_6 | 74.9025 | fb_user: Service scheme to avail services of Facebook and similar social networking sites 6: June, |
night_pck_user_7 | 74.4782 | night: Scheme to use during specific night hours only, pck: Prepaid service schemes called PACKS, 7: July, |
date_of_last_rech_data_7 | 74.4782 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 7: July, |
total_rech_data_7 | 74.4782 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 7: July, |
max_rech_data_7 | 74.4782 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 7: July, |
fb_user_7 | 74.4782 | fb_user: Service scheme to avail services of Facebook and similar social networking sites 7: July, |
count_rech_2g_7 | 74.4782 | rech: Recharge, 2g: G network, 7: July, |
count_rech_3g_7 | 74.4782 | rech: Recharge, 3g: G network, 7: July, |
arpu_3g_7 | 74.4782 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 3g: G network, 7: July, |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | 74.4782 | av: Average, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, data: Mobile internet, 7: July, |
arpu_2g_7 | 74.4782 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 2g: G network, 7: July, |
count_rech_2g_8 | 73.6896 | rech: Recharge, 2g: G network, 8: August, |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | 73.6896 | av: Average, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, data: Mobile internet, 8: August, |
night_pck_user_8 | 73.6896 | night: Scheme to use during specific night hours only, pck: Prepaid service schemes called PACKS, 8: August, |
max_rech_data_8 | 73.6896 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 8: August, |
total_rech_data_8 | 73.6896 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 8: August, |
arpu_2g_8 | 73.6896 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 2g: G network, 8: August, |
arpu_3g_8 | 73.6896 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 3g: G network, 8: August, |
date_of_last_rech_data_8 | 73.6896 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 8: August, |
fb_user_8 | 73.6896 | fb_user: Service scheme to avail services of Facebook and similar social networking sites 8: August, |
count_rech_3g_8 | 73.6896 | rech: Recharge, 3g: G network, 8: August, |
isd_og_mou_8 | 5.29008 | isd: ISD calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_ic_t2o_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_og_t2c_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_og_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_ic_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
og_others_8 | 5.29008 | og: Outgoing calls, 8: August, |
spl_og_mou_8 | 5.29008 | spl: Special calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_ic_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_og_t2f_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_og_t2c_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
ic_others_8 | 5.29008 | ic: Incoming calls, 8: August, |
loc_og_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
onnet_mou_8 | 5.29008 | onnet: All kind of calls within the same operator network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
offnet_mou_8 | 5.29008 | offnet: All kind of calls outside the operator T network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
roam_ic_mou_8 | 5.29008 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
roam_og_mou_8 | 5.29008 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_og_t2f_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_og_t2m_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
isd_ic_mou_8 | 5.29008 | isd: ISD calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
spl_ic_mou_8 | 5.29008 | spl: Special calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_ic_t2m_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_ic_t2t_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
ic_others_6 | 3.95434 | ic: Incoming calls, 6: June, |
loc_ic_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_ic_t2f_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
isd_ic_mou_6 | 3.95434 | isd: ISD calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_ic_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
spl_ic_mou_6 | 3.95434 | spl: Special calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_ic_t2o_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
isd_og_mou_6 | 3.95434 | isd: ISD calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_og_t2f_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_og_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_og_t2c_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_og_t2c_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_og_t2f_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_og_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
spl_og_mou_6 | 3.95434 | spl: Special calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
onnet_mou_6 | 3.95434 | onnet: All kind of calls within the same operator network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
roam_ic_mou_6 | 3.95434 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
og_others_6 | 3.95434 | og: Outgoing calls, 6: June, |
roam_og_mou_6 | 3.95434 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
offnet_mou_6 | 3.95434 | offnet: All kind of calls outside the operator T network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
roam_og_mou_7 | 3.83863 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
ic_others_7 | 3.83863 | ic: Incoming calls, 7: July, |
loc_og_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
onnet_mou_7 | 3.83863 | onnet: All kind of calls within the same operator network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_og_t2f_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_og_t2c_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
offnet_mou_7 | 3.83863 | offnet: All kind of calls outside the operator T network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
roam_ic_mou_7 | 3.83863 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
isd_ic_mou_7 | 3.83863 | isd: ISD calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_ic_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
spl_og_mou_7 | 3.83863 | spl: Special calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
isd_og_mou_7 | 3.83863 | isd: ISD calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_og_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_ic_t2f_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_ic_t2o_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_og_t2c_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_ic_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_og_t2f_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
og_others_7 | 3.83863 | og: Outgoing calls, 7: July, |
spl_ic_mou_7 | 3.83863 | spl: Special calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
date_of_last_rech_8 | 3.51576 | rech: Recharge, 8: August, |
date_of_last_rech_7 | 1.76288 | rech: Recharge, 7: July, |
date_of_last_rech_6 | 1.57288 | rech: Recharge, 6: June, |
last_date_of_month_8 | 1.04716 | 8: August, |
loc_ic_t2o_mou | 1.00287 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, |
std_og_t2o_mou | 1.00287 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, |
loc_og_t2o_mou | 1.00287 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, |
last_date_of_month_7 | 0.570008 | 7: July, |
vol_3g_mb_8 | 0 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 3g: G network, 8: August, |
aon | 0 | Age on network number of days the customer is using the operator T network |
vbc_3g_8 | 0 | vbc: Volume based cost when no specific scheme is not purchased and paid as per usage, 3g: G network, 8: August, |
vbc_3g_7 | 0 | vbc: Volume based cost when no specific scheme is not purchased and paid as per usage, 3g: G network, 7: July, |
vbc_3g_6 | 0 | vbc: Volume based cost when no specific scheme is not purchased and paid as per usage, 3g: G network, 6: June, |
sachet_3g_8 | 0 | sachet: Service schemes with validity smaller than a month, 3g: G network, 8: August, |
sachet_3g_7 | 0 | sachet: Service schemes with validity smaller than a month, 3g: G network, 7: July, |
sachet_3g_6 | 0 | sachet: Service schemes with validity smaller than a month, 3g: G network, 6: June, |
monthly_2g_6 | 0 | monthly: Service schemes with validity equivalent to a month, 2g: G network, 6: June, |
monthly_2g_7 | 0 | monthly: Service schemes with validity equivalent to a month, 2g: G network, 7: July, |
monthly_2g_8 | 0 | monthly: Service schemes with validity equivalent to a month, 2g: G network, 8: August, |
sachet_2g_6 | 0 | sachet: Service schemes with validity smaller than a month, 2g: G network, 6: June, |
sachet_2g_7 | 0 | sachet: Service schemes with validity smaller than a month, 2g: G network, 7: July, |
sachet_2g_8 | 0 | sachet: Service schemes with validity smaller than a month, 2g: G network, 8: August, |
monthly_3g_8 | 0 | monthly: Service schemes with validity equivalent to a month, 3g: G network, 8: August, |
monthly_3g_7 | 0 | monthly: Service schemes with validity equivalent to a month, 3g: G network, 7: July, |
monthly_3g_6 | 0 | monthly: Service schemes with validity equivalent to a month, 3g: G network, 6: June, |
id | 0 | |
vol_3g_mb_7 | 0 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 3g: G network, 7: July, |
total_rech_num_7 | 0 | rech: Recharge, num: Number, 7: July, |
last_date_of_month_6 | 0 | 6: June, |
arpu_6 | 0 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 6: June, |
arpu_7 | 0 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 7: July, |
arpu_8 | 0 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 8: August, |
total_og_mou_6 | 0 | og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
total_og_mou_7 | 0 | og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
total_og_mou_8 | 0 | og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
circle_id | 0 | Telecom circle area to which the customer belongs to |
total_ic_mou_6 | 0 | ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
total_ic_mou_7 | 0 | ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
total_ic_mou_8 | 0 | ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
total_rech_num_6 | 0 | rech: Recharge, num: Number, 6: June, |
total_rech_num_8 | 0 | rech: Recharge, num: Number, 8: August, |
vol_3g_mb_6 | 0 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 3g: G network, 6: June, |
total_rech_amt_6 | 0 | rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 6: June, |
total_rech_amt_7 | 0 | rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 7: July, |
total_rech_amt_8 | 0 | rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 8: August, |
max_rech_amt_6 | 0 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 6: June, |
max_rech_amt_7 | 0 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 7: July, |
max_rech_amt_8 | 0 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 8: August, |
last_day_rch_amt_6 | 0 | amt: Amount in local currency, 6: June, |
last_day_rch_amt_7 | 0 | amt: Amount in local currency, 7: July, |
last_day_rch_amt_8 | 0 | amt: Amount in local currency, 8: August, |
vol_2g_mb_6 | 0 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 2g: G network, 6: June, |
vol_2g_mb_7 | 0 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 2g: G network, 7: July, |
vol_2g_mb_8 | 0 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 2g: G network, 8: August, |
churn_probability | 0 |
We have more than 70 % missing data for many columns, lets further look into them¶
def GetHighMissingCols(df):
high_missing = df.loc[(df["MissingPercentage"] > 70.0)]["index"]
return high_missing
high_missing_cols = GetHighMissingCols(percent_missing)
total_rech_data_6 | total_rech_data_7 | total_rech_data_8 | max_rech_data_6 | max_rech_data_7 | max_rech_data_8 | count_rech_2g_6 | count_rech_2g_7 | count_rech_2g_8 | count_rech_3g_6 | ... | arpu_3g_8 | arpu_2g_6 | arpu_2g_7 | arpu_2g_8 | night_pck_user_6 | night_pck_user_7 | night_pck_user_8 | fb_user_6 | fb_user_7 | fb_user_8 | |
count | 17568.000000 | 17865.000000 | 18417.000000 | 17568.000000 | 17865.000000 | 18417.000000 | 17568.000000 | 17865.000000 | 18417.000000 | 17568.000000 | ... | 18417.000000 | 17568.000000 | 17865.000000 | 18417.000000 | 17568.000000 | 17865.000000 | 18417.000000 | 17568.000000 | 17865.000000 | 18417.000000 |
mean | 2.467612 | 2.679989 | 2.652441 | 126.500000 | 126.402071 | 125.374925 | 1.865323 | 2.056311 | 2.016018 | 0.602288 | ... | 90.618564 | 86.863900 | 85.846074 | 86.348404 | 0.025273 | 0.024069 | 0.021013 | 0.916325 | 0.909544 | 0.890319 |
std | 2.794610 | 3.073472 | 3.101265 | 109.352573 | 109.459266 | 109.648799 | 2.566377 | 2.799916 | 2.728246 | 1.279297 | ... | 189.907986 | 171.321203 | 178.067280 | 170.297094 | 0.156958 | 0.153269 | 0.143432 | 0.276907 | 0.286842 | 0.312501 |
min | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | ... | -24.490000 | -35.830000 | -13.090000 | -55.830000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
25% | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 25.000000 | 25.000000 | 25.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 |
50% | 1.000000 | 2.000000 | 1.000000 | 145.000000 | 145.000000 | 145.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.840000 | 11.300000 | 8.800000 | 9.090000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 |
75% | 3.000000 | 3.000000 | 3.000000 | 177.000000 | 177.000000 | 179.000000 | 2.000000 | 2.000000 | 2.000000 | 1.000000 | ... | 122.070000 | 122.070000 | 122.070000 | 122.070000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 |
max | 61.000000 | 54.000000 | 60.000000 | 1555.000000 | 1555.000000 | 1555.000000 | 42.000000 | 48.000000 | 44.000000 | 29.000000 | ... | 3716.900000 | 5054.350000 | 4809.360000 | 3483.170000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 |
8 rows × 27 columns
Imputation: We notice that a lot of "recharge" related columns have missing values, however this could indicate no recharge. Also the minimum recharge is atleast 1, hence we can safely impute 0 to indicate no recharge¶
recharge_cols_missing = ['total_rech_data_6','total_rech_data_7','total_rech_data_8',
def ReplaceRechargeColsForNoRecharge(df):
for col in recharge_cols_missing:
df[col] = df[col].replace(np.NaN,0.0)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 69999 entries, 0 to 69998 Data columns (total 172 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 69999 non-null int64 1 circle_id 69999 non-null int64 2 loc_og_t2o_mou 69297 non-null float64 3 std_og_t2o_mou 69297 non-null float64 4 loc_ic_t2o_mou 69297 non-null float64 5 last_date_of_month_6 69999 non-null datetime64[ns] 6 last_date_of_month_7 69600 non-null datetime64[ns] 7 last_date_of_month_8 69266 non-null datetime64[ns] 8 arpu_6 69999 non-null float64 9 arpu_7 69999 non-null float64 10 arpu_8 69999 non-null float64 11 onnet_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 12 onnet_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 13 onnet_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 14 offnet_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 15 offnet_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 16 offnet_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 17 roam_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 18 roam_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 19 roam_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 20 roam_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 21 roam_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 22 roam_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 23 loc_og_t2t_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 24 loc_og_t2t_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 25 loc_og_t2t_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 26 loc_og_t2m_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 27 loc_og_t2m_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 28 loc_og_t2m_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 29 loc_og_t2f_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 30 loc_og_t2f_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 31 loc_og_t2f_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 32 loc_og_t2c_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 33 loc_og_t2c_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 34 loc_og_t2c_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 35 loc_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 36 loc_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 37 loc_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 38 std_og_t2t_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 39 std_og_t2t_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 40 std_og_t2t_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 41 std_og_t2m_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 42 std_og_t2m_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 43 std_og_t2m_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 44 std_og_t2f_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 45 std_og_t2f_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 46 std_og_t2f_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 47 std_og_t2c_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 48 std_og_t2c_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 49 std_og_t2c_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 50 std_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 51 std_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 52 std_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 53 isd_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 54 isd_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 55 isd_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 56 spl_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 57 spl_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 58 spl_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 59 og_others_6 67231 non-null float64 60 og_others_7 67312 non-null float64 61 og_others_8 66296 non-null float64 62 total_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 63 total_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 64 total_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 65 loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 66 loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 67 loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 68 loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 69 loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 70 loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 71 loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 72 loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 73 loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 74 loc_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 75 loc_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 76 loc_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 77 std_ic_t2t_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 78 std_ic_t2t_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 79 std_ic_t2t_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 80 std_ic_t2m_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 81 std_ic_t2m_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 82 std_ic_t2m_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 83 std_ic_t2f_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 84 std_ic_t2f_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 85 std_ic_t2f_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 86 std_ic_t2o_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 87 std_ic_t2o_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 88 std_ic_t2o_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 89 std_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 90 std_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 91 std_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 92 total_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 93 total_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 94 total_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 95 spl_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 96 spl_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 97 spl_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 98 isd_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 99 isd_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 100 isd_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 101 ic_others_6 67231 non-null float64 102 ic_others_7 67312 non-null float64 103 ic_others_8 66296 non-null float64 104 total_rech_num_6 69999 non-null int64 105 total_rech_num_7 69999 non-null int64 106 total_rech_num_8 69999 non-null int64 107 total_rech_amt_6 69999 non-null int64 108 total_rech_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 109 total_rech_amt_8 69999 non-null int64 110 max_rech_amt_6 69999 non-null int64 111 max_rech_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 112 max_rech_amt_8 69999 non-null int64 113 date_of_last_rech_6 68898 non-null datetime64[ns] 114 date_of_last_rech_7 68765 non-null datetime64[ns] 115 date_of_last_rech_8 67538 non-null datetime64[ns] 116 last_day_rch_amt_6 69999 non-null int64 117 last_day_rch_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 118 last_day_rch_amt_8 69999 non-null int64 119 date_of_last_rech_data_6 17568 non-null datetime64[ns] 120 date_of_last_rech_data_7 17865 non-null datetime64[ns] 121 date_of_last_rech_data_8 18417 non-null datetime64[ns] 122 total_rech_data_6 69999 non-null float64 123 total_rech_data_7 69999 non-null float64 124 total_rech_data_8 69999 non-null float64 125 max_rech_data_6 17568 non-null float64 126 max_rech_data_7 17865 non-null float64 127 max_rech_data_8 18417 non-null float64 128 count_rech_2g_6 17568 non-null float64 129 count_rech_2g_7 17865 non-null float64 130 count_rech_2g_8 18417 non-null float64 131 count_rech_3g_6 17568 non-null float64 132 count_rech_3g_7 17865 non-null float64 133 count_rech_3g_8 18417 non-null float64 134 av_rech_amt_data_6 69999 non-null float64 135 av_rech_amt_data_7 69999 non-null float64 136 av_rech_amt_data_8 69999 non-null float64 137 vol_2g_mb_6 69999 non-null float64 138 vol_2g_mb_7 69999 non-null float64 139 vol_2g_mb_8 69999 non-null float64 140 vol_3g_mb_6 69999 non-null float64 141 vol_3g_mb_7 69999 non-null float64 142 vol_3g_mb_8 69999 non-null float64 143 arpu_3g_6 17568 non-null float64 144 arpu_3g_7 17865 non-null float64 145 arpu_3g_8 18417 non-null float64 146 arpu_2g_6 17568 non-null float64 147 arpu_2g_7 17865 non-null float64 148 arpu_2g_8 18417 non-null float64 149 night_pck_user_6 17568 non-null float64 150 night_pck_user_7 17865 non-null float64 151 night_pck_user_8 18417 non-null float64 152 monthly_2g_6 69999 non-null int64 153 monthly_2g_7 69999 non-null int64 154 monthly_2g_8 69999 non-null int64 155 sachet_2g_6 69999 non-null int64 156 sachet_2g_7 69999 non-null int64 157 sachet_2g_8 69999 non-null int64 158 monthly_3g_6 69999 non-null int64 159 monthly_3g_7 69999 non-null int64 160 monthly_3g_8 69999 non-null int64 161 sachet_3g_6 69999 non-null int64 162 sachet_3g_7 69999 non-null int64 163 sachet_3g_8 69999 non-null int64 164 fb_user_6 17568 non-null float64 165 fb_user_7 17865 non-null float64 166 fb_user_8 18417 non-null float64 167 aon 69999 non-null int64 168 vbc_3g_8 69999 non-null float64 169 vbc_3g_7 69999 non-null float64 170 vbc_3g_6 69999 non-null float64 171 churn_probability 69999 non-null int64 dtypes: datetime64[ns](9), float64(135), int64(28) memory usage: 91.9 MB
Calculate the new column total recharge amount for data¶
# Calclate new column total recharge amount for data: av_rech_amt_data * total_rech_data
#function that create total recharge amount data columns
def CreateTotalRechAmtDataCols(df):
df['total_rech_amt_data_6'] = df.av_rech_amt_data_6 * df.total_rech_data_6
df['total_rech_amt_data_7'] = df.av_rech_amt_data_7 * df.total_rech_data_7
df['total_rech_amt_data_8'] = df.av_rech_amt_data_8 * df.total_rech_data_8
id | circle_id | loc_og_t2o_mou | std_og_t2o_mou | loc_ic_t2o_mou | arpu_6 | arpu_7 | arpu_8 | onnet_mou_6 | onnet_mou_7 | ... | fb_user_7 | fb_user_8 | aon | vbc_3g_8 | vbc_3g_7 | vbc_3g_6 | churn_probability | total_rech_amt_data_6 | total_rech_amt_data_7 | total_rech_amt_data_8 | |
count | 69999.000000 | 69999.0 | 69297.0 | 69297.0 | 69297.0 | 69999.000000 | 69999.000000 | 69999.000000 | 67231.000000 | 67312.000000 | ... | 17865.000000 | 18417.000000 | 69999.000000 | 69999.000000 | 69999.000000 | 69999.00000 | 69999.000000 | 69999.000000 | 69999.000000 | 69999.000000 |
mean | 34999.000000 | 109.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 283.134365 | 278.185912 | 278.858826 | 133.153275 | 133.894438 | ... | 0.909544 | 0.890319 | 1220.639709 | 68.108597 | 65.935830 | 60.07674 | 0.101887 | 148.479217 | 172.524819 | 174.246063 |
std | 20207.115084 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 334.213918 | 344.366927 | 351.924315 | 299.963093 | 311.277193 | ... | 0.286842 | 0.312501 | 952.426321 | 269.328659 | 267.899034 | 257.22681 | 0.302502 | 749.012768 | 856.608088 | 950.062467 |
min | 0.000000 | 109.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | -2258.709000 | -1289.715000 | -945.808000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | ... | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 180.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.00000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
25% | 17499.500000 | 109.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 93.581000 | 86.714000 | 84.095000 | 7.410000 | 6.675000 | ... | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 468.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.00000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
50% | 34999.000000 | 109.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 197.484000 | 191.588000 | 192.234000 | 34.110000 | 32.280000 | ... | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 868.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.00000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 |
75% | 52498.500000 | 109.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 370.791000 | 365.369500 | 369.909000 | 119.390000 | 115.837500 | ... | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 1813.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.00000 | 0.000000 | 8.000000 | 17.000000 | 23.000000 |
max | 69998.000000 | 109.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 27731.088000 | 35145.834000 | 33543.624000 | 7376.710000 | 8157.780000 | ... | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 4337.000000 | 12916.220000 | 9165.600000 | 11166.21000 | 1.000000 | 55296.000000 | 55080.000000 | 89106.500000 |
8 rows × 166 columns
Outliers handling¶
# Looking at percentage change in quantiles from 0.90 to 1.
id | circle_id | loc_og_t2o_mou | std_og_t2o_mou | loc_ic_t2o_mou | arpu_6 | arpu_7 | arpu_8 | onnet_mou_6 | onnet_mou_7 | ... | fb_user_7 | fb_user_8 | aon | vbc_3g_8 | vbc_3g_7 | vbc_3g_6 | churn_probability | total_rech_amt_data_6 | total_rech_amt_data_7 | total_rech_amt_data_8 | |
0.90 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
0.91 | 1.111111 | 0.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 4.970850 | 4.990188 | 5.248189 | 10.298192 | 11.130098 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2.477794 | 27.306350 | 31.963279 | 35.718403 | 0.0 | 21.571429 | 24.378109 | 16.959064 |
0.92 | 1.098901 | 0.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 5.703631 | 5.634585 | 5.256292 | 11.239908 | 11.448114 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2.195598 | 25.946633 | 27.303828 | 33.892720 | 0.0 | 30.565348 | 26.250000 | 26.000000 |
0.93 | 1.086957 | 0.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 5.680925 | 5.910029 | 5.924859 | 11.943372 | 13.497708 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2.325581 | 24.003626 | 26.971221 | 27.669429 | 0.0 | 30.570000 | 20.396040 | 20.634921 |
0.94 | 1.075269 | 0.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 6.607158 | 6.577676 | 6.579162 | 12.993759 | 12.366308 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2.774064 | 19.297762 | 23.583173 | 25.689157 | 0.0 | 16.412652 | 2.796053 | 7.934211 |
0.95 | 1.063830 | 0.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 7.351036 | 6.813125 | 7.713418 | 15.242778 | 14.358922 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.073171 | 21.997345 | 24.254644 | 24.376770 | 0.0 | 8.881579 | 32.480000 | 26.173351 |
0.96 | 1.052632 | 0.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 8.854929 | 8.621163 | 8.733821 | 15.851487 | 16.191411 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2.799228 | 21.862164 | 23.784269 | 23.877501 | 0.0 | 35.951662 | 21.739130 | 21.739130 |
0.97 | 1.041667 | 0.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 10.224539 | 10.894776 | 11.223482 | 19.346926 | 19.910985 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 2.943975 | 22.982795 | 24.874736 | 25.757914 | 0.0 | 25.020000 | 36.309524 | 34.523810 |
0.98 | 1.030928 | 0.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 13.780994 | 15.277179 | 15.809976 | 24.525635 | 23.282082 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 5.957325 | 27.939425 | 27.944374 | 29.701912 | 0.0 | 43.998294 | 44.445415 | 41.156342 |
0.99 | 1.020408 | 0.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 23.277141 | 23.774021 | 24.538377 | 36.179259 | 36.974049 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 4.763271 | 37.793688 | 42.087037 | 46.972044 | 0.0 | 61.457562 | 52.417518 | 54.592285 |
1.00 | 1.010101 | 0.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN | 1880.400673 | 2383.995203 | 2221.270031 | 409.758841 | 451.745305 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 18.789373 | 952.958612 | 630.746509 | 839.704838 | 0.0 | 2013.761468 | 1720.826446 | 2911.351731 |
11 rows × 166 columns
# Columns with outliers
def CalculateOutlierColumns(df, perc):
pct_change_99_1 = telecom.quantile(np.arange(perc,1.01,0.01)).pct_change().mul(100).iloc[-1]
outlier_condition = pct_change_99_1 > 100
return pct_change_99_1[outlier_condition].index.values
def HandleOutliers(data, perc = 0.9, quant = 0.99):
# capping outliers to 99th percentile values
outlier_treatment = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Column', 'Outlier Threshold', 'Outliers replaced'])
columns_with_outliers = CalculateOutlierColumns(data, perc)
print('Columns with outliers :\n', columns_with_outliers)
for col in columns_with_outliers :
outlier_threshold = data[col].quantile(quant)
condition = data[col] > outlier_threshold
outlier_treatment = outlier_treatment.append({'Column' : col , 'Outlier Threshold' : outlier_threshold, 'Outliers replaced' : data.loc[condition,col].shape[0] }, ignore_index=True)
data.loc[condition, col] = outlier_threshold
PlotAsTable(outlier_treatment, f"Outliers handled(above {str(quant * 100)} percentile)")
Drop Columns with very high missing values¶
#check for columns with high missing values and drop them
percent_missing = ReturnColumnsMissingPercentage(telecom)
high_missing_cols = GetHighMissingCols(percent_missing)
high_missing_df = telecom.loc[:,high_missing_cols]
def DropHighMissingColumns(df):
df.drop(high_missing_df.columns, axis=1, inplace=True)
#Plot the missing percentage
percent_missing = ReturnColumnsMissingPercentage(telecom)
percent_missing["Description"] = columnDescription["Description"]
PlotAsTable(percent_missing, "Missing Percentage(After Imputation & dropping >70% missing columns)")
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'Missing Percentage(After Imputation & dropping >70% missing columns)' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Missing Percentage(After Imputation & dropping >70% missing columns)¶
index | MissingPercentage | Description |
id | 0 | |
circle_id | 0 | Telecom circle area to which the customer belongs to |
loc_og_t2o_mou | 1.00287 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, |
std_og_t2o_mou | 1.00287 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, |
loc_ic_t2o_mou | 1.00287 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, |
last_date_of_month_6 | 0 | 6: June, |
last_date_of_month_7 | 0.570008 | 7: July, |
last_date_of_month_8 | 1.04716 | 8: August, |
arpu_6 | 0 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 6: June, |
arpu_7 | 0 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 7: July, |
arpu_8 | 0 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 8: August, |
onnet_mou_6 | 3.95434 | onnet: All kind of calls within the same operator network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
onnet_mou_7 | 3.83863 | onnet: All kind of calls within the same operator network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
onnet_mou_8 | 5.29008 | onnet: All kind of calls within the same operator network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
offnet_mou_6 | 3.95434 | offnet: All kind of calls outside the operator T network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
offnet_mou_7 | 3.83863 | offnet: All kind of calls outside the operator T network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
offnet_mou_8 | 5.29008 | offnet: All kind of calls outside the operator T network, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
roam_ic_mou_6 | 3.95434 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
roam_ic_mou_7 | 3.83863 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
roam_ic_mou_8 | 5.29008 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
roam_og_mou_6 | 3.95434 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
roam_og_mou_7 | 3.83863 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
roam_og_mou_8 | 5.29008 | roam: Indicates that customer is in roaming zone during the call, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_og_t2f_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_og_t2f_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_og_t2f_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_og_t2c_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_og_t2c_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_og_t2c_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_og_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_og_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_og_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_og_t2m_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_og_t2f_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_og_t2f_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_og_t2f_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_og_t2c_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_og_t2c_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_og_t2c_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, t2c: Operator T to its own call center, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_og_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_og_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_og_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
isd_og_mou_6 | 3.95434 | isd: ISD calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
isd_og_mou_7 | 3.83863 | isd: ISD calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
isd_og_mou_8 | 5.29008 | isd: ISD calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
spl_og_mou_6 | 3.95434 | spl: Special calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
spl_og_mou_7 | 3.83863 | spl: Special calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
spl_og_mou_8 | 5.29008 | spl: Special calls, og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
og_others_6 | 3.95434 | og: Outgoing calls, 6: June, |
og_others_7 | 3.83863 | og: Outgoing calls, 7: July, |
og_others_8 | 5.29008 | og: Outgoing calls, 8: August, |
total_og_mou_6 | 0 | og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
total_og_mou_7 | 0 | og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
total_og_mou_8 | 0 | og: Outgoing calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
loc_ic_mou_6 | 3.95434 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
loc_ic_mou_7 | 3.83863 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
loc_ic_mou_8 | 5.29008 | loc: Local calls within same telecom circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_ic_t2t_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2t: Operator T to T ie within same operator mobile to mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_ic_t2m_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2m: Operator T to other operator mobile, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_ic_t2f_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_ic_t2f_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2f: Operator T to fixed lines of T, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_ic_t2o_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_ic_t2o_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_ic_t2o_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, t2o: Operator T to other operator fixed line, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
std_ic_mou_6 | 3.95434 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
std_ic_mou_7 | 3.83863 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
std_ic_mou_8 | 5.29008 | std: STD calls outside the calling circle, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
total_ic_mou_6 | 0 | ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
total_ic_mou_7 | 0 | ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
total_ic_mou_8 | 0 | ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
spl_ic_mou_6 | 3.95434 | spl: Special calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
spl_ic_mou_7 | 3.83863 | spl: Special calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
spl_ic_mou_8 | 5.29008 | spl: Special calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
isd_ic_mou_6 | 3.95434 | isd: ISD calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 6: June, |
isd_ic_mou_7 | 3.83863 | isd: ISD calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 7: July, |
isd_ic_mou_8 | 5.29008 | isd: ISD calls, ic: Incoming calls, mou: Minutes of usage voice calls, 8: August, |
ic_others_6 | 3.95434 | ic: Incoming calls, 6: June, |
ic_others_7 | 3.83863 | ic: Incoming calls, 7: July, |
ic_others_8 | 5.29008 | ic: Incoming calls, 8: August, |
total_rech_num_6 | 0 | rech: Recharge, num: Number, 6: June, |
total_rech_num_7 | 0 | rech: Recharge, num: Number, 7: July, |
total_rech_num_8 | 0 | rech: Recharge, num: Number, 8: August, |
total_rech_amt_6 | 0 | rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 6: June, |
total_rech_amt_7 | 0 | rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 7: July, |
total_rech_amt_8 | 0 | rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 8: August, |
max_rech_amt_6 | 0 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 6: June, |
max_rech_amt_7 | 0 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 7: July, |
max_rech_amt_8 | 0 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, 8: August, |
date_of_last_rech_6 | 1.57288 | rech: Recharge, 6: June, |
date_of_last_rech_7 | 1.76288 | rech: Recharge, 7: July, |
date_of_last_rech_8 | 3.51576 | rech: Recharge, 8: August, |
last_day_rch_amt_6 | 0 | amt: Amount in local currency, 6: June, |
last_day_rch_amt_7 | 0 | amt: Amount in local currency, 7: July, |
last_day_rch_amt_8 | 0 | amt: Amount in local currency, 8: August, |
total_rech_data_6 | 0 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 6: June, |
total_rech_data_7 | 0 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 7: July, |
total_rech_data_8 | 0 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 8: August, |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | 0 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 6: June, |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | 0 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 7: July, |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | 0 | rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 8: August, |
vol_2g_mb_6 | 0 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 6: June, |
vol_2g_mb_7 | 0 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 7: July, |
vol_2g_mb_8 | 0 | max: Maximum, rech: Recharge, data: Mobile internet, 8: August, |
vol_3g_mb_6 | 0 | rech: Recharge, 2g: G network, 6: June, |
vol_3g_mb_7 | 0 | rech: Recharge, 2g: G network, 7: July, |
vol_3g_mb_8 | 0 | rech: Recharge, 2g: G network, 8: August, |
monthly_2g_6 | 0 | rech: Recharge, 3g: G network, 6: June, |
monthly_2g_7 | 0 | rech: Recharge, 3g: G network, 7: July, |
monthly_2g_8 | 0 | rech: Recharge, 3g: G network, 8: August, |
sachet_2g_6 | 0 | av: Average, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, data: Mobile internet, 6: June, |
sachet_2g_7 | 0 | av: Average, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, data: Mobile internet, 7: July, |
sachet_2g_8 | 0 | av: Average, rech: Recharge, amt: Amount in local currency, data: Mobile internet, 8: August, |
monthly_3g_6 | 0 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 2g: G network, 6: June, |
monthly_3g_7 | 0 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 2g: G network, 7: July, |
monthly_3g_8 | 0 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 2g: G network, 8: August, |
sachet_3g_6 | 0 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 3g: G network, 6: June, |
sachet_3g_7 | 0 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 3g: G network, 7: July, |
sachet_3g_8 | 0 | vol: Mobile internet usage volume in MB, 3g: G network, 8: August, |
aon | 0 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 3g: G network, 6: June, |
vbc_3g_8 | 0 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 3g: G network, 7: July, |
vbc_3g_7 | 0 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 3g: G network, 8: August, |
vbc_3g_6 | 0 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 2g: G network, 6: June, |
churn_probability | 0 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 2g: G network, 7: July, |
total_rech_amt_data_6 | 0 | arpu: Average revenue per user, 2g: G network, 8: August, |
total_rech_amt_data_7 | 0 | night: Scheme to use during specific night hours only, pck: Prepaid service schemes called PACKS, 6: June, |
total_rech_amt_data_8 | 0 | night: Scheme to use during specific night hours only, pck: Prepaid service schemes called PACKS, 7: July, |
Exploratory Data Analysis¶
# Checking information about data.
def metadata_display(df, sort_by="Null_Percentage", sortAsc = False) :
return pd.DataFrame({
'Columns' : df.columns,
'Datatype' : df.dtypes.astype(str),
'Non_Null_Count': df.count(axis = 0).astype(int),
'Null_Count': df.isnull().sum().astype(int),
'Null_Percentage': round(df.isnull().sum()/len(df) * 100 , 2),
'Unique_Values_Count': df.nunique().astype(int)
}).sort_values(by=sort_by, ascending=sortAsc)
PlotAsTable(metadata_display(telecom, "Unique_Values_Count", True), "Telecom Metadata (Sorted by Unique Values)")
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'Telecom Metadata (Sorted by Unique Values)' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Telecom Metadata (Sorted by Unique Values)¶
Columns | Datatype | Non_Null_Count | Null_Count | Null_Percentage | Unique_Values_Count |
std_og_t2c_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 1 |
circle_id | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
loc_og_t2o_mou | float64 | 69297 | 702 | 1 | 1 |
std_og_t2o_mou | float64 | 69297 | 702 | 1 | 1 |
loc_ic_t2o_mou | float64 | 69297 | 702 | 1 | 1 |
last_date_of_month_6 | datetime64[ns] | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
last_date_of_month_7 | datetime64[ns] | 69600 | 399 | 0.57 | 1 |
last_date_of_month_8 | datetime64[ns] | 69266 | 733 | 1.05 | 1 |
std_ic_t2o_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 1 |
std_ic_t2o_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 1 |
std_ic_t2o_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 1 |
std_og_t2c_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 1 |
std_og_t2c_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 1 |
churn_probability | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
monthly_2g_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
monthly_2g_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
monthly_2g_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
monthly_3g_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 10 |
monthly_3g_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 12 |
monthly_3g_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 13 |
sachet_3g_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 23 |
sachet_3g_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 26 |
sachet_3g_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 28 |
date_of_last_rech_6 | datetime64[ns] | 68898 | 1101 | 1.57 | 30 |
sachet_2g_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 30 |
date_of_last_rech_8 | datetime64[ns] | 67538 | 2461 | 3.52 | 31 |
date_of_last_rech_7 | datetime64[ns] | 68765 | 1234 | 1.76 | 31 |
sachet_2g_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 32 |
sachet_2g_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 33 |
total_rech_data_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 37 |
total_rech_data_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 42 |
total_rech_data_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 45 |
spl_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 78 |
total_rech_num_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 92 |
total_rech_num_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 94 |
spl_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 95 |
total_rech_num_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 96 |
spl_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 103 |
og_others_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 148 |
last_day_rch_amt_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 166 |
max_rech_amt_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 178 |
og_others_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 179 |
last_day_rch_amt_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 179 |
max_rech_amt_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 190 |
last_day_rch_amt_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 191 |
max_rech_amt_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 202 |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 793 |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 838 |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 856 |
og_others_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 914 |
isd_og_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 1008 |
isd_og_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 1084 |
isd_og_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 1103 |
total_rech_amt_data_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 1398 |
total_rech_amt_data_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 1490 |
total_rech_amt_data_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 1521 |
ic_others_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 1523 |
ic_others_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 1565 |
ic_others_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 1658 |
std_og_t2f_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 1945 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 1945 |
std_og_t2f_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 1991 |
std_og_t2f_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 2074 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 2103 |
total_rech_amt_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 2108 |
total_rech_amt_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 2147 |
total_rech_amt_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 2149 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 2204 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 2583 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 2624 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 2695 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 3311 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 3365 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 3376 |
aon | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 3455 |
spl_og_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 3503 |
spl_og_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 3827 |
spl_og_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 3848 |
roam_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 4240 |
roam_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 4252 |
isd_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 4421 |
isd_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 4640 |
isd_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 4694 |
roam_og_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 5215 |
roam_og_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 5305 |
roam_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 5306 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 5323 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 5367 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 5479 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 6092 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 6200 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 6287 |
roam_og_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 6568 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 7906 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 7931 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 8033 |
vbc_3g_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 9617 |
vol_3g_mb_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 9768 |
std_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 9876 |
std_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 9939 |
std_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 10112 |
vbc_3g_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 10257 |
vol_3g_mb_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 10296 |
vbc_3g_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 10609 |
vol_3g_mb_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 10663 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 11296 |
vol_2g_mb_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 11359 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 11359 |
vol_2g_mb_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 11443 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 11446 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 11491 |
vol_2g_mb_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 11494 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 11595 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 11637 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 14483 |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 14554 |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 14745 |
std_og_t2m_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 15968 |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 16059 |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 16234 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 17616 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 17641 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 17848 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 18945 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 19022 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 19034 |
onnet_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 19725 |
onnet_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 20057 |
onnet_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 20076 |
std_og_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 21745 |
std_og_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 21837 |
loc_og_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 21950 |
loc_og_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 22012 |
std_og_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 22088 |
loc_og_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 22309 |
loc_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 24182 |
loc_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 24258 |
loc_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 24442 |
offnet_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 25995 |
offnet_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 26139 |
offnet_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 26254 |
total_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 27318 |
total_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 27418 |
total_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 27432 |
total_og_mou_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 32897 |
total_og_mou_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 33135 |
total_og_mou_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 33195 |
arpu_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 60194 |
arpu_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 61425 |
arpu_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 61615 |
id | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 69999 |
Dropping features with only one unique value as they will not add any value to our model building and analysis¶
unique_val_cols =['circle_id', 'loc_og_t2o_mou', 'std_og_t2o_mou', 'loc_ic_t2o_mou',
'last_date_of_month_6', 'last_date_of_month_7', 'last_date_of_month_8',
'std_og_t2c_mou_6', 'std_og_t2c_mou_7',
'std_og_t2c_mou_8', 'std_ic_t2o_mou_6',
'std_ic_t2o_mou_7', 'std_ic_t2o_mou_8']
def DropUniqueValColumns(df):
df.drop(unique_val_cols, axis=1, inplace=True)
PlotAsTable(metadata_display(telecom, "Unique_Values_Count", True), "Telecom Metadata (Dropped All 1 Unique Value columns)")
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'Telecom Metadata (Dropped All 1 Unique Value columns)' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Telecom Metadata (Dropped All 1 Unique Value columns)¶
Columns | Datatype | Non_Null_Count | Null_Count | Null_Percentage | Unique_Values_Count |
churn_probability | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
monthly_2g_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
monthly_2g_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
monthly_2g_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
monthly_3g_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 10 |
monthly_3g_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 12 |
monthly_3g_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 13 |
sachet_3g_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 23 |
sachet_3g_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 26 |
sachet_3g_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 28 |
date_of_last_rech_6 | datetime64[ns] | 68898 | 1101 | 1.57 | 30 |
sachet_2g_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 30 |
date_of_last_rech_8 | datetime64[ns] | 67538 | 2461 | 3.52 | 31 |
date_of_last_rech_7 | datetime64[ns] | 68765 | 1234 | 1.76 | 31 |
sachet_2g_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 32 |
sachet_2g_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 33 |
total_rech_data_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 37 |
total_rech_data_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 42 |
total_rech_data_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 45 |
spl_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 78 |
total_rech_num_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 92 |
total_rech_num_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 94 |
spl_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 95 |
total_rech_num_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 96 |
spl_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 103 |
og_others_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 148 |
last_day_rch_amt_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 166 |
max_rech_amt_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 178 |
og_others_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 179 |
last_day_rch_amt_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 179 |
max_rech_amt_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 190 |
last_day_rch_amt_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 191 |
max_rech_amt_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 202 |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 793 |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 838 |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 856 |
og_others_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 914 |
isd_og_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 1008 |
isd_og_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 1084 |
isd_og_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 1103 |
total_rech_amt_data_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 1398 |
total_rech_amt_data_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 1490 |
total_rech_amt_data_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 1521 |
ic_others_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 1523 |
ic_others_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 1565 |
ic_others_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 1658 |
std_og_t2f_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 1945 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 1945 |
std_og_t2f_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 1991 |
std_og_t2f_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 2074 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 2103 |
total_rech_amt_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 2108 |
total_rech_amt_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 2147 |
total_rech_amt_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 2149 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 2204 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 2583 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 2624 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 2695 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 3311 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 3365 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 3376 |
aon | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 3455 |
spl_og_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 3503 |
spl_og_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 3827 |
spl_og_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 3848 |
roam_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 4240 |
roam_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 4252 |
isd_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 4421 |
isd_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 4640 |
isd_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 4694 |
roam_og_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 5215 |
roam_og_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 5305 |
roam_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 5306 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 5323 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 5367 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 5479 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 6092 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 6200 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 6287 |
roam_og_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 6568 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 7906 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 7931 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 8033 |
vbc_3g_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 9617 |
vol_3g_mb_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 9768 |
std_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 9876 |
std_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 9939 |
std_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 10112 |
vbc_3g_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 10257 |
vol_3g_mb_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 10296 |
vbc_3g_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 10609 |
vol_3g_mb_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 10663 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 11296 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 11359 |
vol_2g_mb_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 11359 |
vol_2g_mb_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 11443 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 11446 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 11491 |
vol_2g_mb_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 11494 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 11595 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 11637 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 14483 |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 14554 |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 14745 |
std_og_t2m_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 15968 |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 16059 |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 16234 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 17616 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 17641 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 17848 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 18945 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 19022 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 19034 |
onnet_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 19725 |
onnet_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 20057 |
onnet_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 20076 |
std_og_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 21745 |
std_og_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 21837 |
loc_og_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 21950 |
loc_og_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 22012 |
std_og_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 22088 |
loc_og_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 22309 |
loc_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 24182 |
loc_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 24258 |
loc_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 24442 |
offnet_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 25995 |
offnet_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 26139 |
offnet_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 26254 |
total_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 27318 |
total_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 27418 |
total_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 27432 |
total_og_mou_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 32897 |
total_og_mou_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 33135 |
total_og_mou_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 33195 |
arpu_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 60194 |
arpu_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 61425 |
arpu_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 61615 |
id | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 69999 |
#Converting columns into appropriate data types and extracting singe value columns.
# Columns with unique values < 29 are considered as categorical variables.
# The number 30 is arrived at, by looking at the above metadata output.
def IdentifyCategoricalColumns(data):
cat_col_df = metadata_display(data, "Unique_Values_Count", True)
cat_col_df = cat_col_df[cat_col_df["Unique_Values_Count"] < 30]
PlotAsTable(cat_col_df, "Categorical Columns")
return cat_col_df
cat_df = IdentifyCategoricalColumns(telecom)
change_to_cat = cat_df["Columns"]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'Categorical Columns' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Categorical Columns¶
Columns | Datatype | Non_Null_Count | Null_Count | Null_Percentage | Unique_Values_Count |
churn_probability | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
monthly_2g_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
monthly_2g_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
monthly_2g_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 6 |
monthly_3g_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 10 |
monthly_3g_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 12 |
monthly_3g_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 13 |
sachet_3g_6 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 23 |
sachet_3g_7 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 26 |
sachet_3g_8 | int64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 28 |
sachet_columns = telecom.filter(regex='.*sachet.*', axis=1).columns.values
# Converting all the above columns having <=29 unique values into categorical data type.
def ConverToCategorical(data, cat = change_to_cat):
data[cat]= data[cat].astype('category')
data[sachet_columns] = data[sachet_columns].astype('category')
HandleOutliers(telecom, 0.9, 0.99)
Columns with outliers : ['arpu_6' 'arpu_7' 'arpu_8' 'onnet_mou_6' 'onnet_mou_7' 'onnet_mou_8' 'offnet_mou_6' 'offnet_mou_7' 'offnet_mou_8' 'roam_ic_mou_6' 'roam_ic_mou_7' 'roam_ic_mou_8' 'roam_og_mou_6' 'roam_og_mou_7' 'roam_og_mou_8' 'loc_og_t2t_mou_6' 'loc_og_t2t_mou_7' 'loc_og_t2t_mou_8' 'loc_og_t2m_mou_6' 'loc_og_t2m_mou_7' 'loc_og_t2m_mou_8' 'loc_og_t2f_mou_6' 'loc_og_t2f_mou_7' 'loc_og_t2f_mou_8' 'loc_og_t2c_mou_6' 'loc_og_t2c_mou_7' 'loc_og_t2c_mou_8' 'loc_og_mou_6' 'loc_og_mou_7' 'loc_og_mou_8' 'std_og_t2t_mou_6' 'std_og_t2t_mou_7' 'std_og_t2t_mou_8' 'std_og_t2m_mou_6' 'std_og_t2m_mou_7' 'std_og_t2m_mou_8' 'std_og_t2f_mou_6' 'std_og_t2f_mou_7' 'std_og_t2f_mou_8' 'std_og_mou_6' 'std_og_mou_7' 'std_og_mou_8' 'isd_og_mou_6' 'isd_og_mou_7' 'isd_og_mou_8' 'spl_og_mou_6' 'spl_og_mou_7' 'spl_og_mou_8' 'og_others_6' 'og_others_7' 'og_others_8' 'total_og_mou_6' 'total_og_mou_7' 'total_og_mou_8' 'loc_ic_t2t_mou_6' 'loc_ic_t2t_mou_7' 'loc_ic_t2t_mou_8' 'loc_ic_t2m_mou_6' 'loc_ic_t2m_mou_7' 'loc_ic_t2m_mou_8' 'loc_ic_t2f_mou_6' 'loc_ic_t2f_mou_7' 'loc_ic_t2f_mou_8' 'loc_ic_mou_6' 'loc_ic_mou_7' 'loc_ic_mou_8' 'std_ic_t2t_mou_6' 'std_ic_t2t_mou_7' 'std_ic_t2t_mou_8' 'std_ic_t2m_mou_6' 'std_ic_t2m_mou_7' 'std_ic_t2m_mou_8' 'std_ic_t2f_mou_6' 'std_ic_t2f_mou_7' 'std_ic_t2f_mou_8' 'std_ic_mou_6' 'std_ic_mou_7' 'std_ic_mou_8' 'total_ic_mou_6' 'total_ic_mou_7' 'total_ic_mou_8' 'spl_ic_mou_6' 'spl_ic_mou_7' 'spl_ic_mou_8' 'isd_ic_mou_6' 'isd_ic_mou_7' 'isd_ic_mou_8' 'ic_others_6' 'ic_others_7' 'ic_others_8' 'total_rech_num_6' 'total_rech_num_7' 'total_rech_num_8' 'total_rech_amt_6' 'total_rech_amt_7' 'total_rech_amt_8' 'max_rech_amt_6' 'max_rech_amt_7' 'max_rech_amt_8' 'last_day_rch_amt_6' 'last_day_rch_amt_7' 'last_day_rch_amt_8' 'total_rech_data_6' 'total_rech_data_7' 'total_rech_data_8' 'av_rech_amt_data_6' 'av_rech_amt_data_7' 'av_rech_amt_data_8' 'vol_2g_mb_6' 'vol_2g_mb_7' 'vol_2g_mb_8' 'vol_3g_mb_6' 'vol_3g_mb_7' 'vol_3g_mb_8' 'vbc_3g_8' 'vbc_3g_7' 'vbc_3g_6' 'total_rech_amt_data_6' 'total_rech_amt_data_7' 'total_rech_amt_data_8'] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'Outliers handled(above 99.0 percentile)' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outliers handled(above 99.0 percentile)¶
Column | Outlier Threshold | Outliers replaced |
arpu_6 | 1400.28 | 700 |
arpu_7 | 1414.89 | 700 |
arpu_8 | 1445.05 | 700 |
onnet_mou_6 | 1447.1 | 673 |
onnet_mou_7 | 1478.54 | 674 |
onnet_mou_8 | 1472.48 | 663 |
offnet_mou_6 | 1546.47 | 673 |
offnet_mou_7 | 1545.1 | 674 |
offnet_mou_8 | 1522.47 | 663 |
roam_ic_mou_6 | 219.649 | 673 |
roam_ic_mou_7 | 153.007 | 674 |
roam_ic_mou_8 | 159.714 | 663 |
roam_og_mou_6 | 290.851 | 673 |
roam_og_mou_7 | 221.867 | 674 |
roam_og_mou_8 | 213.817 | 663 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | 548.148 | 673 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | 530.901 | 674 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | 526.528 | 663 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | 744.779 | 673 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | 723.736 | 674 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | 733.399 | 663 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_6 | 54.515 | 673 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_7 | 55.7545 | 674 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_8 | 54.884 | 663 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_6 | 20.287 | 673 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_7 | 23.6067 | 674 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_8 | 24.3425 | 663 |
loc_og_mou_6 | 1154.44 | 673 |
loc_og_mou_7 | 1130.44 | 674 |
loc_og_mou_8 | 1108.48 | 663 |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | 1232.31 | 673 |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | 1281.42 | 674 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | 1283.88 | 663 |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | 1250.53 | 673 |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | 1275.2 | 674 |
std_og_t2m_mou_8 | 1235.26 | 663 |
std_og_t2f_mou_6 | 25.53 | 672 |
std_og_t2f_mou_7 | 24.5045 | 674 |
std_og_t2f_mou_8 | 23.9505 | 663 |
std_og_mou_6 | 1881.72 | 673 |
std_og_mou_7 | 1915.99 | 674 |
std_og_mou_8 | 1924.51 | 663 |
isd_og_mou_6 | 8.43 | 672 |
isd_og_mou_7 | 8.4245 | 674 |
isd_og_mou_8 | 6.911 | 663 |
spl_og_mou_6 | 51.403 | 673 |
spl_og_mou_7 | 61.2778 | 674 |
spl_og_mou_8 | 60.5005 | 663 |
og_others_6 | 6.93 | 671 |
og_others_7 | 0 | 240 |
og_others_8 | 0 | 300 |
total_og_mou_6 | 2235.61 | 700 |
total_og_mou_7 | 2275.61 | 700 |
total_og_mou_8 | 2242.85 | 700 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | 488.36 | 673 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 486.413 | 674 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 468.483 | 663 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | 760.31 | 673 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 750.332 | 674 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 764.277 | 663 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 | 165.016 | 673 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 | 173.837 | 674 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 158.084 | 663 |
loc_ic_mou_6 | 1154.64 | 672 |
loc_ic_mou_7 | 1169.55 | 674 |
loc_ic_mou_8 | 1144.1 | 663 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_6 | 140.525 | 673 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 150.93 | 673 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 152.298 | 663 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_6 | 272.089 | 673 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 282.568 | 674 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 282.968 | 663 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_6 | 40.731 | 673 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_7 | 42.4867 | 674 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 38.7305 | 663 |
std_ic_mou_6 | 400.449 | 673 |
std_ic_mou_7 | 419.468 | 674 |
std_ic_mou_8 | 413.21 | 662 |
total_ic_mou_6 | 1366.03 | 699 |
total_ic_mou_7 | 1382.07 | 700 |
total_ic_mou_8 | 1353.3 | 700 |
spl_ic_mou_6 | 0.66 | 601 |
spl_ic_mou_7 | 0.64 | 657 |
spl_ic_mou_8 | 0.7 | 652 |
isd_ic_mou_6 | 165.436 | 673 |
isd_ic_mou_7 | 174.872 | 674 |
isd_ic_mou_8 | 176.07 | 663 |
ic_others_6 | 14.887 | 673 |
ic_others_7 | 16.6278 | 674 |
ic_others_8 | 16.4635 | 663 |
total_rech_num_6 | 35 | 665 |
total_rech_num_7 | 35 | 698 |
total_rech_num_8 | 35 | 695 |
total_rech_amt_6 | 1683.02 | 700 |
total_rech_amt_7 | 1712 | 699 |
total_rech_amt_8 | 1706.02 | 700 |
max_rech_amt_6 | 550 | 547 |
max_rech_amt_7 | 550 | 600 |
max_rech_amt_8 | 550 | 596 |
last_day_rch_amt_6 | 400 | 687 |
last_day_rch_amt_7 | 398 | 687 |
last_day_rch_amt_8 | 455 | 649 |
total_rech_data_6 | 9 | 579 |
total_rech_data_7 | 10 | 526 |
total_rech_data_8 | 10 | 528 |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | 505 | 692 |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | 554.02 | 700 |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | 556 | 696 |
vol_2g_mb_6 | 995.815 | 700 |
vol_2g_mb_7 | 999.26 | 700 |
vol_2g_mb_8 | 986.36 | 699 |
vol_3g_mb_6 | 2179.58 | 700 |
vol_3g_mb_7 | 2235.61 | 700 |
vol_3g_mb_8 | 2327.37 | 700 |
vbc_3g_8 | 1226.66 | 700 |
vbc_3g_7 | 1254.28 | 700 |
vbc_3g_6 | 1188.27 | 700 |
total_rech_amt_data_6 | 2616 | 699 |
total_rech_amt_data_7 | 3025 | 660 |
total_rech_amt_data_8 | 2959.02 | 700 |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 69999 entries, 0 to 69998 Data columns (total 138 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 69999 non-null int64 1 arpu_6 69999 non-null float64 2 arpu_7 69999 non-null float64 3 arpu_8 69999 non-null float64 4 onnet_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 5 onnet_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 6 onnet_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 7 offnet_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 8 offnet_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 9 offnet_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 10 roam_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 11 roam_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 12 roam_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 13 roam_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 14 roam_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 15 roam_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 16 loc_og_t2t_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 17 loc_og_t2t_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 18 loc_og_t2t_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 19 loc_og_t2m_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 20 loc_og_t2m_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 21 loc_og_t2m_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 22 loc_og_t2f_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 23 loc_og_t2f_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 24 loc_og_t2f_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 25 loc_og_t2c_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 26 loc_og_t2c_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 27 loc_og_t2c_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 28 loc_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 29 loc_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 30 loc_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 31 std_og_t2t_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 32 std_og_t2t_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 33 std_og_t2t_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 34 std_og_t2m_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 35 std_og_t2m_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 36 std_og_t2m_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 37 std_og_t2f_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 38 std_og_t2f_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 39 std_og_t2f_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 40 std_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 41 std_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 42 std_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 43 isd_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 44 isd_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 45 isd_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 46 spl_og_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 47 spl_og_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 48 spl_og_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 49 og_others_6 67231 non-null float64 50 og_others_7 67312 non-null float64 51 og_others_8 66296 non-null float64 52 total_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 53 total_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 54 total_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 55 loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 56 loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 57 loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 58 loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 59 loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 60 loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 61 loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 62 loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 63 loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 64 loc_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 65 loc_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 66 loc_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 67 std_ic_t2t_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 68 std_ic_t2t_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 69 std_ic_t2t_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 70 std_ic_t2m_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 71 std_ic_t2m_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 72 std_ic_t2m_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 73 std_ic_t2f_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 74 std_ic_t2f_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 75 std_ic_t2f_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 76 std_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 77 std_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 78 std_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 79 total_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 80 total_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 81 total_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 82 spl_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 83 spl_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 84 spl_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 85 isd_ic_mou_6 67231 non-null float64 86 isd_ic_mou_7 67312 non-null float64 87 isd_ic_mou_8 66296 non-null float64 88 ic_others_6 67231 non-null float64 89 ic_others_7 67312 non-null float64 90 ic_others_8 66296 non-null float64 91 total_rech_num_6 69999 non-null int64 92 total_rech_num_7 69999 non-null int64 93 total_rech_num_8 69999 non-null int64 94 total_rech_amt_6 69999 non-null float64 95 total_rech_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 96 total_rech_amt_8 69999 non-null float64 97 max_rech_amt_6 69999 non-null int64 98 max_rech_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 99 max_rech_amt_8 69999 non-null int64 100 date_of_last_rech_6 68898 non-null datetime64[ns] 101 date_of_last_rech_7 68765 non-null datetime64[ns] 102 date_of_last_rech_8 67538 non-null datetime64[ns] 103 last_day_rch_amt_6 69999 non-null int64 104 last_day_rch_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 105 last_day_rch_amt_8 69999 non-null int64 106 total_rech_data_6 69999 non-null float64 107 total_rech_data_7 69999 non-null float64 108 total_rech_data_8 69999 non-null float64 109 av_rech_amt_data_6 69999 non-null float64 110 av_rech_amt_data_7 69999 non-null float64 111 av_rech_amt_data_8 69999 non-null float64 112 vol_2g_mb_6 69999 non-null float64 113 vol_2g_mb_7 69999 non-null float64 114 vol_2g_mb_8 69999 non-null float64 115 vol_3g_mb_6 69999 non-null float64 116 vol_3g_mb_7 69999 non-null float64 117 vol_3g_mb_8 69999 non-null float64 118 monthly_2g_6 69999 non-null category 119 monthly_2g_7 69999 non-null category 120 monthly_2g_8 69999 non-null category 121 sachet_2g_6 69999 non-null category 122 sachet_2g_7 69999 non-null category 123 sachet_2g_8 69999 non-null category 124 monthly_3g_6 69999 non-null category 125 monthly_3g_7 69999 non-null category 126 monthly_3g_8 69999 non-null category 127 sachet_3g_6 69999 non-null category 128 sachet_3g_7 69999 non-null category 129 sachet_3g_8 69999 non-null category 130 aon 69999 non-null int64 131 vbc_3g_8 69999 non-null float64 132 vbc_3g_7 69999 non-null float64 133 vbc_3g_6 69999 non-null float64 134 churn_probability 69999 non-null category 135 total_rech_amt_data_6 69999 non-null float64 136 total_rech_amt_data_7 69999 non-null float64 137 total_rech_amt_data_8 69999 non-null float64 dtypes: category(13), datetime64[ns](3), float64(110), int64(12) memory usage: 67.6 MB
# create box plot for Jun, Jul and Aug months
def plot_month_wise_box_chart(attribute, df):
sns.boxplot(data=df, y=attribute+"_6",x="churn_probability",hue="churn_probability",
sns.boxplot(data=df, y=attribute+"_7",x="churn_probability",hue="churn_probability",
sns.boxplot(data=df, y=attribute+"_8",x="churn_probability",hue="churn_probability",
Plot Recharge Amount related columns¶
# Plot Recharge Amount related columns
recharge_amnt_columns = telecom.columns[telecom.columns.str.contains('rech_amt')]
['total_rech_amt_6', 'total_rech_amt_7', 'total_rech_amt_8', 'max_rech_amt_6', 'max_rech_amt_7', 'max_rech_amt_8', 'av_rech_amt_data_6', 'av_rech_amt_data_7', 'av_rech_amt_data_8', 'total_rech_amt_data_6', 'total_rech_amt_data_7', 'total_rech_amt_data_8']
Ploting for total recharge amount¶
# Ploting for total recharge amount:
plot_month_wise_box_chart('total_rech_amt', telecom)
<Figure size 640x480 with 0 Axes>
We can see a drop in the total recharge amount for churned customers in the 8th Month.
Ploting for total recharge amount for data¶
# Ploting for total recharge amount for data:
plot_month_wise_box_chart('total_rech_amt_data', telecom)
<Figure size 640x480 with 0 Axes>
Ploting for max recharge amount for data¶
# Ploting for max recharge amount for data:
plot_month_wise_box_chart('max_rech_amt', telecom)
<Figure size 640x480 with 0 Axes>
vbc_column = telecom.columns[telecom.columns.str.contains('vbc_3g',regex=True)]
['vbc_3g_8', 'vbc_3g_7', 'vbc_3g_6']
ax = sns.kdeplot(telecom.vbc_3g_6[(telecom["churn_probability"] == 0)],
color="Red", shade = True)
ax = sns.kdeplot(telecom.vbc_3g_6[(telecom["churn_probability"] == 1)],
ax =ax, color="Blue", shade= True)
ax.legend(["Not Churn","Churn"],loc='upper right')
ax.set_xlabel('Volume based cost')
ax.set_title('Distribution of Volume based cost by churn June')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of Volume based cost by churn June')
ax = sns.kdeplot(telecom.vbc_3g_7[(telecom["churn_probability"] == 0)],
color="Red", shade = True)
ax = sns.kdeplot(telecom.vbc_3g_7[(telecom["churn_probability"] == 1)],
ax =ax, color="Blue", shade= True)
ax.legend(["Not Churn","Churn"],loc='upper right')
ax.set_xlabel('Volume based cost')
ax.set_title('Distribution of Volume based cost by churn July')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of Volume based cost by churn July')
ax = sns.kdeplot(telecom.vbc_3g_8[(telecom["churn_probability"] == 0)],
color="Red", shade = True)
ax = sns.kdeplot(telecom.vbc_3g_8[(telecom["churn_probability"] == 1)],
ax =ax, color="Blue", shade= True)
ax.legend(["Not Churn","Churn"],loc='upper right')
ax.set_xlabel('Volume based cost')
ax.set_title('Distribution of Volume based cost by churn Aug')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Distribution of Volume based cost by churn Aug')
Average Revenue Per User¶
# Checking columns for average revenue per user
arpu_cols = telecom.columns[telecom.columns.str.contains('arpu_')]
# Plotting arpu
plot_month_wise_box_chart('arpu', telecom)
<Figure size 640x480 with 0 Axes>
We can see that huge drops for Arpu in 8th month for churned customers
MOU columns¶
mou_cols = telecom.columns[telecom.columns.str.contains('mou')]
Index(['onnet_mou_6', 'onnet_mou_7', 'onnet_mou_8', 'offnet_mou_6', 'offnet_mou_7', 'offnet_mou_8', 'roam_ic_mou_6', 'roam_ic_mou_7', 'roam_ic_mou_8', 'roam_og_mou_6', 'roam_og_mou_7', 'roam_og_mou_8', 'loc_og_t2t_mou_6', 'loc_og_t2t_mou_7', 'loc_og_t2t_mou_8', 'loc_og_t2m_mou_6', 'loc_og_t2m_mou_7', 'loc_og_t2m_mou_8', 'loc_og_t2f_mou_6', 'loc_og_t2f_mou_7', 'loc_og_t2f_mou_8', 'loc_og_t2c_mou_6', 'loc_og_t2c_mou_7', 'loc_og_t2c_mou_8', 'loc_og_mou_6', 'loc_og_mou_7', 'loc_og_mou_8', 'std_og_t2t_mou_6', 'std_og_t2t_mou_7', 'std_og_t2t_mou_8', 'std_og_t2m_mou_6', 'std_og_t2m_mou_7', 'std_og_t2m_mou_8', 'std_og_t2f_mou_6', 'std_og_t2f_mou_7', 'std_og_t2f_mou_8', 'std_og_mou_6', 'std_og_mou_7', 'std_og_mou_8', 'isd_og_mou_6', 'isd_og_mou_7', 'isd_og_mou_8', 'spl_og_mou_6', 'spl_og_mou_7', 'spl_og_mou_8', 'total_og_mou_6', 'total_og_mou_7', 'total_og_mou_8', 'loc_ic_t2t_mou_6', 'loc_ic_t2t_mou_7', 'loc_ic_t2t_mou_8', 'loc_ic_t2m_mou_6', 'loc_ic_t2m_mou_7', 'loc_ic_t2m_mou_8', 'loc_ic_t2f_mou_6', 'loc_ic_t2f_mou_7', 'loc_ic_t2f_mou_8', 'loc_ic_mou_6', 'loc_ic_mou_7', 'loc_ic_mou_8', 'std_ic_t2t_mou_6', 'std_ic_t2t_mou_7', 'std_ic_t2t_mou_8', 'std_ic_t2m_mou_6', 'std_ic_t2m_mou_7', 'std_ic_t2m_mou_8', 'std_ic_t2f_mou_6', 'std_ic_t2f_mou_7', 'std_ic_t2f_mou_8', 'std_ic_mou_6', 'std_ic_mou_7', 'std_ic_mou_8', 'total_ic_mou_6', 'total_ic_mou_7', 'total_ic_mou_8', 'spl_ic_mou_6', 'spl_ic_mou_7', 'spl_ic_mou_8', 'isd_ic_mou_6', 'isd_ic_mou_7', 'isd_ic_mou_8'], dtype='object')
PlotAsTable(metadata_display(telecom[mou_cols], "Null_Percentage", False), "MOU Null Percentage Sorted")
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'MOU Null Percentage Sorted' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MOU Null Percentage Sorted¶
Columns | Datatype | Non_Null_Count | Null_Count | Null_Percentage | Unique_Values_Count |
isd_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 4038 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 10786 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 18365 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 13826 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 1636 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 5442 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 2692 |
loc_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 23523 |
std_og_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 21085 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 16955 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 4720 |
spl_og_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 3225 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 10638 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 7247 |
std_og_t2m_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 15312 |
roam_og_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 4564 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 1968 |
roam_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 3598 |
std_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 9285 |
isd_og_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 407 |
offnet_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 25334 |
spl_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 57 |
std_og_t2f_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 1354 |
onnet_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 19066 |
loc_og_mou_8 | float64 | 66296 | 3703 | 5.29 | 21294 |
spl_og_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 2872 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 10969 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 4666 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 18367 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 5549 |
loc_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 23771 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 7265 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 1987 |
std_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 9208 |
spl_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 54 |
isd_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 3766 |
isd_og_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 486 |
onnet_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 19387 |
roam_og_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 5905 |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 15391 |
std_og_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 21170 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 17185 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 1384 |
loc_og_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 21637 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 10822 |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 13889 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 2749 |
roam_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 4647 |
std_og_t2f_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 1453 |
offnet_mou_6 | float64 | 67231 | 2768 | 3.95 | 25583 |
std_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 9444 |
roam_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 3576 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 16973 |
roam_og_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 4642 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 2058 |
spl_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 52 |
offnet_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 25471 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 10691 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 7364 |
isd_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 3977 |
std_og_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 21417 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 2754 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 4818 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 10926 |
onnet_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 19405 |
std_og_t2f_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 1374 |
spl_og_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 3187 |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 15564 |
loc_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 23590 |
isd_og_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 477 |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 14074 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 18277 |
loc_og_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 21345 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 5626 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_7 | float64 | 67312 | 2687 | 3.84 | 1539 |
total_og_mou_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 32202 |
total_ic_mou_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 26735 |
total_ic_mou_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 26720 |
total_ic_mou_8 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 26622 |
total_og_mou_6 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 32442 |
total_og_mou_7 | float64 | 69999 | 0 | 0 | 32501 |
So for all minutes of usage columns the maximum missing % is 5.29 , means in these case the customer has not been used at all for that particular call type, thus we can fill the missing values with zero
# replacing null values by 0 for minutes of usage variables
def ImputeMOUCols(df):
df.loc[:,mou_cols] = df.loc[:,mou_cols].replace(np.NaN,0)
percent_missing = ReturnColumnsMissingPercentage(telecom)
PlotAsTable(percent_missing, "Missing Percentage EDA")
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'Missing Percentage EDA' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Missing Percentage EDA¶
index | MissingPercentage |
id | 0 |
arpu_6 | 0 |
arpu_7 | 0 |
arpu_8 | 0 |
onnet_mou_6 | 0 |
onnet_mou_7 | 0 |
onnet_mou_8 | 0 |
offnet_mou_6 | 0 |
offnet_mou_7 | 0 |
offnet_mou_8 | 0 |
roam_ic_mou_6 | 0 |
roam_ic_mou_7 | 0 |
roam_ic_mou_8 | 0 |
roam_og_mou_6 | 0 |
roam_og_mou_7 | 0 |
roam_og_mou_8 | 0 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | 0 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | 0 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | 0 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | 0 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | 0 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_6 | 0 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_7 | 0 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_8 | 0 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_6 | 0 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_7 | 0 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_8 | 0 |
loc_og_mou_6 | 0 |
loc_og_mou_7 | 0 |
loc_og_mou_8 | 0 |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | 0 |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | 0 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | 0 |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | 0 |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | 0 |
std_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0 |
std_og_t2f_mou_6 | 0 |
std_og_t2f_mou_7 | 0 |
std_og_t2f_mou_8 | 0 |
std_og_mou_6 | 0 |
std_og_mou_7 | 0 |
std_og_mou_8 | 0 |
isd_og_mou_6 | 0 |
isd_og_mou_7 | 0 |
isd_og_mou_8 | 0 |
spl_og_mou_6 | 0 |
spl_og_mou_7 | 0 |
spl_og_mou_8 | 0 |
og_others_6 | 3.95434 |
og_others_7 | 3.83863 |
og_others_8 | 5.29008 |
total_og_mou_6 | 0 |
total_og_mou_7 | 0 |
total_og_mou_8 | 0 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | 0 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 0 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 0 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | 0 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 0 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 0 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 | 0 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 | 0 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 0 |
loc_ic_mou_6 | 0 |
loc_ic_mou_7 | 0 |
loc_ic_mou_8 | 0 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_6 | 0 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 0 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 0 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_6 | 0 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 0 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 0 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_6 | 0 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_7 | 0 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 0 |
std_ic_mou_6 | 0 |
std_ic_mou_7 | 0 |
std_ic_mou_8 | 0 |
total_ic_mou_6 | 0 |
total_ic_mou_7 | 0 |
total_ic_mou_8 | 0 |
spl_ic_mou_6 | 0 |
spl_ic_mou_7 | 0 |
spl_ic_mou_8 | 0 |
isd_ic_mou_6 | 0 |
isd_ic_mou_7 | 0 |
isd_ic_mou_8 | 0 |
ic_others_6 | 3.95434 |
ic_others_7 | 3.83863 |
ic_others_8 | 5.29008 |
total_rech_num_6 | 0 |
total_rech_num_7 | 0 |
total_rech_num_8 | 0 |
total_rech_amt_6 | 0 |
total_rech_amt_7 | 0 |
total_rech_amt_8 | 0 |
max_rech_amt_6 | 0 |
max_rech_amt_7 | 0 |
max_rech_amt_8 | 0 |
date_of_last_rech_6 | 1.57288 |
date_of_last_rech_7 | 1.76288 |
date_of_last_rech_8 | 3.51576 |
last_day_rch_amt_6 | 0 |
last_day_rch_amt_7 | 0 |
last_day_rch_amt_8 | 0 |
total_rech_data_6 | 0 |
total_rech_data_7 | 0 |
total_rech_data_8 | 0 |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | 0 |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | 0 |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | 0 |
vol_2g_mb_6 | 0 |
vol_2g_mb_7 | 0 |
vol_2g_mb_8 | 0 |
vol_3g_mb_6 | 0 |
vol_3g_mb_7 | 0 |
vol_3g_mb_8 | 0 |
monthly_2g_6 | 0 |
monthly_2g_7 | 0 |
monthly_2g_8 | 0 |
sachet_2g_6 | 0 |
sachet_2g_7 | 0 |
sachet_2g_8 | 0 |
monthly_3g_6 | 0 |
monthly_3g_7 | 0 |
monthly_3g_8 | 0 |
sachet_3g_6 | 0 |
sachet_3g_7 | 0 |
sachet_3g_8 | 0 |
aon | 0 |
vbc_3g_8 | 0 |
vbc_3g_7 | 0 |
vbc_3g_6 | 0 |
churn_probability | 0 |
total_rech_amt_data_6 | 0 |
total_rech_amt_data_7 | 0 |
total_rech_amt_data_8 | 0 |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 69999 entries, 0 to 69998 Columns: 138 entries, id to total_rech_amt_data_8 dtypes: category(13), datetime64[ns](3), float64(110), int64(12) memory usage: 67.6 MB
numeric_col = ['og_others_8', 'ic_others_8', 'og_others_6','ic_others_6', 'og_others_7', 'ic_others_7']
def ImputeNumericColumns(df):
for i in numeric_col:
# Visalizing the correlation between the numerical variables
corr = telecom.corr()
# function to correlate variables
def correlation(cor0) :
cor0.dropna(subset=['CORR'], inplace=True)
# removing duplicate correlations
cor0['pair'] = cor0[['VAR1', 'VAR2']].apply(lambda x: '{}-{}'.format(*sorted((x[0], x[1]))), axis=1)
cor0 = cor0.drop_duplicates(subset=['pair'], keep='first')
cor0 = cor0[['VAR1', 'VAR2','CORR']]
return pd.DataFrame(cor0.sort_values(by=['CORR'],ascending=False))
cor_0 = correlation(corr)
# filtering for correlations >= 40%
condition = cor_0['CORR'] > 0.4
cor_0 = cor_0[condition]
PlotAsTable(cor_0, "Correlation Matrix (>40%) Sorted")
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'Correlation Matrix (>40%) Sorted' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Correlation Matrix (>40%) Sorted¶
VAR1 | VAR2 | CORR |
arpu_7 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.95 |
arpu_8 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.95 |
arpu_6 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.95 |
loc_ic_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.91 |
loc_ic_mou_6 | total_ic_mou_6 | 0.91 |
loc_ic_mou_8 | total_ic_mou_8 | 0.91 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | loc_og_mou_6 | 0.89 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | loc_og_mou_8 | 0.89 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | loc_ic_mou_8 | 0.89 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | loc_ic_mou_7 | 0.88 |
onnet_mou_8 | std_og_t2t_mou_8 | 0.88 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | loc_ic_mou_6 | 0.88 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | loc_og_mou_7 | 0.88 |
onnet_mou_7 | std_og_t2t_mou_7 | 0.88 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_8 | std_ic_mou_8 | 0.87 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_7 | std_ic_mou_7 | 0.87 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_6 | std_ic_mou_6 | 0.87 |
onnet_mou_6 | std_og_t2t_mou_6 | 0.87 |
total_rech_data_8 | total_rech_amt_data_8 | 0.86 |
total_rech_data_7 | total_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.86 |
total_rech_data_6 | total_rech_amt_data_6 | 0.86 |
loc_og_mou_7 | loc_og_mou_8 | 0.85 |
std_og_mou_7 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.85 |
std_og_mou_8 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.85 |
loc_ic_mou_7 | loc_ic_mou_8 | 0.84 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | 0.83 |
total_ic_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_8 | 0.83 |
loc_og_mou_6 | loc_og_mou_7 | 0.83 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0.83 |
std_og_mou_6 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.83 |
offnet_mou_8 | std_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0.82 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | 0.82 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 0.82 |
loc_ic_mou_6 | loc_ic_mou_7 | 0.82 |
offnet_mou_7 | std_og_t2m_mou_7 | 0.82 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | 0.81 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 0.81 |
offnet_mou_8 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.8 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 | loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 0.8 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 0.8 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | total_ic_mou_8 | 0.8 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.8 |
total_ic_mou_6 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.8 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | total_ic_mou_6 | 0.8 |
offnet_mou_6 | std_og_t2m_mou_6 | 0.8 |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | std_og_t2t_mou_8 | 0.79 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 | loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 | 0.79 |
roam_ic_mou_7 | roam_og_mou_7 | 0.79 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 0.79 |
offnet_mou_6 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.79 |
offnet_mou_7 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.79 |
onnet_mou_7 | onnet_mou_8 | 0.79 |
std_og_t2m_mou_8 | std_og_mou_8 | 0.78 |
std_og_mou_7 | std_og_mou_8 | 0.78 |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | total_rech_amt_data_8 | 0.78 |
offnet_mou_7 | offnet_mou_8 | 0.78 |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | total_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.78 |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | total_rech_amt_data_6 | 0.78 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | loc_og_mou_8 | 0.78 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | loc_og_mou_7 | 0.78 |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | std_og_mou_6 | 0.78 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | loc_og_mou_6 | 0.78 |
roam_ic_mou_8 | roam_og_mou_8 | 0.78 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | std_og_mou_8 | 0.78 |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | std_og_mou_7 | 0.78 |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | std_og_mou_6 | 0.77 |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | std_og_mou_7 | 0.77 |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | std_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0.77 |
loc_ic_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_8 | 0.77 |
arpu_6 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.77 |
roam_ic_mou_6 | roam_og_mou_6 | 0.77 |
arpu_7 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.77 |
total_og_mou_7 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.77 |
onnet_mou_8 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.76 |
onnet_mou_7 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.76 |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | vol_3g_mb_8 | 0.76 |
loc_ic_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_6 | 0.76 |
arpu_8 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.76 |
loc_ic_mou_8 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.76 |
onnet_mou_6 | onnet_mou_7 | 0.75 |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | vol_3g_mb_7 | 0.75 |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | vol_3g_mb_6 | 0.75 |
total_og_mou_6 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.75 |
total_og_mou_8 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.75 |
onnet_mou_6 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.75 |
total_og_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.75 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | loc_ic_mou_8 | 0.75 |
std_ic_mou_7 | std_ic_mou_8 | 0.75 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | loc_og_mou_8 | 0.75 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | loc_og_mou_7 | 0.75 |
loc_og_mou_6 | loc_og_mou_8 | 0.75 |
vbc_3g_8 | vbc_3g_7 | 0.74 |
loc_ic_mou_6 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.74 |
offnet_mou_6 | offnet_mou_7 | 0.74 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_7 | loc_og_t2f_mou_8 | 0.74 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | loc_og_mou_7 | 0.74 |
loc_ic_mou_6 | loc_ic_mou_8 | 0.74 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | loc_ic_mou_7 | 0.74 |
arpu_7 | arpu_8 | 0.74 |
isd_ic_mou_7 | isd_ic_mou_8 | 0.74 |
arpu_8 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.74 |
std_og_mou_6 | std_og_mou_7 | 0.73 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_6 | loc_og_t2f_mou_7 | 0.73 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | loc_og_mou_6 | 0.73 |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | std_og_t2t_mou_7 | 0.73 |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | std_og_t2m_mou_7 | 0.73 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0.73 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | 0.73 |
total_og_mou_6 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.73 |
vbc_3g_7 | vbc_3g_6 | 0.73 |
isd_ic_mou_6 | isd_ic_mou_7 | 0.73 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | loc_ic_mou_7 | 0.73 |
vol_3g_mb_6 | vbc_3g_6 | 0.73 |
vol_3g_mb_6 | vol_3g_mb_7 | 0.72 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 | loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 0.72 |
arpu_7 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.72 |
vol_3g_mb_8 | vbc_3g_8 | 0.72 |
vol_3g_mb_7 | vbc_3g_7 | 0.72 |
std_ic_mou_6 | std_ic_mou_7 | 0.72 |
vol_3g_mb_7 | vol_3g_mb_8 | 0.72 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | loc_ic_mou_6 | 0.72 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_7 | std_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 0.72 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 0.72 |
total_rech_num_7 | total_rech_num_8 | 0.71 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | loc_ic_mou_6 | 0.71 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 0.71 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | loc_ic_mou_8 | 0.71 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | loc_ic_mou_7 | 0.71 |
total_ic_mou_6 | total_ic_mou_8 | 0.71 |
arpu_6 | offnet_mou_6 | 0.7 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_6 | std_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 0.7 |
arpu_6 | arpu_7 | 0.7 |
arpu_8 | offnet_mou_8 | 0.7 |
total_rech_data_6 | total_rech_data_7 | 0.7 |
arpu_7 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.7 |
onnet_mou_8 | std_og_t2t_mou_7 | 0.69 |
offnet_mou_6 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.69 |
total_rech_data_7 | total_rech_data_8 | 0.69 |
onnet_mou_8 | std_og_mou_8 | 0.69 |
onnet_mou_7 | std_og_t2t_mou_8 | 0.69 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_7 | std_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 0.69 |
arpu_7 | offnet_mou_7 | 0.69 |
onnet_mou_7 | std_og_mou_7 | 0.68 |
onnet_mou_6 | std_og_mou_6 | 0.68 |
offnet_mou_8 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.68 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_8 | 0.68 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_8 | std_ic_mou_8 | 0.68 |
offnet_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.68 |
total_rech_amt_7 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.68 |
arpu_6 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.68 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_6 | loc_og_t2f_mou_8 | 0.68 |
loc_ic_mou_8 | total_ic_mou_6 | 0.68 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.67 |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.67 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | loc_og_mou_8 | 0.67 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | loc_og_mou_7 | 0.67 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | loc_og_mou_8 | 0.67 |
std_og_t2m_mou_8 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.67 |
max_rech_amt_8 | last_day_rch_amt_8 | 0.67 |
loc_ic_mou_6 | total_ic_mou_8 | 0.66 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | loc_ic_mou_8 | 0.66 |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.66 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | loc_og_mou_7 | 0.66 |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | av_rech_amt_data_8 | 0.66 |
total_rech_num_6 | total_rech_num_7 | 0.66 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | loc_og_mou_6 | 0.66 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_7 | std_ic_mou_8 | 0.66 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | loc_og_mou_6 | 0.66 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_6 | std_ic_mou_6 | 0.66 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_6 | std_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 0.66 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_7 | std_ic_mou_7 | 0.66 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_8 | std_ic_mou_7 | 0.66 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_6 | 0.66 |
std_og_mou_8 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.65 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | loc_ic_mou_6 | 0.65 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | total_ic_mou_8 | 0.65 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.65 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.65 |
isd_ic_mou_6 | isd_ic_mou_8 | 0.65 |
vol_2g_mb_6 | vol_2g_mb_7 | 0.65 |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.65 |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | av_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.65 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | total_ic_mou_6 | 0.65 |
total_rech_amt_6 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.65 |
std_og_mou_7 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.65 |
onnet_mou_6 | std_og_t2t_mou_7 | 0.64 |
max_rech_amt_6 | last_day_rch_amt_6 | 0.64 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.64 |
total_rech_data_6 | av_rech_amt_data_6 | 0.64 |
onnet_mou_7 | std_og_t2t_mou_6 | 0.64 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_7 | std_ic_mou_6 | 0.64 |
total_rech_data_7 | av_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.64 |
offnet_mou_7 | std_og_mou_7 | 0.64 |
vol_3g_mb_6 | vol_3g_mb_8 | 0.63 |
vol_2g_mb_7 | vol_2g_mb_8 | 0.63 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_6 | std_ic_mou_7 | 0.63 |
total_rech_data_8 | av_rech_amt_data_8 | 0.63 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_8 | spl_og_mou_8 | 0.63 |
offnet_mou_8 | std_og_t2m_mou_7 | 0.63 |
offnet_mou_8 | std_og_mou_8 | 0.63 |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.63 |
vbc_3g_8 | vbc_3g_6 | 0.63 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_7 | spl_og_mou_7 | 0.62 |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | std_og_mou_8 | 0.62 |
offnet_mou_7 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.62 |
offnet_mou_6 | std_og_mou_6 | 0.62 |
offnet_mou_7 | std_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0.62 |
max_rech_amt_7 | last_day_rch_amt_7 | 0.62 |
offnet_mou_8 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.62 |
total_rech_amt_8 | max_rech_amt_8 | 0.62 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | std_og_mou_7 | 0.62 |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | av_rech_amt_data_8 | 0.61 |
std_og_t2m_mou_8 | std_og_mou_7 | 0.61 |
onnet_mou_6 | onnet_mou_8 | 0.61 |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | std_og_mou_8 | 0.61 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | loc_ic_mou_7 | 0.61 |
std_og_mou_6 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.61 |
total_rech_amt_7 | max_rech_amt_7 | 0.61 |
std_ic_mou_6 | std_ic_mou_8 | 0.61 |
onnet_mou_8 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.61 |
total_rech_amt_data_7 | total_rech_amt_data_8 | 0.61 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_6 | std_ic_t2f_mou_7 | 0.6 |
total_rech_amt_data_6 | total_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.6 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | 0.6 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | loc_ic_mou_8 | 0.6 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 0.6 |
arpu_7 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.6 |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | vol_3g_mb_8 | 0.6 |
onnet_mou_7 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.6 |
total_og_mou_8 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.6 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | loc_og_mou_6 | 0.6 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_7 | std_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 0.6 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_6 | std_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 0.59 |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | std_og_t2t_mou_8 | 0.59 |
offnet_mou_7 | std_og_t2m_mou_6 | 0.59 |
offnet_mou_6 | offnet_mou_8 | 0.59 |
vol_3g_mb_6 | vbc_3g_7 | 0.59 |
total_rech_data_6 | total_rech_data_8 | 0.59 |
std_og_t2f_mou_7 | std_og_t2f_mou_8 | 0.59 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | loc_ic_mou_7 | 0.59 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | loc_ic_mou_6 | 0.59 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | total_ic_mou_8 | 0.59 |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | vol_3g_mb_7 | 0.59 |
total_rech_data_7 | total_rech_amt_data_8 | 0.59 |
offnet_mou_7 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.59 |
total_rech_data_6 | total_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.59 |
arpu_8 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.59 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | total_ic_mou_6 | 0.59 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | loc_og_mou_8 | 0.59 |
offnet_mou_6 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.59 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 0.59 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_6 | spl_og_mou_6 | 0.58 |
total_rech_amt_6 | max_rech_amt_6 | 0.58 |
total_rech_num_6 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.58 |
arpu_7 | std_og_mou_7 | 0.58 |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | vbc_3g_8 | 0.58 |
arpu_6 | arpu_8 | 0.58 |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | vbc_3g_6 | 0.58 |
offnet_mou_8 | loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0.58 |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | vol_3g_mb_7 | 0.58 |
std_og_mou_7 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.58 |
vol_3g_mb_7 | vbc_3g_8 | 0.58 |
std_og_t2f_mou_6 | std_og_t2f_mou_7 | 0.58 |
offnet_mou_6 | loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | 0.58 |
total_rech_data_8 | total_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.58 |
arpu_6 | total_rech_num_6 | 0.58 |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | std_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0.57 |
arpu_8 | std_og_mou_8 | 0.57 |
offnet_mou_7 | loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | 0.57 |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | vbc_3g_7 | 0.57 |
total_og_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.57 |
total_og_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.57 |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | std_og_mou_6 | 0.57 |
loc_og_mou_8 | loc_ic_mou_8 | 0.57 |
total_rech_data_7 | total_rech_amt_data_6 | 0.57 |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | std_og_mou_7 | 0.57 |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | std_og_mou_7 | 0.57 |
arpu_6 | std_og_mou_6 | 0.57 |
total_og_mou_6 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.57 |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | vol_3g_mb_6 | 0.57 |
arpu_7 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.57 |
std_og_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.57 |
vol_3g_mb_7 | vbc_3g_6 | 0.57 |
arpu_8 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.57 |
std_og_mou_6 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.57 |
offnet_mou_6 | std_og_t2m_mou_7 | 0.57 |
loc_og_mou_6 | loc_ic_mou_6 | 0.57 |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | std_og_mou_6 | 0.57 |
vol_3g_mb_8 | total_rech_amt_data_8 | 0.57 |
vol_3g_mb_6 | total_rech_amt_data_6 | 0.57 |
vol_3g_mb_8 | vbc_3g_7 | 0.57 |
std_og_mou_6 | std_og_mou_8 | 0.57 |
onnet_mou_7 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.56 |
onnet_mou_6 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.56 |
isd_og_mou_6 | isd_og_mou_7 | 0.56 |
arpu_6 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.56 |
isd_og_mou_7 | isd_og_mou_8 | 0.56 |
std_og_mou_8 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.56 |
arpu_8 | max_rech_amt_8 | 0.55 |
onnet_mou_8 | std_og_mou_7 | 0.55 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | loc_ic_mou_6 | 0.55 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.55 |
loc_og_mou_6 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.55 |
total_og_mou_6 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.55 |
vol_3g_mb_7 | total_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.55 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_6 | std_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 0.55 |
total_rech_amt_6 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.55 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_6 | 0.55 |
arpu_8 | offnet_mou_7 | 0.55 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | loc_ic_mou_8 | 0.55 |
arpu_8 | loc_og_mou_8 | 0.55 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_8 | 0.55 |
arpu_6 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.55 |
arpu_7 | offnet_mou_8 | 0.55 |
offnet_mou_8 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.55 |
loc_og_mou_7 | loc_ic_mou_7 | 0.55 |
onnet_mou_7 | std_og_mou_8 | 0.54 |
total_rech_num_7 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.54 |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | vol_3g_mb_8 | 0.54 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_6 | std_ic_mou_8 | 0.54 |
arpu_7 | loc_og_mou_7 | 0.54 |
loc_og_mou_8 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.54 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | loc_ic_mou_6 | 0.54 |
arpu_8 | onnet_mou_8 | 0.54 |
onnet_mou_6 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.54 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_8 | std_ic_mou_6 | 0.54 |
max_rech_amt_7 | max_rech_amt_8 | 0.54 |
loc_og_mou_8 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 0.54 |
arpu_6 | onnet_mou_6 | 0.54 |
loc_og_mou_8 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.54 |
arpu_7 | total_rech_num_7 | 0.54 |
arpu_7 | onnet_mou_7 | 0.54 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | loc_ic_mou_7 | 0.54 |
arpu_6 | loc_og_mou_6 | 0.54 |
loc_og_mou_6 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | 0.54 |
arpu_8 | loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0.54 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | loc_ic_mou_8 | 0.53 |
onnet_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.53 |
loc_og_mou_7 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 0.53 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.53 |
loc_og_mou_7 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.53 |
onnet_mou_8 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.53 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 0.53 |
loc_og_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.53 |
std_og_t2f_mou_6 | std_og_t2f_mou_8 | 0.53 |
loc_og_mou_6 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.53 |
total_rech_num_8 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.53 |
arpu_7 | offnet_mou_6 | 0.53 |
arpu_8 | total_rech_num_8 | 0.53 |
arpu_7 | max_rech_amt_7 | 0.53 |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | vbc_3g_8 | 0.52 |
offnet_mou_6 | loc_og_mou_6 | 0.52 |
arpu_7 | loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | 0.52 |
arpu_6 | loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | 0.52 |
onnet_mou_8 | std_og_t2t_mou_6 | 0.52 |
offnet_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.52 |
offnet_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.52 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 0.52 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.52 |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | vbc_3g_7 | 0.52 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_6 | std_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 0.52 |
offnet_mou_8 | loc_og_mou_8 | 0.52 |
total_rech_amt_data_6 | total_rech_amt_data_8 | 0.52 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 0.52 |
arpu_6 | offnet_mou_7 | 0.52 |
max_rech_amt_6 | max_rech_amt_7 | 0.52 |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | vol_3g_mb_6 | 0.52 |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | total_rech_amt_data_6 | 0.52 |
arpu_6 | max_rech_amt_6 | 0.51 |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | total_rech_amt_data_8 | 0.51 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_8 | std_ic_mou_7 | 0.51 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | 0.51 |
total_rech_data_6 | total_rech_amt_data_8 | 0.51 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_7 | std_ic_mou_8 | 0.51 |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.51 |
max_rech_amt_6 | max_rech_amt_8 | 0.51 |
total_og_mou_6 | total_rech_num_6 | 0.51 |
roam_ic_mou_7 | roam_ic_mou_8 | 0.51 |
loc_og_mou_8 | total_ic_mou_8 | 0.51 |
vol_3g_mb_6 | vbc_3g_8 | 0.51 |
std_og_t2m_mou_8 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.51 |
total_rech_num_6 | total_rech_num_8 | 0.51 |
loc_og_mou_6 | total_ic_mou_6 | 0.51 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.51 |
offnet_mou_7 | loc_og_mou_7 | 0.51 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.51 |
vol_2g_mb_6 | vol_2g_mb_8 | 0.51 |
offnet_mou_6 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.51 |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | total_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.51 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 0.51 |
onnet_mou_6 | std_og_t2t_mou_8 | 0.51 |
isd_og_mou_6 | isd_og_mou_8 | 0.5 |
loc_og_mou_7 | loc_ic_mou_8 | 0.5 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.5 |
onnet_mou_7 | std_og_mou_6 | 0.5 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 0.5 |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.5 |
total_og_mou_8 | total_rech_num_8 | 0.5 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | total_ic_mou_6 | 0.5 |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | total_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.5 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | 0.5 |
vol_3g_mb_8 | vbc_3g_6 | 0.5 |
loc_og_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.5 |
loc_og_mou_6 | loc_ic_mou_7 | 0.49 |
onnet_mou_6 | std_og_mou_7 | 0.49 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_6 | std_ic_mou_7 | 0.49 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | total_ic_mou_6 | 0.49 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | total_ic_mou_8 | 0.49 |
offnet_mou_8 | std_og_mou_7 | 0.49 |
total_rech_amt_7 | last_day_rch_amt_7 | 0.49 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | loc_ic_mou_8 | 0.49 |
roam_og_mou_7 | roam_og_mou_8 | 0.49 |
total_og_mou_7 | total_rech_num_7 | 0.49 |
loc_og_mou_8 | loc_ic_mou_7 | 0.49 |
total_rech_data_8 | total_rech_amt_data_6 | 0.49 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.48 |
offnet_mou_6 | loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | 0.48 |
offnet_mou_7 | std_og_mou_8 | 0.48 |
spl_og_mou_7 | spl_og_mou_8 | 0.48 |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | vbc_3g_7 | 0.48 |
loc_og_mou_7 | loc_ic_mou_6 | 0.48 |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.48 |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | vbc_3g_6 | 0.48 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_7 | std_ic_mou_6 | 0.48 |
loc_og_mou_7 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 0.48 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | loc_ic_mou_7 | 0.47 |
loc_og_mou_6 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 0.47 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.47 |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | total_rech_amt_data_6 | 0.47 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | loc_ic_mou_7 | 0.47 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 0.47 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | total_ic_mou_8 | 0.47 |
loc_og_mou_8 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 0.47 |
arpu_7 | std_og_t2m_mou_7 | 0.47 |
total_rech_amt_8 | last_day_rch_amt_8 | 0.47 |
loc_og_mou_7 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | 0.46 |
std_ic_mou_8 | total_ic_mou_8 | 0.46 |
total_rech_data_6 | av_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.46 |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.46 |
total_rech_data_6 | vol_2g_mb_6 | 0.46 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 | loc_ic_mou_7 | 0.46 |
std_ic_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.46 |
arpu_6 | std_og_t2m_mou_6 | 0.46 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.46 |
std_og_mou_8 | total_rech_num_8 | 0.46 |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.46 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | 0.46 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.46 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | loc_ic_mou_6 | 0.46 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | std_og_mou_6 | 0.46 |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.46 |
offnet_mou_8 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.46 |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.46 |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | std_og_mou_8 | 0.46 |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | vbc_3g_8 | 0.46 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | loc_ic_mou_8 | 0.46 |
offnet_mou_7 | loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0.46 |
arpu_8 | std_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0.46 |
offnet_mou_7 | std_og_mou_6 | 0.46 |
offnet_mou_6 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.46 |
loc_og_mou_8 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.46 |
arpu_7 | loc_og_mou_8 | 0.46 |
offnet_mou_8 | loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | 0.46 |
std_og_mou_6 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.46 |
total_rech_amt_6 | last_day_rch_amt_6 | 0.45 |
vol_3g_mb_7 | total_rech_amt_data_6 | 0.45 |
roam_ic_mou_6 | roam_ic_mou_7 | 0.45 |
onnet_mou_6 | loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | 0.45 |
offnet_mou_8 | std_og_t2m_mou_6 | 0.45 |
arpu_6 | loc_og_mou_7 | 0.45 |
onnet_mou_6 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.45 |
std_og_t2m_mou_8 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.45 |
onnet_mou_8 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.45 |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | std_og_mou_8 | 0.45 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 0.45 |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | total_rech_amt_data_8 | 0.45 |
arpu_8 | loc_og_mou_7 | 0.45 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 | loc_ic_mou_6 | 0.45 |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | vol_2g_mb_6 | 0.45 |
loc_og_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_8 | 0.45 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0.45 |
loc_og_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.45 |
total_og_mou_8 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.45 |
std_ic_mou_6 | total_ic_mou_6 | 0.45 |
roam_ic_mou_8 | roam_og_mou_7 | 0.45 |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.45 |
loc_og_mou_6 | loc_ic_mou_8 | 0.45 |
offnet_mou_6 | total_rech_num_6 | 0.44 |
onnet_mou_7 | loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | 0.44 |
offnet_mou_6 | std_og_mou_7 | 0.44 |
offnet_mou_6 | std_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0.44 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.44 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | 0.44 |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | vol_2g_mb_7 | 0.44 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 0.44 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.44 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | 0.44 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | loc_ic_mou_8 | 0.44 |
arpu_6 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.44 |
onnet_mou_8 | loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | 0.44 |
total_rech_data_7 | av_rech_amt_data_8 | 0.44 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 0.44 |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | vbc_3g_6 | 0.44 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.44 |
arpu_8 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.44 |
std_og_mou_7 | total_rech_num_7 | 0.44 |
arpu_7 | std_og_mou_8 | 0.44 |
loc_og_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.44 |
std_og_mou_8 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.44 |
std_og_t2m_mou_8 | std_og_mou_6 | 0.44 |
arpu_6 | loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | 0.44 |
std_og_mou_8 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.44 |
loc_og_mou_8 | loc_ic_mou_6 | 0.44 |
std_og_mou_6 | total_rech_num_6 | 0.44 |
arpu_8 | loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | 0.44 |
loc_og_mou_7 | total_og_mou_6 | 0.44 |
arpu_7 | loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0.44 |
arpu_7 | std_og_t2t_mou_7 | 0.43 |
loc_og_mou_6 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 0.43 |
spl_og_mou_6 | spl_og_mou_7 | 0.43 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.43 |
loc_og_mou_8 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.43 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_8 | 0.43 |
arpu_8 | std_og_mou_7 | 0.43 |
roam_ic_mou_7 | roam_og_mou_8 | 0.43 |
onnet_mou_8 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.43 |
total_rech_data_8 | av_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.43 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | 0.43 |
loc_og_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_6 | 0.43 |
loc_og_mou_7 | total_og_mou_8 | 0.43 |
loc_og_mou_6 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.43 |
arpu_8 | max_rech_amt_7 | 0.43 |
roam_og_mou_6 | roam_og_mou_7 | 0.43 |
loc_og_mou_8 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.43 |
total_rech_data_7 | vol_2g_mb_7 | 0.43 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | total_og_mou_7 | 0.43 |
loc_og_mou_8 | loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 0.43 |
offnet_mou_6 | loc_og_mou_7 | 0.43 |
offnet_mou_7 | loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | 0.43 |
vol_3g_mb_8 | total_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.43 |
arpu_7 | onnet_mou_8 | 0.43 |
loc_og_mou_6 | loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | 0.42 |
total_og_mou_6 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.42 |
offnet_mou_8 | total_rech_num_8 | 0.42 |
offnet_mou_8 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.42 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.42 |
total_rech_data_8 | vol_2g_mb_8 | 0.42 |
loc_og_mou_8 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | 0.42 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.42 |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | total_rech_amt_6 | 0.42 |
vbc_3g_6 | total_rech_amt_data_6 | 0.42 |
arpu_6 | offnet_mou_8 | 0.42 |
std_og_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.42 |
vol_3g_mb_7 | total_rech_amt_data_8 | 0.42 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_6 | 0.42 |
offnet_mou_8 | loc_og_mou_7 | 0.42 |
arpu_8 | offnet_mou_6 | 0.42 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.42 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_6 | std_ic_mou_8 | 0.42 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | loc_ic_mou_6 | 0.42 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | loc_ic_mou_6 | 0.42 |
total_rech_data_7 | av_rech_amt_data_6 | 0.42 |
arpu_7 | loc_og_mou_6 | 0.42 |
vol_3g_mb_6 | total_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.42 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | loc_ic_mou_8 | 0.42 |
arpu_6 | std_og_t2t_mou_6 | 0.42 |
arpu_8 | onnet_mou_7 | 0.42 |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.42 |
offnet_mou_7 | loc_og_mou_8 | 0.42 |
arpu_8 | std_og_t2t_mou_8 | 0.42 |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | vol_2g_mb_8 | 0.42 |
loc_og_mou_6 | total_rech_amt_7 | 0.41 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.41 |
arpu_7 | max_rech_amt_8 | 0.41 |
arpu_7 | last_day_rch_amt_7 | 0.41 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 | total_ic_mou_7 | 0.41 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | total_ic_mou_8 | 0.41 |
loc_og_mou_7 | loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 0.41 |
offnet_mou_7 | total_rech_num_7 | 0.41 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | loc_ic_mou_7 | 0.41 |
arpu_7 | loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | 0.41 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 0.41 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 | total_ic_mou_6 | 0.41 |
onnet_mou_7 | total_rech_amt_8 | 0.41 |
arpu_7 | std_og_mou_6 | 0.41 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | loc_ic_mou_7 | 0.41 |
offnet_mou_6 | loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0.41 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_8 | std_ic_mou_6 | 0.41 |
Feature Engineering and Variable Transformation¶
# Derived variables to measure change in usage between August and previous months average (June, July)
# Usage
def CalculateDeltaCols(data):
data['delta_vol_2g'] = data['vol_2g_mb_8'] - data['vol_2g_mb_6'].add(data['vol_2g_mb_7']).div(2)
data['delta_vol_3g'] = data['vol_3g_mb_8'] - data['vol_3g_mb_6'].add(data['vol_3g_mb_7']).div(2)
data['delta_total_og_mou'] = data['total_og_mou_8'] - data['total_og_mou_6'].add(data['total_og_mou_7']).div(2)
data['delta_total_ic_mou'] = data['total_ic_mou_8'] - data['total_ic_mou_6'].add(data['total_ic_mou_7']).div(2)
data['delta_vbc_3g'] = data['vbc_3g_8'] - data['vbc_3g_6'].add(data['vbc_3g_7']).div(2)
# Revenue
data['delta_arpu'] = data['arpu_8'] - data['arpu_6'].add(data['arpu_7']).div(2)
data['delta_total_rech_amt'] = data['total_rech_amt_8'] - data['total_rech_amt_6'].add(data['total_rech_amt_7']).div(2)
# Removing variables used for derivation :
'vol_2g_mb_8', 'vol_2g_mb_6', 'vol_2g_mb_7',
'vol_3g_mb_8' , 'vol_3g_mb_6', 'vol_3g_mb_7' ,
'total_og_mou_8','total_og_mou_6', 'total_og_mou_7',
'total_ic_mou_8','total_ic_mou_6', 'total_ic_mou_7',
'total_rech_amt_8', 'total_rech_amt_6', 'total_rech_amt_7'
], inplace=True)
# AON convert from days to months
def ConvertAONToMonths(df):
df["aon_months"] = (df.aon / 30).astype(int, errors='ignore')
df.drop(columns=['aon'], inplace=True)
id | onnet_mou_6 | onnet_mou_7 | onnet_mou_8 | offnet_mou_6 | offnet_mou_7 | offnet_mou_8 | roam_ic_mou_6 | roam_ic_mou_7 | roam_ic_mou_8 | ... | total_rech_amt_data_7 | total_rech_amt_data_8 | delta_vol_2g | delta_vol_3g | delta_total_og_mou | delta_total_ic_mou | delta_vbc_3g | delta_arpu | delta_total_rech_amt | aon_months | |
0 | 0 | 48.58 | 124.38 | 1.29 | 32.24 | 96.68 | 2.33 | 0.00 | 0.0 | 0.0 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.000 | 0.00 | -147.815 | 8.120 | 0.0 | -51.6160 | -61.0 | 65 |
1 | 1 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 25.99 | 30.89 | 0.00 | 0.0 | 0.0 | ... | 145.0 | 0.0 | -176.455 | -1.98 | 16.295 | 3.600 | 0.0 | -18.4405 | -22.5 | 23 |
2 | 2 | 0.53 | 15.93 | 0.00 | 53.99 | 82.05 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.0 | 0.0 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.000 | 0.00 | -77.925 | -42.420 | 0.0 | -81.9910 | -95.0 | 29 |
3 | 3 | 7.26 | 16.01 | 0.00 | 68.76 | 78.48 | 50.23 | 0.00 | 0.0 | 0.0 | ... | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.000 | 0.00 | -32.165 | 11.195 | 0.0 | -69.7160 | -70.0 | 32 |
4 | 4 | 21.28 | 4.83 | 6.13 | 56.99 | 38.11 | 9.63 | 53.64 | 0.0 | 0.0 | ... | 1337.0 | 852.0 | -136.375 | 0.00 | -37.340 | 12.860 | 0.0 | -82.8845 | -91.0 | 21 |
5 rows × 124 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 69999 entries, 0 to 69998 Data columns (total 124 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 69999 non-null int64 1 onnet_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 2 onnet_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 3 onnet_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 4 offnet_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 5 offnet_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 6 offnet_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 7 roam_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 8 roam_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 9 roam_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 10 roam_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 11 roam_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 12 roam_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 13 loc_og_t2t_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 14 loc_og_t2t_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 15 loc_og_t2t_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 16 loc_og_t2m_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 17 loc_og_t2m_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 18 loc_og_t2m_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 19 loc_og_t2f_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 20 loc_og_t2f_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 21 loc_og_t2f_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 22 loc_og_t2c_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 23 loc_og_t2c_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 24 loc_og_t2c_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 25 loc_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 26 loc_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 27 loc_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 28 std_og_t2t_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 29 std_og_t2t_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 30 std_og_t2t_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 31 std_og_t2m_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 32 std_og_t2m_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 33 std_og_t2m_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 34 std_og_t2f_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 35 std_og_t2f_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 36 std_og_t2f_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 37 std_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 38 std_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 39 std_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 40 isd_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 41 isd_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 42 isd_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 43 spl_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 44 spl_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 45 spl_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 46 og_others_6 69999 non-null float64 47 og_others_7 69999 non-null float64 48 og_others_8 69999 non-null float64 49 loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 50 loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 51 loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 52 loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 53 loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 54 loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 55 loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 56 loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 57 loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 58 loc_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 59 loc_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 60 loc_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 61 std_ic_t2t_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 62 std_ic_t2t_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 63 std_ic_t2t_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 64 std_ic_t2m_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 65 std_ic_t2m_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 66 std_ic_t2m_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 67 std_ic_t2f_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 68 std_ic_t2f_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 69 std_ic_t2f_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 70 std_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 71 std_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 72 std_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 73 spl_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 74 spl_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 75 spl_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 76 isd_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 77 isd_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 78 isd_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 79 ic_others_6 69999 non-null float64 80 ic_others_7 69999 non-null float64 81 ic_others_8 69999 non-null float64 82 total_rech_num_6 69999 non-null int64 83 total_rech_num_7 69999 non-null int64 84 total_rech_num_8 69999 non-null int64 85 max_rech_amt_6 69999 non-null int64 86 max_rech_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 87 max_rech_amt_8 69999 non-null int64 88 date_of_last_rech_6 68898 non-null datetime64[ns] 89 date_of_last_rech_7 68765 non-null datetime64[ns] 90 date_of_last_rech_8 67538 non-null datetime64[ns] 91 last_day_rch_amt_6 69999 non-null int64 92 last_day_rch_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 93 last_day_rch_amt_8 69999 non-null int64 94 total_rech_data_6 69999 non-null float64 95 total_rech_data_7 69999 non-null float64 96 total_rech_data_8 69999 non-null float64 97 av_rech_amt_data_6 69999 non-null float64 98 av_rech_amt_data_7 69999 non-null float64 99 av_rech_amt_data_8 69999 non-null float64 100 monthly_2g_6 69999 non-null category 101 monthly_2g_7 69999 non-null category 102 monthly_2g_8 69999 non-null category 103 sachet_2g_6 69999 non-null category 104 sachet_2g_7 69999 non-null category 105 sachet_2g_8 69999 non-null category 106 monthly_3g_6 69999 non-null category 107 monthly_3g_7 69999 non-null category 108 monthly_3g_8 69999 non-null category 109 sachet_3g_6 69999 non-null category 110 sachet_3g_7 69999 non-null category 111 sachet_3g_8 69999 non-null category 112 churn_probability 69999 non-null category 113 total_rech_amt_data_6 69999 non-null float64 114 total_rech_amt_data_7 69999 non-null float64 115 total_rech_amt_data_8 69999 non-null float64 116 delta_vol_2g 69999 non-null float64 117 delta_vol_3g 69999 non-null float64 118 delta_total_og_mou 69999 non-null float64 119 delta_total_ic_mou 69999 non-null float64 120 delta_vbc_3g 69999 non-null float64 121 delta_arpu 69999 non-null float64 122 delta_total_rech_amt 69999 non-null float64 123 aon_months 69999 non-null int32 dtypes: category(13), datetime64[ns](3), float64(97), int32(1), int64(10) memory usage: 59.9 MB
Grouping Categorical column values with less Contribution¶
categorical = telecom.dtypes == 'category'
categorical_vars = telecom.columns[categorical].to_list()
ind_categorical_vars = list(set(categorical_vars) - {'churn_probability'}) #independent categorical variables
['sachet_3g_6', 'sachet_2g_8', 'monthly_2g_6', 'monthly_2g_8', 'sachet_2g_6', 'monthly_3g_7', 'sachet_3g_8', 'sachet_2g_7', 'monthly_3g_8', 'sachet_3g_7', 'monthly_3g_6', 'monthly_2g_7']
# Finding & Grouping categories with less than 1% contribution in each column into "Others"
def GroupAsOtherInCategorical(data):
for col in ind_categorical_vars :
category_counts = 100*data[col
PlotAsTable(pd.DataFrame(category_counts),f"{col} categorical_counts")
low_count_categories = category_counts[category_counts <= 1].index.to_list()
print(f"Replaced {low_count_categories} in {col} with category : Others")
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'sachet_3g_6 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sachet_3g_6 categorical_counts¶
sachet_3g_6 |
95.8414 |
2.9529 |
0.610009 |
0.21286 |
0.108573 |
0.0657152 |
0.0514293 |
0.0485721 |
0.0242861 |
0.0228575 |
0.0142859 |
0.0100001 |
0.00571437 |
0.00428578 |
0.00428578 |
0.00428578 |
0.00428578 |
0.00428578 |
0.00285718 |
0.00285718 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
Replaced [2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 8, 9, 11, 10, 15, 12, 13, 14, 19, 23, 22, 29, 16, 17, 18] in sachet_3g_6 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'sachet_2g_8 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sachet_2g_8 categorical_counts¶
sachet_2g_8 |
85.9269 |
5.81723 |
2.44575 |
1.43859 |
1.1643 |
0.87287 |
0.614294 |
0.402863 |
0.357148 |
0.217146 |
0.198574 |
0.148574 |
0.132859 |
0.0585723 |
0.0557151 |
0.0357148 |
0.0285718 |
0.0142859 |
0.0142859 |
0.0114287 |
0.0100001 |
0.00571437 |
0.00571437 |
0.00428578 |
0.00285718 |
0.00285718 |
0.00285718 |
0.00285718 |
0.00285718 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
Replaced [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 13, 16, 15, 17, 18, 20, 19, 22, 24, 29, 21, 23, 25, 27, 32, 31, 34, 44] in sachet_2g_8 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'monthly_2g_6 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
monthly_2g_6 categorical_counts¶
monthly_2g_6 |
92.7099 |
6.69724 |
0.555722 |
0.0285718 |
0.00857155 |
Replaced [2, 3, 4] in monthly_2g_6 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'monthly_2g_8 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
monthly_2g_8 categorical_counts¶
monthly_2g_8 |
92.597 |
6.76867 |
0.590008 |
0.0342862 |
0.00857155 |
0.00142859 |
Replaced [2, 3, 4, 5] in monthly_2g_8 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'sachet_2g_6 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sachet_2g_6 categorical_counts¶
sachet_2g_6 |
87.1184 |
5.56865 |
2.49146 |
1.33716 |
0.924299 |
0.591437 |
0.465721 |
0.337148 |
0.302861 |
0.217146 |
0.188574 |
0.130002 |
0.114287 |
0.0528579 |
0.0471435 |
0.0285718 |
0.0200003 |
0.0157145 |
0.0114287 |
0.00714296 |
0.00714296 |
0.00571437 |
0.00428578 |
0.00428578 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
Replaced [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 18, 22, 21, 20, 25, 24, 28, 30, 32, 34, 42] in sachet_2g_6 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'monthly_3g_7 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
monthly_3g_7 categorical_counts¶
monthly_3g_7 |
94.3756 |
4.22006 |
1.01573 |
0.23286 |
0.0685724 |
0.038572 |
0.0257147 |
0.00857155 |
0.00571437 |
0.00428578 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
Replaced [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16] in monthly_3g_7 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'sachet_3g_8 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sachet_3g_8 categorical_counts¶
sachet_3g_8 |
95.7999 |
2.8129 |
0.621437 |
0.270004 |
0.132859 |
0.108573 |
0.0514293 |
0.0442863 |
0.0357148 |
0.0228575 |
0.0185717 |
0.0142859 |
0.0128573 |
0.0128573 |
0.00714296 |
0.00428578 |
0.00428578 |
0.00428578 |
0.00428578 |
0.00285718 |
0.00285718 |
0.00285718 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
Replaced [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 14, 16, 17, 21, 23, 19, 25, 29, 30, 38, 41] in sachet_3g_8 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'sachet_2g_7 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sachet_2g_7 categorical_counts¶
sachet_2g_7 |
86.6827 |
5.21722 |
2.44718 |
1.36716 |
1.09573 |
0.800011 |
0.607152 |
0.438578 |
0.33429 |
0.254289 |
0.19286 |
0.168574 |
0.132859 |
0.0600009 |
0.0500007 |
0.038572 |
0.0185717 |
0.0157145 |
0.0142859 |
0.0114287 |
0.0100001 |
0.00857155 |
0.00714296 |
0.00714296 |
0.00428578 |
0.00428578 |
0.00285718 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
Replaced [5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 9, 11, 12, 14, 13, 15, 16, 19, 18, 17, 20, 23, 21, 22, 26, 27, 32, 24, 25, 30, 35, 42, 48] in sachet_2g_7 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'monthly_3g_8 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
monthly_3g_8 categorical_counts¶
monthly_3g_8 |
93.9856 |
4.54292 |
1.0543 |
0.261432 |
0.0928585 |
0.0342862 |
0.0100001 |
0.00857155 |
0.00428578 |
0.00285718 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
Replaced [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16] in monthly_3g_8 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'sachet_3g_7 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sachet_3g_7 categorical_counts¶
sachet_3g_7 |
95.8599 |
2.78718 |
0.652866 |
0.237146 |
0.124287 |
0.102859 |
0.070001 |
0.038572 |
0.0200003 |
0.0171431 |
0.0157145 |
0.0157145 |
0.0128573 |
0.00857155 |
0.00714296 |
0.00428578 |
0.00428578 |
0.00428578 |
0.00285718 |
0.00285718 |
0.00285718 |
0.00285718 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
0.00142859 |
Replaced [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 20, 22, 18, 24, 13, 19, 17, 21, 16, 31, 33] in sachet_3g_7 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'monthly_3g_6 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
monthly_3g_6 categorical_counts¶
monthly_3g_6 |
94.2728 |
4.50006 |
0.850012 |
0.238575 |
0.0842869 |
0.0228575 |
0.0142859 |
0.0114287 |
0.00285718 |
0.00285718 |
Replaced [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] in monthly_3g_6 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'monthly_2g_7 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
monthly_2g_7 categorical_counts¶
monthly_2g_7 |
92.4227 |
6.86581 |
0.667152 |
0.038572 |
0.00428578 |
0.00142859 |
Replaced [2, 3, 4, 5] in monthly_2g_7 with category : Others <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 69999 entries, 0 to 69998 Data columns (total 124 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 69999 non-null int64 1 onnet_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 2 onnet_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 3 onnet_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 4 offnet_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 5 offnet_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 6 offnet_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 7 roam_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 8 roam_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 9 roam_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 10 roam_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 11 roam_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 12 roam_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 13 loc_og_t2t_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 14 loc_og_t2t_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 15 loc_og_t2t_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 16 loc_og_t2m_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 17 loc_og_t2m_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 18 loc_og_t2m_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 19 loc_og_t2f_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 20 loc_og_t2f_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 21 loc_og_t2f_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 22 loc_og_t2c_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 23 loc_og_t2c_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 24 loc_og_t2c_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 25 loc_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 26 loc_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 27 loc_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 28 std_og_t2t_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 29 std_og_t2t_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 30 std_og_t2t_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 31 std_og_t2m_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 32 std_og_t2m_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 33 std_og_t2m_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 34 std_og_t2f_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 35 std_og_t2f_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 36 std_og_t2f_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 37 std_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 38 std_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 39 std_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 40 isd_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 41 isd_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 42 isd_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 43 spl_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 44 spl_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 45 spl_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 46 og_others_6 69999 non-null float64 47 og_others_7 69999 non-null float64 48 og_others_8 69999 non-null float64 49 loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 50 loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 51 loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 52 loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 53 loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 54 loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 55 loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 56 loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 57 loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 58 loc_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 59 loc_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 60 loc_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 61 std_ic_t2t_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 62 std_ic_t2t_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 63 std_ic_t2t_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 64 std_ic_t2m_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 65 std_ic_t2m_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 66 std_ic_t2m_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 67 std_ic_t2f_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 68 std_ic_t2f_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 69 std_ic_t2f_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 70 std_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 71 std_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 72 std_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 73 spl_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 74 spl_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 75 spl_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 76 isd_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 77 isd_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 78 isd_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 79 ic_others_6 69999 non-null float64 80 ic_others_7 69999 non-null float64 81 ic_others_8 69999 non-null float64 82 total_rech_num_6 69999 non-null int64 83 total_rech_num_7 69999 non-null int64 84 total_rech_num_8 69999 non-null int64 85 max_rech_amt_6 69999 non-null int64 86 max_rech_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 87 max_rech_amt_8 69999 non-null int64 88 date_of_last_rech_6 68898 non-null datetime64[ns] 89 date_of_last_rech_7 68765 non-null datetime64[ns] 90 date_of_last_rech_8 67538 non-null datetime64[ns] 91 last_day_rch_amt_6 69999 non-null int64 92 last_day_rch_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 93 last_day_rch_amt_8 69999 non-null int64 94 total_rech_data_6 69999 non-null float64 95 total_rech_data_7 69999 non-null float64 96 total_rech_data_8 69999 non-null float64 97 av_rech_amt_data_6 69999 non-null float64 98 av_rech_amt_data_7 69999 non-null float64 99 av_rech_amt_data_8 69999 non-null float64 100 monthly_2g_6 69999 non-null category 101 monthly_2g_7 69999 non-null category 102 monthly_2g_8 69999 non-null category 103 sachet_2g_6 69999 non-null category 104 sachet_2g_7 69999 non-null category 105 sachet_2g_8 69999 non-null category 106 monthly_3g_6 69999 non-null category 107 monthly_3g_7 69999 non-null category 108 monthly_3g_8 69999 non-null category 109 sachet_3g_6 69999 non-null category 110 sachet_3g_7 69999 non-null category 111 sachet_3g_8 69999 non-null category 112 churn_probability 69999 non-null category 113 total_rech_amt_data_6 69999 non-null float64 114 total_rech_amt_data_7 69999 non-null float64 115 total_rech_amt_data_8 69999 non-null float64 116 delta_vol_2g 69999 non-null float64 117 delta_vol_3g 69999 non-null float64 118 delta_total_og_mou 69999 non-null float64 119 delta_total_ic_mou 69999 non-null float64 120 delta_vbc_3g 69999 non-null float64 121 delta_arpu 69999 non-null float64 122 delta_total_rech_amt 69999 non-null float64 123 aon_months 69999 non-null int32 dtypes: category(13), datetime64[ns](3), float64(97), int32(1), int64(10) memory usage: 59.9 MB
Dummy Variable¶
def CreateDummyVars(data):
dummy_vars = pd.get_dummies(data[ind_categorical_vars], drop_first=False, prefix=ind_categorical_vars, prefix_sep='_')
reference_cols = dummy_vars.filter(regex='.*Others$').columns.to_list() # Using category 'Others' in each column as reference.
dummy_vars.drop(columns=reference_cols, inplace=True)
data.drop(columns=ind_categorical_vars, inplace=True) # dropping original categorical columns
data = pd.concat([data, dummy_vars], axis=1)
dummy_cols = dummy_vars.columns.to_list()
data[dummy_cols] = data[dummy_cols].astype('category')
return data
def DropDateCols(data):
telecom = CreateDummyVars(telecom)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 69999 entries, 0 to 69998 Data columns (total 143 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 69999 non-null int64 1 onnet_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 2 onnet_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 3 onnet_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 4 offnet_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 5 offnet_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 6 offnet_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 7 roam_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 8 roam_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 9 roam_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 10 roam_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 11 roam_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 12 roam_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 13 loc_og_t2t_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 14 loc_og_t2t_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 15 loc_og_t2t_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 16 loc_og_t2m_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 17 loc_og_t2m_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 18 loc_og_t2m_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 19 loc_og_t2f_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 20 loc_og_t2f_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 21 loc_og_t2f_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 22 loc_og_t2c_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 23 loc_og_t2c_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 24 loc_og_t2c_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 25 loc_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 26 loc_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 27 loc_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 28 std_og_t2t_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 29 std_og_t2t_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 30 std_og_t2t_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 31 std_og_t2m_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 32 std_og_t2m_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 33 std_og_t2m_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 34 std_og_t2f_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 35 std_og_t2f_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 36 std_og_t2f_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 37 std_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 38 std_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 39 std_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 40 isd_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 41 isd_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 42 isd_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 43 spl_og_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 44 spl_og_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 45 spl_og_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 46 og_others_6 69999 non-null float64 47 og_others_7 69999 non-null float64 48 og_others_8 69999 non-null float64 49 loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 50 loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 51 loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 52 loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 53 loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 54 loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 55 loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 56 loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 57 loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 58 loc_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 59 loc_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 60 loc_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 61 std_ic_t2t_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 62 std_ic_t2t_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 63 std_ic_t2t_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 64 std_ic_t2m_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 65 std_ic_t2m_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 66 std_ic_t2m_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 67 std_ic_t2f_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 68 std_ic_t2f_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 69 std_ic_t2f_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 70 std_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 71 std_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 72 std_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 73 spl_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 74 spl_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 75 spl_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 76 isd_ic_mou_6 69999 non-null float64 77 isd_ic_mou_7 69999 non-null float64 78 isd_ic_mou_8 69999 non-null float64 79 ic_others_6 69999 non-null float64 80 ic_others_7 69999 non-null float64 81 ic_others_8 69999 non-null float64 82 total_rech_num_6 69999 non-null int64 83 total_rech_num_7 69999 non-null int64 84 total_rech_num_8 69999 non-null int64 85 max_rech_amt_6 69999 non-null int64 86 max_rech_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 87 max_rech_amt_8 69999 non-null int64 88 last_day_rch_amt_6 69999 non-null int64 89 last_day_rch_amt_7 69999 non-null int64 90 last_day_rch_amt_8 69999 non-null int64 91 total_rech_data_6 69999 non-null float64 92 total_rech_data_7 69999 non-null float64 93 total_rech_data_8 69999 non-null float64 94 av_rech_amt_data_6 69999 non-null float64 95 av_rech_amt_data_7 69999 non-null float64 96 av_rech_amt_data_8 69999 non-null float64 97 churn_probability 69999 non-null category 98 total_rech_amt_data_6 69999 non-null float64 99 total_rech_amt_data_7 69999 non-null float64 100 total_rech_amt_data_8 69999 non-null float64 101 delta_vol_2g 69999 non-null float64 102 delta_vol_3g 69999 non-null float64 103 delta_total_og_mou 69999 non-null float64 104 delta_total_ic_mou 69999 non-null float64 105 delta_vbc_3g 69999 non-null float64 106 delta_arpu 69999 non-null float64 107 delta_total_rech_amt 69999 non-null float64 108 aon_months 69999 non-null int32 109 sachet_3g_6_0 69999 non-null category 110 sachet_3g_6_1 69999 non-null category 111 sachet_2g_8_0 69999 non-null category 112 sachet_2g_8_1 69999 non-null category 113 sachet_2g_8_2 69999 non-null category 114 sachet_2g_8_3 69999 non-null category 115 sachet_2g_8_4 69999 non-null category 116 monthly_2g_6_0 69999 non-null category 117 monthly_2g_6_1 69999 non-null category 118 monthly_2g_8_0 69999 non-null category 119 monthly_2g_8_1 69999 non-null category 120 sachet_2g_6_0 69999 non-null category 121 sachet_2g_6_1 69999 non-null category 122 sachet_2g_6_2 69999 non-null category 123 sachet_2g_6_3 69999 non-null category 124 monthly_3g_7_0 69999 non-null category 125 monthly_3g_7_1 69999 non-null category 126 monthly_3g_7_2 69999 non-null category 127 sachet_3g_8_0 69999 non-null category 128 sachet_3g_8_1 69999 non-null category 129 sachet_2g_7_0 69999 non-null category 130 sachet_2g_7_1 69999 non-null category 131 sachet_2g_7_2 69999 non-null category 132 sachet_2g_7_3 69999 non-null category 133 sachet_2g_7_4 69999 non-null category 134 monthly_3g_8_0 69999 non-null category 135 monthly_3g_8_1 69999 non-null category 136 monthly_3g_8_2 69999 non-null category 137 sachet_3g_7_0 69999 non-null category 138 sachet_3g_7_1 69999 non-null category 139 monthly_3g_6_0 69999 non-null category 140 monthly_3g_6_1 69999 non-null category 141 monthly_2g_7_0 69999 non-null category 142 monthly_2g_7_1 69999 non-null category dtypes: category(35), float64(97), int32(1), int64(10) memory usage: 59.8 MB
(69999, 143)
Test Train Split¶
y = telecom["churn_probability"].astype(int, errors='ignore')
X = telecom.drop(["churn_probability","id"],axis=1)
X.index = telecom["id"]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X,y, train_size=0.7, random_state=42)
#Churn Distribution
pie_chart = y.value_counts()*100.0 /len(y)
ax = pie_chart.plot.pie(autopct='%.1f%%', labels = ['No', 'Yes'],figsize =(8,6), fontsize = 14 )
ax.set_ylabel('Churn',fontsize = 12)
ax.set_title('Churn Distribution', fontsize = 12)
Standardizing Columns¶
# columns with numerical data
condition1 = X.dtypes == 'int'
condition2 = X.dtypes == 'float'
numerical_vars = X.columns[condition1 | condition2].to_list()
# Standard scaling
scaler = StandardScaler()
# Fit and transform train set
X_train[numerical_vars] = scaler.fit_transform(X_train[numerical_vars])
# Transform test set
X_test[numerical_vars] = scaler.transform(X_test[numerical_vars])
onnet_mou_6 | onnet_mou_7 | onnet_mou_8 | offnet_mou_6 | offnet_mou_7 | offnet_mou_8 | roam_ic_mou_6 | roam_ic_mou_7 | roam_ic_mou_8 | roam_og_mou_6 | ... | total_rech_amt_data_7 | total_rech_amt_data_8 | delta_vol_2g | delta_vol_3g | delta_total_og_mou | delta_total_ic_mou | delta_vbc_3g | delta_arpu | delta_total_rech_amt | aon_months | |
count | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 | ... | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 | 4.899900e+04 |
mean | 3.364271e-17 | -2.624711e-17 | -8.700701e-18 | 9.048729e-17 | 6.017985e-17 | -1.226799e-16 | 7.540607e-18 | -9.570771e-18 | -1.595128e-17 | -4.582369e-17 | ... | -6.815549e-17 | -4.350350e-18 | 1.392112e-17 | -1.377611e-17 | -6.960561e-18 | 4.930397e-18 | 1.602379e-17 | -5.800467e-19 | 2.320187e-18 | 1.856150e-17 |
std | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 | ... | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 | 1.000010e+00 |
min | -5.056733e-01 | -4.958513e-01 | -4.921167e-01 | -6.952121e-01 | -6.855406e-01 | -6.818200e-01 | -2.474371e-01 | -2.239588e-01 | -2.202920e-01 | -2.669667e-01 | ... | -3.158894e-01 | -3.198908e-01 | -7.939264e+00 | -8.337432e+00 | -7.535326e+00 | -9.412602e+00 | -8.811266e+00 | -7.010198e+00 | -6.720701e+00 | -1.078905e+00 |
25% | -4.830130e-01 | -4.756027e-01 | -4.750416e-01 | -5.860899e-01 | -5.837791e-01 | -5.903120e-01 | -2.474371e-01 | -2.239588e-01 | -2.202920e-01 | -2.669667e-01 | ... | -3.158894e-01 | -3.198908e-01 | 9.286588e-03 | -3.642018e-02 | -2.213436e-01 | -2.895331e-01 | -3.928852e-02 | -4.101719e-01 | -4.277242e-01 | -7.946275e-01 |
50% | -3.770007e-01 | -3.765103e-01 | -3.766423e-01 | -3.576343e-01 | -3.627562e-01 | -3.648741e-01 | -2.474371e-01 | -2.239588e-01 | -2.202920e-01 | -2.669667e-01 | ... | -3.158894e-01 | -3.198908e-01 | 9.286588e-03 | -3.642018e-02 | 8.077982e-03 | 3.145085e-03 | -3.928852e-02 | -1.257410e-02 | -1.588357e-03 | -3.524183e-01 |
75% | -3.288779e-02 | -5.411525e-02 | -5.010574e-02 | 1.440601e-01 | 1.333803e-01 | 1.401526e-01 | -2.474371e-01 | -2.239588e-01 | -2.202920e-01 | -2.669667e-01 | ... | -2.795715e-01 | -2.671443e-01 | 9.286588e-03 | -3.642018e-02 | 2.138192e-01 | 2.877976e-01 | -3.928852e-02 | 3.926950e-01 | 4.186014e-01 | 6.267593e-01 |
max | 5.522230e+00 | 5.503825e+00 | 5.595738e+00 | 5.131937e+00 | 5.098242e+00 | 5.115873e+00 | 7.102132e+00 | 7.451739e+00 | 7.651199e+00 | 6.769081e+00 | ... | 6.550457e+00 | 6.466103e+00 | 7.868771e+00 | 8.714964e+00 | 7.526624e+00 | 9.295670e+00 | 8.771378e+00 | 9.479331e+00 | 6.771078e+00 | 3.280015e+00 |
8 rows × 107 columns
Model 1 : Baseline Logistic Regression Model (Interpretable Model) :¶
baseline_model = LogisticRegression(random_state=100, class_weight='balanced') # `weight of class` balancing technique used
baseline_model =, y_train)
baseline_coefficients = baseline_model.coef_
y_train_pred = baseline_model.predict_proba(X_train)[:,1]
y_test_pred = baseline_model.predict_proba(X_test)[:,1]
y_train_pred = pd.Series(y_train_pred,index = X_train.index, ) # converting test and train to a series to preserve index
y_test_pred = pd.Series(y_test_pred,index = X_test.index)
# Prediction at threshold of 0.5
classification_threshold = 0.5
y_train_pred_classified = x : 1 if x > classification_threshold else 0)
y_test_pred_classified = x : 1 if x > classification_threshold else 0)
train_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_train, y_train_pred_classified)
print('Confusion Matrix for train:\n', train_matrix)
test_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_test_pred_classified)
print('\nConfusion Matrix for test: \n', test_matrix)
Confusion Matrix for train: [[34842 9180] [ 747 4230]] Confusion Matrix for test: [[14844 4001] [ 297 1858]]
def DisplayClassificationReport(y, y_p):
rep = classification_report(y, y_p, labels=[0, 1])
return rep
report_train = DisplayClassificationReport(y_train, y_train_pred_classified)
report_test = DisplayClassificationReport(y_test, y_test_pred_classified)
precision recall f1-score support 0 0.98 0.79 0.88 44022 1 0.32 0.85 0.46 4977 accuracy 0.80 48999 macro avg 0.65 0.82 0.67 48999 weighted avg 0.91 0.80 0.83 48999 precision recall f1-score support 0 0.98 0.79 0.87 18845 1 0.32 0.86 0.46 2155 accuracy 0.80 21000 macro avg 0.65 0.82 0.67 21000 weighted avg 0.91 0.80 0.83 21000
Baseline model Coeeficients
coeffient_df = pd.DataFrame({"columns" : list(X_train.columns) , "baseline_coefficients" : list(baseline_coefficients[0]) })
PlotAsTable(coeffient_df.sort_values(by='baseline_coefficients', ascending = False, key=abs), "Baseline model Coefficients")
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'Baseline model Coefficients' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Baseline model Coefficients¶
columns | baseline_coefficients |
aon_months | -0.327769 |
delta_total_ic_mou | -0.327664 |
spl_ic_mou_8 | -0.326426 |
roam_og_mou_8 | 0.26992 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | -0.241128 |
loc_ic_mou_8 | -0.239868 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | -0.178816 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | -0.160829 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | -0.138874 |
roam_ic_mou_8 | 0.134955 |
isd_og_mou_8 | 0.132096 |
spl_ic_mou_7 | -0.131111 |
loc_og_mou_8 | -0.129051 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_8 | -0.119395 |
delta_total_og_mou | -0.116189 |
delta_vbc_3g | -0.103887 |
isd_og_mou_7 | 0.0994905 |
std_ic_mou_8 | -0.0991107 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | -0.0955863 |
total_rech_num_8 | -0.0948075 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_8 | -0.0930518 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | -0.0908159 |
total_rech_data_8 | -0.0870278 |
spl_ic_mou_6 | -0.0869539 |
isd_og_mou_6 | 0.0861188 |
delta_arpu | -0.0726869 |
ic_others_8 | -0.0725407 |
delta_vol_2g | -0.071264 |
std_og_t2f_mou_8 | -0.0674591 |
delta_vol_3g | -0.0614914 |
roam_og_mou_7 | 0.0609883 |
loc_ic_mou_7 | -0.0602747 |
isd_ic_mou_6 | 0.0583407 |
spl_og_mou_8 | -0.0582962 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_8 | -0.0561639 |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | 0.0516418 |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | -0.0498101 |
std_og_mou_7 | 0.0485413 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 | -0.046918 |
roam_og_mou_6 | 0.0434897 |
offnet_mou_7 | 0.0434486 |
monthly_2g_8_0 | 0.0414274 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 | -0.0405536 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | -0.0389376 |
monthly_2g_8_1 | -0.038206 |
sachet_2g_8_0 | 0.0368269 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_7 | -0.0367835 |
roam_ic_mou_7 | 0.0354719 |
offnet_mou_8 | -0.0346231 |
monthly_2g_7_0 | 0.034233 |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | 0.0333936 |
total_rech_amt_data_8 | -0.0333216 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_8 | -0.033029 |
isd_ic_mou_7 | 0.0316455 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_7 | -0.0313858 |
og_others_6 | 0.0300942 |
delta_total_rech_amt | -0.0286255 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | -0.0276505 |
std_ic_t2f_mou_6 | -0.0275193 |
monthly_3g_7_0 | -0.0269576 |
onnet_mou_8 | -0.026879 |
monthly_2g_7_1 | -0.0265288 |
std_og_t2f_mou_6 | -0.0264478 |
monthly_3g_6_0 | -0.0259671 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_7 | 0.0258183 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | -0.0256217 |
monthly_2g_6_0 | 0.0256083 |
ic_others_7 | -0.0253111 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | -0.0243136 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 0.023522 |
monthly_3g_6_1 | 0.0225538 |
sachet_2g_7_0 | 0.0221848 |
onnet_mou_6 | 0.0218306 |
monthly_3g_7_1 | 0.0214911 |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.021491 |
monthly_2g_6_1 | -0.0212618 |
total_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.0211671 |
onnet_mou_7 | 0.0197463 |
total_rech_amt_data_6 | 0.0187046 |
isd_ic_mou_8 | 0.0182411 |
std_ic_t2t_mou_6 | 0.0181748 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_6 | -0.0173621 |
offnet_mou_6 | 0.0173414 |
std_ic_mou_7 | -0.0171305 |
std_og_mou_6 | 0.0155207 |
loc_og_mou_7 | -0.015293 |
loc_ic_mou_6 | -0.0150031 |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | 0.014739 |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | 0.0145025 |
spl_og_mou_7 | 0.0144105 |
total_rech_data_7 | -0.0136287 |
total_rech_data_6 | 0.0135395 |
monthly_3g_8_0 | -0.0132515 |
sachet_2g_7_1 | -0.0123963 |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | 0.0119727 |
spl_og_mou_6 | -0.0109916 |
sachet_2g_6_0 | 0.0106756 |
sachet_3g_8_0 | 0.0106738 |
roam_ic_mou_6 | -0.00998974 |
total_rech_num_7 | 0.009466 |
std_ic_t2m_mou_6 | -0.0094561 |
sachet_2g_6_1 | -0.0092175 |
monthly_3g_8_1 | 0.00906512 |
sachet_2g_8_2 | -0.00845652 |
std_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0.00799745 |
sachet_2g_8_1 | -0.00760673 |
monthly_3g_7_2 | 0.00746073 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | -0.00689465 |
std_ic_mou_6 | -0.00648548 |
sachet_3g_8_1 | -0.00643921 |
sachet_2g_8_3 | -0.00631022 |
sachet_3g_6_1 | -0.00557579 |
monthly_3g_8_2 | 0.0049996 |
ic_others_6 | -0.00481901 |
loc_og_mou_6 | 0.00470407 |
last_day_rch_amt_8 | -0.00441374 |
total_rech_num_6 | -0.00386013 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_6 | 0.00378966 |
sachet_3g_7_0 | -0.00374116 |
sachet_2g_7_4 | -0.00371052 |
loc_og_t2f_mou_7 | -0.00342478 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | 0.00306849 |
sachet_3g_7_1 | 0.00306774 |
sachet_2g_7_2 | -0.00294313 |
sachet_2g_6_2 | -0.00275553 |
sachet_3g_6_0 | 0.00255828 |
max_rech_amt_8 | -0.00225404 |
sachet_2g_8_4 | -0.00218944 |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | -0.00193069 |
last_day_rch_amt_7 | -0.00130614 |
max_rech_amt_7 | -0.00108298 |
std_og_mou_8 | 0.000997923 |
last_day_rch_amt_6 | -0.000852651 |
sachet_2g_6_3 | -0.000604907 |
sachet_2g_7_3 | 0.000589667 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | 0.000493854 |
max_rech_amt_6 | -0.00020097 |
loc_og_t2c_mou_8 | -0.00018902 |
std_og_t2f_mou_7 | -4.87198e-05 |
og_others_8 | 0 |
og_others_7 | 0 |
def model_metrics(matrix, name) :
TN = matrix[0][0]
TP = matrix[1][1]
FP = matrix[0][1]
FN = matrix[1][0]
print(f'{name} : \n' )
accuracy = round((TP + TN)/float(TP+TN+FP+FN),3)
print('Accuracy :' ,accuracy )
sensitivity = round(TP/float(FN + TP),3)
print('Sensitivity / True Positive Rate / Recall :', sensitivity)
specificity = round(TN/float(TN + FP),3)
print('Specificity / True Negative Rate : ', specificity)
precision = round(TP/float(TP + FP),3)
print('Precision / Positive Predictive Value :', precision)
f1_score = round(2*precision*sensitivity/(precision + sensitivity),3)
print('F1-score :', f1_score)
return accuracy,sensitivity,specificity,precision,f1_score
# Baseline Model Performance :
model_perf_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['model','accuracy','sensitivity/recall', 'specificity', 'precision', 'f1-score'])
def PlotMetricsComparission(t = "Metrics by Model (sorted by accuracy)"):
PlotAsTable(model_perf_df.sort_values(by='accuracy', ascending = False), t)
def AppendToModelPerfDF(corr_matrix, name):
metrics = model_metrics(corr_matrix, name)
#Combining the "name" value with the NumPy array metrics
new_row = np.concatenate([[name], metrics])
# Inserting the new row into the DataFrame using the loc method
new_row_index = len(model_perf_df)
model_perf_df.loc[new_row_index] = new_row
AppendToModelPerfDF(train_matrix,"Logistic Regr Train (0.5 Thres)")
AppendToModelPerfDF(test_matrix,"Logistic Regr Test (0.5 Thres)")
Logistic Regr Train (0.5 Thres) : Accuracy : 0.797 Sensitivity / True Positive Rate / Recall : 0.85 Specificity / True Negative Rate : 0.791 Precision / Positive Predictive Value : 0.315 F1-score : 0.46 Logistic Regr Test (0.5 Thres) : Accuracy : 0.795 Sensitivity / True Positive Rate / Recall : 0.862 Specificity / True Negative Rate : 0.788 Precision / Positive Predictive Value : 0.317 F1-score : 0.464
Baseline Performance - Finding Optimum Probability Cutoff¶
# Specificity / Sensitivity Tradeoff
# Classification at probability thresholds between 0 and 1
def thresholder(x, thresh) :
if x > thresh :
return 1
else :
return 0
def CalculateProbablityThresholds(y_pred_now, X_now):
y_train_pred_thres = pd.DataFrame(index=X_now.index)
thresholds = [float(x)/10 for x in range(10)]
for i in thresholds:
y_train_pred_thres[i]= x : thresholder(x,i))
print("Y pred by threshold: \n")
return (thresholds, y_train_pred_thres)
# # sensitivity, specificity, accuracy for each threshold
# Function for calculation of metrics for each threshold
def model_metrics_thres(matrix) :
TN = matrix[0][0]
TP = matrix[1][1]
FP = matrix[0][1]
FN = matrix[1][0]
accuracy = round((TP + TN)/float(TP+TN+FP+FN),3)
sensitivity = round(TP/float(FN + TP),3)
specificity = round(TN/float(TN + FP),3)
precision = round(TP/float(TP + FP),3)
return sensitivity,specificity,accuracy,precision
def ViewMetricsByThreshold(y_act, y_pred_now, X_now):
metrics_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['precision','sensitivity/recall', 'specificity', 'accuracy'])
(thresholds, y_train_pred_thres) = CalculateProbablityThresholds(y_pred_now, X_now)
# generating a data frame for metrics for each threshold
for thres,column in zip(thresholds,y_train_pred_thres.columns.to_list()) :
confusion = confusion_matrix(y_act, y_train_pred_thres.loc[:,column])
sensitivity,specificity,accuracy,precision = model_metrics_thres(confusion)
metrics_df = metrics_df.append({
'precision' : precision,
'sensitivity/recall' :sensitivity,
'specificity' : specificity,
'accuracy' : accuracy
}, ignore_index = True)
metrics_df.index = thresholds
print("Y pred metrics by threshold: \n")
metrics_df.plot(kind='line', figsize=(24,8), grid=True, xticks=np.arange(0,1,0.02),
title='Specificity-Sensitivity TradeOff');
ViewMetricsByThreshold(y_train, y_train_pred, X_train)
Y pred by threshold: 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 id 61787 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19961 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11040 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27673 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 22876 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y pred metrics by threshold: precision sensitivity/recall specificity accuracy 0.0 0.102 1.000 0.000 0.102 0.1 0.137 0.972 0.310 0.377 0.2 0.167 0.947 0.467 0.516 0.3 0.203 0.919 0.592 0.625 0.4 0.250 0.887 0.699 0.718 0.5 0.315 0.850 0.791 0.797 0.6 0.397 0.798 0.863 0.856 0.7 0.495 0.716 0.917 0.897 0.8 0.583 0.511 0.959 0.913 0.9 0.561 0.143 0.987 0.902
optimum_cutoff = 0.53
y_train_pred_final = x : 1 if x > optimum_cutoff else 0)
y_test_pred_final = x : 1 if x > optimum_cutoff else 0)
train_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_train, y_train_pred_final)
print('Confusion Matrix for train:\n', train_matrix)
test_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_test_pred_final)
print('\nConfusion Matrix for test: \n', test_matrix)
Confusion Matrix for train: [[35854 8168] [ 812 4165]] Confusion Matrix for test: [[15290 3555] [ 331 1824]]
AppendToModelPerfDF(train_matrix,f"Logistic Regr Train (Optimal:{str(optimum_cutoff)} Thres)")
AppendToModelPerfDF(test_matrix,f"Logistic Regr Test (Optimal:{str(optimum_cutoff)} Thres)")
Logistic Regr Train (Optimal:0.53 Thres) : Accuracy : 0.817 Sensitivity / True Positive Rate / Recall : 0.837 Specificity / True Negative Rate : 0.814 Precision / Positive Predictive Value : 0.338 F1-score : 0.482 Logistic Regr Test (Optimal:0.53 Thres) : Accuracy : 0.815 Sensitivity / True Positive Rate / Recall : 0.846 Specificity / True Negative Rate : 0.811 Precision / Positive Predictive Value : 0.339 F1-score : 0.484
report_train = DisplayClassificationReport(y_train, y_train_pred_classified)
report_test = DisplayClassificationReport(y_test, y_test_pred_classified)
precision recall f1-score support 0 0.98 0.79 0.88 44022 1 0.32 0.85 0.46 4977 accuracy 0.80 48999 macro avg 0.65 0.82 0.67 48999 weighted avg 0.91 0.80 0.83 48999 precision recall f1-score support 0 0.98 0.79 0.87 18845 1 0.32 0.86 0.46 2155 accuracy 0.80 21000 macro avg 0.65 0.82 0.67 21000 weighted avg 0.91 0.80 0.83 21000
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'Metrics by Model (sorted by accuracy)' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Metrics by Model (sorted by accuracy)¶
model | accuracy | sensitivity/recall | specificity | precision | f1-score |
Logistic Regr Train (Optimal:0.53 Thres) | 0.817 | 0.837 | 0.814 | 0.338 | 0.482 |
Logistic Regr Test (Optimal:0.53 Thres) | 0.815 | 0.846 | 0.811 | 0.339 | 0.484 |
Logistic Regr Train (0.5 Thres) | 0.797 | 0.85 | 0.791 | 0.315 | 0.46 |
Logistic Regr Test (0.5 Thres) | 0.795 | 0.862 | 0.788 | 0.317 | 0.464 |
Logistin Regression with RFE
RFE Feature selection
lr = LogisticRegression(random_state=100 , class_weight='balanced')
rfe = RFE(estimator=lr, n_features_to_select=15)
results =,y_train)
array([False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, True, False, False, True, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, True, True])
# DataFrame with features supported by RFE
rfe_support = pd.DataFrame({'Column' : X.columns.to_list(), 'Rank' : rfe.ranking_,
'Support' : rfe.support_}).sort_values(by=
'Rank', ascending=True)
PlotAsTable(rfe_support, "RFE Feature Selection")
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'RFE Feature Selection' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RFE Feature Selection¶
Column | Rank | Support |
monthly_2g_7_1 | 1 | True |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 1 | True |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 1 | True |
std_og_mou_8 | 1 | True |
loc_ic_mou_8 | 1 | True |
monthly_2g_7_0 | 1 | True |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | 1 | True |
spl_ic_mou_8 | 1 | True |
total_rech_data_8 | 1 | True |
aon_months | 1 | True |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | 1 | True |
monthly_2g_8_1 | 1 | True |
delta_total_rech_amt | 1 | True |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 1 | True |
offnet_mou_8 | 1 | True |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | 2 | False |
loc_og_mou_8 | 3 | False |
roam_og_mou_8 | 4 | False |
monthly_3g_8_0 | 5 | False |
sachet_2g_7_1 | 6 | False |
monthly_3g_6_1 | 7 | False |
std_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 8 | False |
sachet_2g_8_2 | 9 | False |
monthly_3g_7_2 | 10 | False |
monthly_3g_6_0 | 11 | False |
sachet_2g_7_4 | 12 | False |
delta_total_ic_mou | 13 | False |
monthly_3g_8_1 | 14 | False |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | 15 | False |
std_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 16 | False |
sachet_2g_8_3 | 17 | False |
loc_ic_mou_7 | 18 | False |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 19 | False |
monthly_2g_8_0 | 20 | False |
sachet_3g_7_0 | 21 | False |
isd_og_mou_8 | 22 | False |
spl_ic_mou_7 | 23 | False |
sachet_3g_6_1 | 24 | False |
onnet_mou_8 | 25 | False |
std_og_t2f_mou_8 | 26 | False |
sachet_2g_7_2 | 27 | False |
delta_vbc_3g | 28 | False |
offnet_mou_7 | 29 | False |
std_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 30 | False |
std_ic_t2m_mou_7 | 31 | False |
std_ic_mou_7 | 32 | False |
sachet_2g_6_1 | 33 | False |
roam_og_mou_6 | 34 | False |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | 35 | False |
isd_ic_mou_8 | 36 | False |
ic_others_8 | 37 | False |
monthly_2g_6_1 | 38 | False |
delta_vol_2g | 39 | False |
std_ic_t2m_mou_6 | 40 | False |
std_ic_mou_6 | 41 | False |
std_ic_t2t_mou_6 | 42 | False |
total_rech_num_8 | 43 | False |
std_og_mou_7 | 44 | False |
spl_ic_mou_6 | 45 | False |
roam_ic_mou_7 | 46 | False |
total_rech_data_7 | 47 | False |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | 48 | False |
spl_og_mou_8 | 49 | False |
loc_og_t2c_mou_8 | 50 | False |
delta_total_og_mou | 51 | False |
offnet_mou_6 | 52 | False |
og_others_6 | 53 | False |
isd_og_mou_6 | 54 | False |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | 55 | False |
monthly_3g_8_2 | 56 | False |
loc_og_t2c_mou_7 | 57 | False |
loc_og_t2f_mou_6 | 58 | False |
monthly_3g_7_0 | 59 | False |
loc_og_t2c_mou_6 | 60 | False |
isd_og_mou_7 | 61 | False |
std_og_t2f_mou_6 | 62 | False |
loc_og_mou_7 | 63 | False |
onnet_mou_6 | 64 | False |
monthly_2g_6_0 | 65 | False |
delta_arpu | 66 | False |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | 67 | False |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | 68 | False |
sachet_3g_8_1 | 69 | False |
total_rech_num_7 | 70 | False |
sachet_2g_6_2 | 71 | False |
monthly_3g_7_1 | 72 | False |
onnet_mou_7 | 73 | False |
sachet_2g_8_1 | 74 | False |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | 75 | False |
std_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 76 | False |
std_ic_mou_8 | 77 | False |
spl_og_mou_6 | 78 | False |
ic_others_7 | 79 | False |
total_rech_amt_data_7 | 80 | False |
last_day_rch_amt_8 | 81 | False |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | 82 | False |
roam_ic_mou_8 | 83 | False |
loc_ic_mou_6 | 84 | False |
isd_ic_mou_6 | 85 | False |
sachet_2g_8_0 | 86 | False |
roam_og_mou_7 | 87 | False |
loc_og_t2f_mou_7 | 88 | False |
total_rech_amt_data_8 | 89 | False |
total_rech_amt_data_6 | 90 | False |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 | 91 | False |
std_ic_t2f_mou_6 | 92 | False |
sachet_2g_8_4 | 93 | False |
std_ic_t2f_mou_7 | 94 | False |
max_rech_amt_8 | 95 | False |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 96 | False |
sachet_2g_6_3 | 97 | False |
roam_ic_mou_6 | 98 | False |
sachet_2g_7_0 | 99 | False |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | 100 | False |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 | 101 | False |
spl_og_mou_7 | 102 | False |
ic_others_6 | 103 | False |
std_og_t2m_mou_8 | 104 | False |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | 105 | False |
total_rech_data_6 | 106 | False |
last_day_rch_amt_7 | 107 | False |
sachet_3g_7_1 | 108 | False |
std_og_mou_6 | 109 | False |
total_rech_num_6 | 110 | False |
isd_ic_mou_7 | 111 | False |
loc_og_t2f_mou_8 | 112 | False |
delta_vol_3g | 113 | False |
sachet_2g_6_0 | 114 | False |
loc_og_mou_6 | 115 | False |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | 116 | False |
max_rech_amt_7 | 117 | False |
last_day_rch_amt_6 | 118 | False |
sachet_3g_6_0 | 119 | False |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | 120 | False |
sachet_2g_7_3 | 121 | False |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | 122 | False |
max_rech_amt_6 | 123 | False |
sachet_3g_8_0 | 124 | False |
std_og_t2f_mou_7 | 125 | False |
og_others_7 | 126 | False |
og_others_8 | 127 | False |
# RFE Selected columns
rfe_selected_columns = rfe_support.loc[rfe_support['Rank'] == 1,'Column'].to_list()
['monthly_2g_7_1', 'loc_ic_t2m_mou_8', 'loc_ic_t2f_mou_8', 'std_og_mou_8', 'loc_ic_mou_8', 'monthly_2g_7_0', 'std_og_t2t_mou_8', 'spl_ic_mou_8', 'total_rech_data_8', 'aon_months', 'loc_og_t2m_mou_8', 'monthly_2g_8_1', 'delta_total_rech_amt', 'loc_ic_t2t_mou_8', 'offnet_mou_8']
Logistic Regression using RFE Columns
Model 1
# Note that the SMOTE resampled Train set is used with statsmodels.api.GLM since it doesnot support class_weight
logr = sm.GLM(y_train,(sm.add_constant(X_train[rfe_selected_columns])), family = sm.families.Binomial())
logr_fit =
Dep. Variable: | churn_probability | No. Observations: | 48999 |
Model: | GLM | Df Residuals: | 48983 |
Model Family: | Binomial | Df Model: | 15 |
Link Function: | Logit | Scale: | 1.0000 |
Method: | IRLS | Log-Likelihood: | -11177. |
Date: | Tue, 08 Aug 2023 | Deviance: | 22354. |
Time: | 22:01:12 | Pearson chi2: | 9.19e+07 |
No. Iterations: | 9 | Pseudo R-squ. (CS): | 0.1820 |
Covariance Type: | nonrobust |
coef | std err | z | P>|z| | [0.025 | 0.975] | |
const | -5.9077 | 0.478 | -12.364 | 0.000 | -6.844 | -4.971 |
monthly_2g_7_1 | 1.1766 | 0.483 | 2.435 | 0.015 | 0.230 | 2.124 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | -2.8351 | 0.149 | -18.966 | 0.000 | -3.128 | -2.542 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | -0.8691 | 0.084 | -10.383 | 0.000 | -1.033 | -0.705 |
std_og_mou_8 | -0.7844 | 0.123 | -6.387 | 0.000 | -1.025 | -0.544 |
loc_ic_mou_8 | 1.7571 | 0.197 | 8.923 | 0.000 | 1.371 | 2.143 |
monthly_2g_7_0 | 1.7485 | 0.475 | 3.679 | 0.000 | 0.817 | 2.680 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | 0.2000 | 0.082 | 2.436 | 0.015 | 0.039 | 0.361 |
spl_ic_mou_8 | -0.9475 | 0.061 | -15.458 | 0.000 | -1.068 | -0.827 |
total_rech_data_8 | -0.6301 | 0.042 | -15.094 | 0.000 | -0.712 | -0.548 |
aon_months | -0.3161 | 0.022 | -14.056 | 0.000 | -0.360 | -0.272 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | -0.9796 | 0.089 | -11.032 | 0.000 | -1.154 | -0.806 |
monthly_2g_8_1 | -0.8322 | 0.143 | -5.838 | 0.000 | -1.112 | -0.553 |
delta_total_rech_amt | -0.4774 | 0.019 | -25.210 | 0.000 | -0.515 | -0.440 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | -1.7059 | 0.119 | -14.354 | 0.000 | -1.939 | -1.473 |
offnet_mou_8 | 0.3185 | 0.087 | 3.647 | 0.000 | 0.147 | 0.490 |
def vif(X_train_resampled, logr_fit, selected_columns) :
vif = pd.DataFrame()
vif['Features'] = rfe_selected_columns
vif['VIF'] = [variance_inflation_factor(X_train_resampled[selected_columns].values, i) for i in range(X_train_resampled[selected_columns].shape[1])]
vif['VIF'] = round(vif['VIF'], 2)
vif = vif.set_index('Features')
vif['P-value'] = round(logr_fit.pvalues,4)
vif = vif.sort_values(by = ["VIF",'P-value'], ascending = [False,False])
return vif
# vif and p-values
vif(X_train, logr_fit, rfe_selected_columns)
VIF | P-value | |
Features | ||
loc_ic_mou_8 | 28.61 | 0.0000 |
std_og_mou_8 | 23.81 | 0.0000 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 15.45 | 0.0000 |
offnet_mou_8 | 14.76 | 0.0003 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | 11.03 | 0.0148 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 6.34 | 0.0000 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | 6.10 | 0.0000 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 1.80 | 0.0000 |
monthly_2g_8_1 | 1.39 | 0.0000 |
monthly_2g_7_1 | 1.35 | 0.0149 |
delta_total_rech_amt | 1.13 | 0.0000 |
aon_months | 1.12 | 0.0000 |
total_rech_data_8 | 1.04 | 0.0000 |
spl_ic_mou_8 | 1.03 | 0.0000 |
monthly_2g_7_0 | 1.02 | 0.0002 |
loc_ic_mou_8 has very high VIF, hence can be eliminated
selected_columns = rfe_selected_columns
['monthly_2g_7_1', 'loc_ic_t2m_mou_8', 'loc_ic_t2f_mou_8', 'std_og_mou_8', 'monthly_2g_7_0', 'std_og_t2t_mou_8', 'spl_ic_mou_8', 'total_rech_data_8', 'aon_months', 'loc_og_t2m_mou_8', 'monthly_2g_8_1', 'delta_total_rech_amt', 'loc_ic_t2t_mou_8', 'offnet_mou_8']
Manual elimination, Model 2
logr2 = sm.GLM(y_train,(sm.add_constant(X_train[selected_columns])), family = sm.families.Binomial())
logr2_fit =
Dep. Variable: | churn_probability | No. Observations: | 48999 |
Model: | GLM | Df Residuals: | 48984 |
Model Family: | Binomial | Df Model: | 14 |
Link Function: | Logit | Scale: | 1.0000 |
Method: | IRLS | Log-Likelihood: | -11196. |
Date: | Tue, 08 Aug 2023 | Deviance: | 22391. |
Time: | 23:02:01 | Pearson chi2: | 2.15e+08 |
No. Iterations: | 9 | Pseudo R-squ. (CS): | 0.1813 |
Covariance Type: | nonrobust |
coef | std err | z | P>|z| | [0.025 | 0.975] | |
const | -5.9173 | 0.478 | -12.387 | 0.000 | -6.854 | -4.981 |
monthly_2g_7_1 | 1.1763 | 0.483 | 2.435 | 0.015 | 0.230 | 2.123 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | -1.6930 | 0.089 | -18.949 | 0.000 | -1.868 | -1.518 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | -0.5776 | 0.073 | -7.873 | 0.000 | -0.721 | -0.434 |
std_og_mou_8 | -0.7873 | 0.123 | -6.410 | 0.000 | -1.028 | -0.547 |
monthly_2g_7_0 | 1.7506 | 0.475 | 3.685 | 0.000 | 0.819 | 2.682 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | 0.2006 | 0.082 | 2.444 | 0.015 | 0.040 | 0.361 |
spl_ic_mou_8 | -0.9481 | 0.061 | -15.469 | 0.000 | -1.068 | -0.828 |
total_rech_data_8 | -0.6297 | 0.042 | -15.093 | 0.000 | -0.712 | -0.548 |
aon_months | -0.3196 | 0.022 | -14.215 | 0.000 | -0.364 | -0.275 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | -0.9921 | 0.089 | -11.144 | 0.000 | -1.167 | -0.818 |
monthly_2g_8_1 | -0.8348 | 0.142 | -5.859 | 0.000 | -1.114 | -0.556 |
delta_total_rech_amt | -0.4787 | 0.019 | -25.275 | 0.000 | -0.516 | -0.442 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | -1.0085 | 0.077 | -13.142 | 0.000 | -1.159 | -0.858 |
offnet_mou_8 | 0.3218 | 0.087 | 3.685 | 0.000 | 0.151 | 0.493 |
# vif and p-values
VIF | P-value | |
Features | ||
std_og_mou_8 | 23.81 | 0.0000 |
offnet_mou_8 | 14.75 | 0.0002 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | 11.03 | 0.0145 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | 6.08 | 0.0000 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 1.78 | 0.0000 |
monthly_2g_8_1 | 1.39 | 0.0000 |
monthly_2g_7_1 | 1.35 | 0.0149 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 1.19 | 0.0000 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 1.17 | 0.0000 |
delta_total_rech_amt | 1.13 | 0.0000 |
aon_months | 1.11 | 0.0000 |
total_rech_data_8 | 1.04 | 0.0000 |
spl_ic_mou_8 | 1.03 | 0.0000 |
monthly_2g_7_0 | 1.02 | 0.0002 |
std_og_mou_8 has high VIF hence can be eliminated
['monthly_2g_7_1', 'loc_ic_t2m_mou_8', 'loc_ic_t2f_mou_8', 'monthly_2g_7_0', 'std_og_t2t_mou_8', 'spl_ic_mou_8', 'total_rech_data_8', 'aon_months', 'loc_og_t2m_mou_8', 'monthly_2g_8_1', 'delta_total_rech_amt', 'loc_ic_t2t_mou_8', 'offnet_mou_8']
Manual elimination, Model 3
logr3 = sm.GLM(y_train,(sm.add_constant(X_train[selected_columns])), family = sm.families.Binomial())
logr3_fit =
Dep. Variable: | churn_probability | No. Observations: | 48999 |
Model: | GLM | Df Residuals: | 48985 |
Model Family: | Binomial | Df Model: | 13 |
Link Function: | Logit | Scale: | 1.0000 |
Method: | IRLS | Log-Likelihood: | -11214. |
Date: | Tue, 08 Aug 2023 | Deviance: | 22428. |
Time: | 23:02:36 | Pearson chi2: | 3.03e+08 |
No. Iterations: | 9 | Pseudo R-squ. (CS): | 0.1807 |
Covariance Type: | nonrobust |
coef | std err | z | P>|z| | [0.025 | 0.975] | |
const | -5.9299 | 0.478 | -12.415 | 0.000 | -6.866 | -4.994 |
monthly_2g_7_1 | 1.1920 | 0.483 | 2.468 | 0.014 | 0.245 | 2.139 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | -1.7135 | 0.090 | -19.128 | 0.000 | -1.889 | -1.538 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | -0.5702 | 0.073 | -7.777 | 0.000 | -0.714 | -0.427 |
monthly_2g_7_0 | 1.7619 | 0.475 | 3.709 | 0.000 | 0.831 | 2.693 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | -0.2925 | 0.029 | -10.254 | 0.000 | -0.348 | -0.237 |
spl_ic_mou_8 | -0.9522 | 0.061 | -15.533 | 0.000 | -1.072 | -0.832 |
total_rech_data_8 | -0.6211 | 0.042 | -14.961 | 0.000 | -0.702 | -0.540 |
aon_months | -0.3149 | 0.022 | -14.016 | 0.000 | -0.359 | -0.271 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | -0.7237 | 0.079 | -9.105 | 0.000 | -0.879 | -0.568 |
monthly_2g_8_1 | -0.8239 | 0.142 | -5.791 | 0.000 | -1.103 | -0.545 |
delta_total_rech_amt | -0.4799 | 0.019 | -25.254 | 0.000 | -0.517 | -0.443 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | -1.0143 | 0.077 | -13.191 | 0.000 | -1.165 | -0.864 |
offnet_mou_8 | -0.2220 | 0.033 | -6.818 | 0.000 | -0.286 | -0.158 |
# vif and p-values
VIF | P-value | |
Features | ||
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | 2.23 | 0.0000 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 1.77 | 0.0000 |
offnet_mou_8 | 1.68 | 0.0000 |
monthly_2g_8_1 | 1.39 | 0.0000 |
monthly_2g_7_1 | 1.35 | 0.0136 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 1.19 | 0.0000 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 1.17 | 0.0000 |
delta_total_rech_amt | 1.13 | 0.0000 |
aon_months | 1.11 | 0.0000 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | 1.09 | 0.0000 |
total_rech_data_8 | 1.04 | 0.0000 |
spl_ic_mou_8 | 1.03 | 0.0000 |
monthly_2g_7_0 | 1.02 | 0.0002 |
Final GLM Model selected:
logr5 = sm.GLM(y_train,(sm.add_constant(X_train[selected_columns])), family = sm.families.Binomial())
logr5_fit =
Dep. Variable: | churn_probability | No. Observations: | 48999 |
Model: | GLM | Df Residuals: | 48985 |
Model Family: | Binomial | Df Model: | 13 |
Link Function: | Logit | Scale: | 1.0000 |
Method: | IRLS | Log-Likelihood: | -11214. |
Date: | Tue, 08 Aug 2023 | Deviance: | 22428. |
Time: | 23:03:04 | Pearson chi2: | 3.03e+08 |
No. Iterations: | 9 | Pseudo R-squ. (CS): | 0.1807 |
Covariance Type: | nonrobust |
coef | std err | z | P>|z| | [0.025 | 0.975] | |
const | -5.9299 | 0.478 | -12.415 | 0.000 | -6.866 | -4.994 |
monthly_2g_7_1 | 1.1920 | 0.483 | 2.468 | 0.014 | 0.245 | 2.139 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | -1.7135 | 0.090 | -19.128 | 0.000 | -1.889 | -1.538 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | -0.5702 | 0.073 | -7.777 | 0.000 | -0.714 | -0.427 |
monthly_2g_7_0 | 1.7619 | 0.475 | 3.709 | 0.000 | 0.831 | 2.693 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | -0.2925 | 0.029 | -10.254 | 0.000 | -0.348 | -0.237 |
spl_ic_mou_8 | -0.9522 | 0.061 | -15.533 | 0.000 | -1.072 | -0.832 |
total_rech_data_8 | -0.6211 | 0.042 | -14.961 | 0.000 | -0.702 | -0.540 |
aon_months | -0.3149 | 0.022 | -14.016 | 0.000 | -0.359 | -0.271 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | -0.7237 | 0.079 | -9.105 | 0.000 | -0.879 | -0.568 |
monthly_2g_8_1 | -0.8239 | 0.142 | -5.791 | 0.000 | -1.103 | -0.545 |
delta_total_rech_amt | -0.4799 | 0.019 | -25.254 | 0.000 | -0.517 | -0.443 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | -1.0143 | 0.077 | -13.191 | 0.000 | -1.165 | -0.864 |
offnet_mou_8 | -0.2220 | 0.033 | -6.818 | 0.000 | -0.286 | -0.158 |
# vif and p-values
VIF | P-value | |
Features | ||
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | 2.23 | 0.0000 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | 1.77 | 0.0000 |
offnet_mou_8 | 1.68 | 0.0000 |
monthly_2g_8_1 | 1.39 | 0.0000 |
monthly_2g_7_1 | 1.35 | 0.0136 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | 1.19 | 0.0000 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | 1.17 | 0.0000 |
delta_total_rech_amt | 1.13 | 0.0000 |
aon_months | 1.11 | 0.0000 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | 1.09 | 0.0000 |
total_rech_data_8 | 1.04 | 0.0000 |
spl_ic_mou_8 | 1.03 | 0.0000 |
monthly_2g_7_0 | 1.02 | 0.0002 |
- All features have low p-values(<0.05) and VIF (<5)
- This model could be used as the interpretable logistic regression model.
Final Logistic Regression Model with RFE and Manual Elimination¶
Dep. Variable: | churn_probability | No. Observations: | 48999 |
Model: | GLM | Df Residuals: | 48985 |
Model Family: | Binomial | Df Model: | 13 |
Link Function: | Logit | Scale: | 1.0000 |
Method: | IRLS | Log-Likelihood: | -11214. |
Date: | Tue, 08 Aug 2023 | Deviance: | 22428. |
Time: | 23:03:05 | Pearson chi2: | 3.03e+08 |
No. Iterations: | 9 | Pseudo R-squ. (CS): | 0.1807 |
Covariance Type: | nonrobust |
coef | std err | z | P>|z| | [0.025 | 0.975] | |
const | -5.9299 | 0.478 | -12.415 | 0.000 | -6.866 | -4.994 |
monthly_2g_7_1 | 1.1920 | 0.483 | 2.468 | 0.014 | 0.245 | 2.139 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | -1.7135 | 0.090 | -19.128 | 0.000 | -1.889 | -1.538 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | -0.5702 | 0.073 | -7.777 | 0.000 | -0.714 | -0.427 |
monthly_2g_7_0 | 1.7619 | 0.475 | 3.709 | 0.000 | 0.831 | 2.693 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | -0.2925 | 0.029 | -10.254 | 0.000 | -0.348 | -0.237 |
spl_ic_mou_8 | -0.9522 | 0.061 | -15.533 | 0.000 | -1.072 | -0.832 |
total_rech_data_8 | -0.6211 | 0.042 | -14.961 | 0.000 | -0.702 | -0.540 |
aon_months | -0.3149 | 0.022 | -14.016 | 0.000 | -0.359 | -0.271 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | -0.7237 | 0.079 | -9.105 | 0.000 | -0.879 | -0.568 |
monthly_2g_8_1 | -0.8239 | 0.142 | -5.791 | 0.000 | -1.103 | -0.545 |
delta_total_rech_amt | -0.4799 | 0.019 | -25.254 | 0.000 | -0.517 | -0.443 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | -1.0143 | 0.077 | -13.191 | 0.000 | -1.165 | -0.864 |
offnet_mou_8 | -0.2220 | 0.033 | -6.818 | 0.000 | -0.286 | -0.158 |
# Prediction
y_train_pred_lr = logr5_fit.predict(sm.add_constant(X_train[selected_columns]))
id 61787 0.020542 19961 0.011175 11040 0.000185 27673 0.418900 22876 0.002049 dtype: float64
y_test_pred_lr = logr5_fit.predict(sm.add_constant(X_test[selected_columns]))
id 57621 0.279476 39559 0.000669 41415 0.078137 47731 0.079754 64801 0.000105 dtype: float64
Select Optimal threshold¶
# View metricsthreshold
ViewMetricsByThreshold(y_train, y_train_pred_lr, X_train)
Y pred by threshold: 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 id 61787 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19961 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11040 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27673 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 22876 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y pred metrics by threshold: precision sensitivity/recall specificity accuracy 0.0 0.102 1.000 0.000 0.102 0.1 0.281 0.862 0.751 0.762 0.2 0.412 0.780 0.874 0.864 0.3 0.548 0.654 0.939 0.910 0.4 0.641 0.409 0.974 0.917 0.5 0.668 0.150 0.992 0.906 0.6 0.681 0.062 0.997 0.902 0.7 0.701 0.026 0.999 0.900 0.8 0.800 0.009 1.000 0.899 0.9 0.889 0.002 1.000 0.899
optimum_cutoff = 0.19
y_train_pred_lr_final = x : 1 if x > optimum_cutoff else 0)
y_test_pred_lr_final = x : 1 if x > optimum_cutoff else 0)
train_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_train, y_train_pred_lr_final)
print('Confusion Matrix for train:\n', train_matrix)
test_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_test_pred_lr_final)
print('\nConfusion Matrix for test: \n', test_matrix)
Confusion Matrix for train: [[38107 5915] [ 1054 3923]] Confusion Matrix for test: [[16313 2532] [ 419 1736]]
AppendToModelPerfDF(train_matrix,f"Logistic Regr RFE Train (Optimal:{str(optimum_cutoff)} Thres)")
AppendToModelPerfDF(test_matrix,f"Logistic Regr RFE Test (Optimal:{str(optimum_cutoff)} Thres)")
Logistic Regr RFE Train (Optimal:0.19 Thres) : Accuracy : 0.858 Sensitivity / True Positive Rate / Recall : 0.788 Specificity / True Negative Rate : 0.866 Precision / Positive Predictive Value : 0.399 F1-score : 0.53 Logistic Regr RFE Test (Optimal:0.19 Thres) : Accuracy : 0.859 Sensitivity / True Positive Rate / Recall : 0.806 Specificity / True Negative Rate : 0.866 Precision / Positive Predictive Value : 0.407 F1-score : 0.541
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'Metrics by Model (sorted by accuracy)' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Metrics by Model (sorted by accuracy)¶
model | accuracy | sensitivity/recall | specificity | precision | f1-score |
Logistic Regr RFE Test (Optimal:0.19 Thres) | 0.859 | 0.806 | 0.866 | 0.407 | 0.541 |
Logistic Regr RFE Train (Optimal:0.19 Thres) | 0.858 | 0.788 | 0.866 | 0.399 | 0.53 |
Logistic Regr Train (Optimal:0.53 Thres) | 0.817 | 0.837 | 0.814 | 0.338 | 0.482 |
Logistic Regr Test (Optimal:0.53 Thres) | 0.815 | 0.846 | 0.811 | 0.339 | 0.484 |
Logistic Regr Train (0.5 Thres) | 0.797 | 0.85 | 0.791 | 0.315 | 0.46 |
Logistic Regr Test (0.5 Thres) | 0.795 | 0.862 | 0.788 | 0.317 | 0.464 |
val = logr5_fit.summary().tables[1]
valdf = pd.DataFrame(
valdf.columns = valdf.iloc[0]
valdf.rename(columns= {'' : "columns", "coef": "rfe_coef" }, inplace = True)
valdf = valdf[2:]
valdf["rfe_coef"] = pd.to_numeric(valdf["rfe_coef"])
columns | rfe_coef | std err | z | P>|z| | [0.025 | 0.975] | |
2 | monthly_2g_7_1 | 1.1920 | 0.483 | 2.468 | 0.014 | 0.245 | 2.139 |
3 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | -1.7135 | 0.090 | -19.128 | 0.000 | -1.889 | -1.538 |
4 | loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | -0.5702 | 0.073 | -7.777 | 0.000 | -0.714 | -0.427 |
5 | monthly_2g_7_0 | 1.7619 | 0.475 | 3.709 | 0.000 | 0.831 | 2.693 |
6 | std_og_t2t_mou_8 | -0.2925 | 0.029 | -10.254 | 0.000 | -0.348 | -0.237 |
7 | spl_ic_mou_8 | -0.9522 | 0.061 | -15.533 | 0.000 | -1.072 | -0.832 |
8 | total_rech_data_8 | -0.6211 | 0.042 | -14.961 | 0.000 | -0.702 | -0.540 |
9 | aon_months | -0.3149 | 0.022 | -14.016 | 0.000 | -0.359 | -0.271 |
10 | loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | -0.7237 | 0.079 | -9.105 | 0.000 | -0.879 | -0.568 |
11 | monthly_2g_8_1 | -0.8239 | 0.142 | -5.791 | 0.000 | -1.103 | -0.545 |
12 | delta_total_rech_amt | -0.4799 | 0.019 | -25.254 | 0.000 | -0.517 | -0.443 |
13 | loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | -1.0143 | 0.077 | -13.191 | 0.000 | -1.165 | -0.864 |
14 | offnet_mou_8 | -0.2220 | 0.033 | -6.818 | 0.000 | -0.286 | -0.158 |
coeffient_df = pd.merge(coeffient_df, valdf, how="left", on=["columns"])
coeffient_df.drop(columns=coeffient_df.columns[-5:], axis=1, inplace=True)
PlotAsTable(coeffient_df.sort_values(by='rfe_coef', ascending = False, key=abs), "Important predictors of Churn: BaseLine & RFE Coefficients (Sorted by RFE Coeff)")
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'Important predictors of Churn: BaseLine & RFE Coefficients (Sorted by RFE Coeff)' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Important predictors of Churn: BaseLine & RFE Coefficients (Sorted by RFE Coeff)¶
columns | baseline_coefficients | rfe_coef |
monthly_2g_7_0 | 0.034233 | 1.7619 |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | -0.241128 | -1.7135 |
monthly_2g_7_1 | -0.0265288 | 1.192 |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | -0.178816 | -1.0143 |
spl_ic_mou_8 | -0.326426 | -0.9522 |
monthly_2g_8_1 | -0.038206 | -0.8239 |
loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | -0.138874 | -0.7237 |
total_rech_data_8 | -0.0870278 | -0.6211 |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | -0.160829 | -0.5702 |
delta_total_rech_amt | -0.0286255 | -0.4799 |
aon_months | -0.327769 | -0.3149 |
std_og_t2t_mou_8 | -0.0256217 | -0.2925 |
offnet_mou_8 | -0.0346231 | -0.222 |
onnet_mou_6 | 0.0218306 | nan |
onnet_mou_7 | 0.0197463 | nan |
onnet_mou_8 | -0.026879 | nan |
offnet_mou_6 | 0.0173414 | nan |
offnet_mou_7 | 0.0434486 | nan |
roam_ic_mou_6 | -0.00998974 | nan |
roam_ic_mou_7 | 0.0354719 | nan |
roam_ic_mou_8 | 0.134955 | nan |
roam_og_mou_6 | 0.0434897 | nan |
roam_og_mou_7 | 0.0609883 | nan |
roam_og_mou_8 | 0.26992 | nan |
loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | 0.00306849 | nan |
loc_og_t2t_mou_7 | -0.00193069 | nan |
loc_og_t2t_mou_8 | -0.0955863 | nan |
loc_og_t2m_mou_6 | -0.00689465 | nan |
loc_og_t2m_mou_7 | -0.0243136 | nan |
loc_og_t2f_mou_6 | 0.00378966 | nan |
loc_og_t2f_mou_7 | -0.00342478 | nan |
loc_og_t2f_mou_8 | -0.033029 | nan |
loc_og_t2c_mou_6 | -0.0173621 | nan |
loc_og_t2c_mou_7 | 0.0258183 | nan |
loc_og_t2c_mou_8 | -0.00018902 | nan |
loc_og_mou_6 | 0.00470407 | nan |
loc_og_mou_7 | -0.015293 | nan |
loc_og_mou_8 | -0.129051 | nan |
std_og_t2t_mou_6 | 0.014739 | nan |
std_og_t2t_mou_7 | 0.0145025 | nan |
std_og_t2m_mou_6 | 0.0119727 | nan |
std_og_t2m_mou_7 | 0.0516418 | nan |
std_og_t2m_mou_8 | 0.00799745 | nan |
std_og_t2f_mou_6 | -0.0264478 | nan |
std_og_t2f_mou_7 | -4.87198e-05 | nan |
std_og_t2f_mou_8 | -0.0674591 | nan |
std_og_mou_6 | 0.0155207 | nan |
std_og_mou_7 | 0.0485413 | nan |
std_og_mou_8 | 0.000997923 | nan |
isd_og_mou_6 | 0.0861188 | nan |
isd_og_mou_7 | 0.0994905 | nan |
isd_og_mou_8 | 0.132096 | nan |
spl_og_mou_6 | -0.0109916 | nan |
spl_og_mou_7 | 0.0144105 | nan |
spl_og_mou_8 | -0.0582962 | nan |
og_others_6 | 0.0300942 | nan |
og_others_7 | 0 | nan |
og_others_8 | 0 | nan |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 | 0.000493854 | nan |
loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 | -0.0276505 | nan |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 | -0.0389376 | nan |
loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 | -0.0908159 | nan |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 | -0.0405536 | nan |
loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 | -0.046918 | nan |
loc_ic_mou_6 | -0.0150031 | nan |
loc_ic_mou_7 | -0.0602747 | nan |
loc_ic_mou_8 | -0.239868 | nan |
std_ic_t2t_mou_6 | 0.0181748 | nan |
std_ic_t2t_mou_7 | 0.023522 | nan |
std_ic_t2t_mou_8 | -0.0561639 | nan |
std_ic_t2m_mou_6 | -0.0094561 | nan |
std_ic_t2m_mou_7 | -0.0313858 | nan |
std_ic_t2m_mou_8 | -0.0930518 | nan |
std_ic_t2f_mou_6 | -0.0275193 | nan |
std_ic_t2f_mou_7 | -0.0367835 | nan |
std_ic_t2f_mou_8 | -0.119395 | nan |
std_ic_mou_6 | -0.00648548 | nan |
std_ic_mou_7 | -0.0171305 | nan |
std_ic_mou_8 | -0.0991107 | nan |
spl_ic_mou_6 | -0.0869539 | nan |
spl_ic_mou_7 | -0.131111 | nan |
isd_ic_mou_6 | 0.0583407 | nan |
isd_ic_mou_7 | 0.0316455 | nan |
isd_ic_mou_8 | 0.0182411 | nan |
ic_others_6 | -0.00481901 | nan |
ic_others_7 | -0.0253111 | nan |
ic_others_8 | -0.0725407 | nan |
total_rech_num_6 | -0.00386013 | nan |
total_rech_num_7 | 0.009466 | nan |
total_rech_num_8 | -0.0948075 | nan |
max_rech_amt_6 | -0.00020097 | nan |
max_rech_amt_7 | -0.00108298 | nan |
max_rech_amt_8 | -0.00225404 | nan |
last_day_rch_amt_6 | -0.000852651 | nan |
last_day_rch_amt_7 | -0.00130614 | nan |
last_day_rch_amt_8 | -0.00441374 | nan |
total_rech_data_6 | 0.0135395 | nan |
total_rech_data_7 | -0.0136287 | nan |
av_rech_amt_data_6 | 0.0333936 | nan |
av_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.021491 | nan |
av_rech_amt_data_8 | -0.0498101 | nan |
total_rech_amt_data_6 | 0.0187046 | nan |
total_rech_amt_data_7 | 0.0211671 | nan |
total_rech_amt_data_8 | -0.0333216 | nan |
delta_vol_2g | -0.071264 | nan |
delta_vol_3g | -0.0614914 | nan |
delta_total_og_mou | -0.116189 | nan |
delta_total_ic_mou | -0.327664 | nan |
delta_vbc_3g | -0.103887 | nan |
delta_arpu | -0.0726869 | nan |
sachet_3g_6_0 | 0.00255828 | nan |
sachet_3g_6_1 | -0.00557579 | nan |
sachet_2g_8_0 | 0.0368269 | nan |
sachet_2g_8_1 | -0.00760673 | nan |
sachet_2g_8_2 | -0.00845652 | nan |
sachet_2g_8_3 | -0.00631022 | nan |
sachet_2g_8_4 | -0.00218944 | nan |
monthly_2g_6_0 | 0.0256083 | nan |
monthly_2g_6_1 | -0.0212618 | nan |
monthly_2g_8_0 | 0.0414274 | nan |
sachet_2g_6_0 | 0.0106756 | nan |
sachet_2g_6_1 | -0.0092175 | nan |
sachet_2g_6_2 | -0.00275553 | nan |
sachet_2g_6_3 | -0.000604907 | nan |
monthly_3g_7_0 | -0.0269576 | nan |
monthly_3g_7_1 | 0.0214911 | nan |
monthly_3g_7_2 | 0.00746073 | nan |
sachet_3g_8_0 | 0.0106738 | nan |
sachet_3g_8_1 | -0.00643921 | nan |
sachet_2g_7_0 | 0.0221848 | nan |
sachet_2g_7_1 | -0.0123963 | nan |
sachet_2g_7_2 | -0.00294313 | nan |
sachet_2g_7_3 | 0.000589667 | nan |
sachet_2g_7_4 | -0.00371052 | nan |
monthly_3g_8_0 | -0.0132515 | nan |
monthly_3g_8_1 | 0.00906512 | nan |
monthly_3g_8_2 | 0.0049996 | nan |
sachet_3g_7_0 | -0.00374116 | nan |
sachet_3g_7_1 | 0.00306774 | nan |
monthly_3g_6_0 | -0.0259671 | nan |
monthly_3g_6_1 | 0.0225538 | nan |
pca = PCA(random_state = 42)
array([[ 1.00437883e-03, 1.14422393e-03, 1.14824869e-03, ..., 3.50929273e-04, -3.14626085e-04, 2.76577257e-04], [ 1.06420343e-03, 1.32184433e-04, -1.09073273e-03, ..., 2.95725056e-04, -4.50004070e-05, 4.30949588e-05], [-7.99189378e-05, 9.27217192e-04, 5.36918894e-04, ..., -1.58240252e-04, -3.17126815e-04, 2.76680250e-04], ..., [-8.67143445e-05, 5.61315293e-04, -7.82393253e-04, ..., 2.35412120e-02, -1.52928659e-01, -8.42646738e-02], [-0.00000000e+00, -8.27094485e-16, 1.09755187e-15, ..., -2.63026552e-16, 2.26483875e-16, 6.01925167e-17], [ 0.00000000e+00, 2.76536144e-16, 1.82550678e-16, ..., -6.76754267e-17, 9.95267837e-17, -6.41768102e-17]])
array([5.61761442e-01, 1.42716583e-01, 1.29311366e-01, 6.86965952e-02, 4.94133244e-02, 4.34914560e-02, 2.04828166e-03, 4.54334087e-04, 2.26230894e-04, 2.01765639e-04, 1.59856077e-04, 1.15456793e-04, 8.52193517e-05, 7.28107072e-05, 7.08258069e-05, 6.28824571e-05, 6.03474318e-05, 5.59696033e-05, 5.49110163e-05, 4.74050609e-05, 4.59038168e-05, 4.09884168e-05, 3.87767544e-05, 3.70356766e-05, 3.20303146e-05, 3.04129518e-05, 2.87079232e-05, 2.78125952e-05, 2.55554498e-05, 2.52398996e-05, 2.42494707e-05, 2.39135896e-05, 2.26698539e-05, 2.06533222e-05, 1.96343046e-05, 1.86375061e-05, 1.84329369e-05, 1.75119246e-05, 1.70607817e-05, 1.66017570e-05, 1.64002344e-05, 1.52864944e-05, 1.51240658e-05, 1.42132740e-05, 1.34937193e-05, 1.34171650e-05, 1.26126514e-05, 1.19039037e-05, 1.18073089e-05, 1.15712952e-05, 1.09706379e-05, 9.55073321e-06, 9.14672824e-06, 9.03747088e-06, 8.90980978e-06, 8.67591803e-06, 7.59453973e-06, 7.38471641e-06, 7.31797992e-06, 7.22025305e-06, 6.93426502e-06, 6.77553066e-06, 6.69069023e-06, 6.27746337e-06, 6.19615313e-06, 6.12832658e-06, 5.89052021e-06, 5.30737103e-06, 5.19637983e-06, 5.05512822e-06, 4.85669067e-06, 4.72368962e-06, 4.62773855e-06, 4.32902476e-06, 4.21330146e-06, 4.00434161e-06, 3.42622147e-06, 3.30734176e-06, 3.20103522e-06, 2.94428527e-06, 2.93302184e-06, 2.59428572e-06, 2.47210294e-06, 2.14273432e-06, 2.04771573e-06, 1.93702787e-06, 1.79866712e-06, 1.54132515e-06, 1.45823709e-06, 1.40163258e-06, 1.34819252e-06, 1.32825617e-06, 1.24477595e-06, 1.07912818e-06, 9.89103908e-07, 9.01827502e-07, 8.61779520e-07, 8.08496229e-07, 7.86852772e-07, 7.73999638e-07, 6.20386341e-07, 5.86265060e-07, 5.53908804e-07, 5.47955216e-07, 4.79750260e-07, 4.57722728e-07, 4.31277728e-07, 4.21051047e-07, 3.71381448e-07, 3.29995113e-07, 3.28517893e-07, 3.21561436e-07, 2.94515624e-07, 2.78426340e-07, 2.67228145e-07, 2.44124924e-07, 2.27590603e-07, 2.19393639e-07, 2.06888838e-07, 2.05169823e-07, 1.71370513e-07, 1.62491346e-07, 1.59153213e-07, 1.48114982e-07, 1.41725188e-07, 1.22533734e-07, 9.46516089e-08, 8.45475803e-08, 7.53550710e-08, 7.23249706e-08, 6.36767447e-08, 6.13896711e-08, 4.60094811e-08, 4.45821567e-08, 2.82162063e-08, 2.25988981e-08, 1.76363957e-08, 1.47214497e-08, 1.00040620e-08, 5.05582192e-33, 5.05582192e-33])
Scree Plot
def Plot_ScreePlot(evr):
var_cumu = np.cumsum(evr)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[12,8])
plt.vlines(x=5, ymax=1, ymin=0, colors="r", linestyles="--")
plt.hlines(y=0.1, xmax=140, xmin=0, colors="g", linestyles="--")
plt.vlines(x=4, ymax=1, ymin=0, colors="r", linestyles="--")
plt.hlines(y=0.95, xmax=140, xmin=0, colors="g", linestyles="--")
plt.ylabel("Cumulative variance explained")
From the above scree plot, it is clear that 95% of variance in the train set can be explained by first 4 principal components and 99% of variance is explained by the first 5 principal components. by trial and error we have found 31 components provde the highest acucracy.
# Perform PCA using the first 45 components
comp_count = 31
pca_final = PCA(n_components=comp_count, random_state=42)
transformed_pca_df = pca_final.fit_transform(X_train)
corrmat = np.corrcoef(transformed_pca_df.transpose())
sns.heatmap(corrmat, annot=True)
(48999, 31)
<Axes: >
X_train_pca = pd.DataFrame(transformed_pca_df, columns=["PC_"+str(x) for x in range(1,comp_count + 1)], index = X_train.index)
telecom_train_pca = pd.concat([X_train_pca, y_train], axis=1)
## Plotting principal components
sns.pairplot(data=telecom_train_pca, x_vars=["PC_1"], y_vars=["PC_2"], hue = "churn_probability", size=8);
def ApplyPCATransformation(df):
return pca_final.transform(df)
Model 2 : PCA + Logistic Regression Model¶
# Transforming test set with pca ( 45 components)
X_test_pca = ApplyPCATransformation(X_test)
# Logistic Regression
lr_pca = LogisticRegression(random_state=100, class_weight='balanced'), y_train)
LogisticRegression(class_weight='balanced', random_state=100)
# y_train predictions
y_train_pred_lr_pca = lr_pca.predict(X_train_pca)
array([0, 0, 0, 1, 0])
# Test Prediction
y_test_pred_lr_pca = lr_pca.predict(X_test_pca)
array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
train_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_train, y_train_pred_lr_pca)
print('Confusion Matrix for train:\n', train_matrix)
test_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_test_pred_lr_pca)
print('\nConfusion Matrix for test: \n', test_matrix)
Confusion Matrix for train: [[34478 9544] [ 786 4191]] Confusion Matrix for test: [[14719 4126] [ 320 1835]]
AppendToModelPerfDF(train_matrix,f"Logistic Regr PCA Train Baseline)")
AppendToModelPerfDF(test_matrix,f"Logistic Regr PCA Test Baseline")
Logistic Regr PCA Train Baseline) : Accuracy : 0.789 Sensitivity / True Positive Rate / Recall : 0.842 Specificity / True Negative Rate : 0.783 Precision / Positive Predictive Value : 0.305 F1-score : 0.448 Logistic Regr PCA Test Baseline : Accuracy : 0.788 Sensitivity / True Positive Rate / Recall : 0.852 Specificity / True Negative Rate : 0.781 Precision / Positive Predictive Value : 0.308 F1-score : 0.452
Hyperparameter tuning using GRIDSEARCH¶
param_grid = {
'C': [0,1,2,3,4,5,10,50,100], # Regularization strength
'solver': ['lbfgs', 'liblinear', 'sag', 'saga'], # Solver options
'penalty' : ['l1','l2','none']
# Create the GridSearchCV object
grid_search = GridSearchCV(lr_pca, param_grid, scoring='accuracy', cv=20, verbose=True, n_jobs=-1)
# Fit the GridSearchCV to your data, y_train)
# Get the best hyperparameters and best accuracy
best_params = grid_search.best_params_
best_accuracy = grid_search.best_score_
print("Best Hyperparameters:", best_params)
print("Best Accuracy:", best_accuracy)
Fitting 20 folds for each of 108 candidates, totalling 2160 fits Best Hyperparameters: {'C': 50, 'penalty': 'l2', 'solver': 'liblinear'} Best Accuracy: 0.7879138757177023
y_train_pred_lr_pca_grid = grid_search.best_estimator_.predict(X_train_pca)
y_test_pred_lr_pca_grid = grid_search.best_estimator_.predict(X_test_pca)
train_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_train, y_train_pred_lr_pca_grid)
print('Confusion Matrix for train:\n', train_matrix)
test_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_test_pred_lr_pca_grid)
print('\nConfusion Matrix for test: \n', test_matrix)
Confusion Matrix for train: [[34434 9588] [ 780 4197]] Confusion Matrix for test: [[14724 4121] [ 321 1834]]
AppendToModelPerfDF(train_matrix,f"Logistic Regr PCA GRIDSEARCH Train Baseline")
AppendToModelPerfDF(test_matrix,f"Logistic Regr PCA GRIDSEARCH Test Baseline")
Logistic Regr PCA GRIDSEARCH Train Baseline : Accuracy : 0.788 Sensitivity / True Positive Rate / Recall : 0.843 Specificity / True Negative Rate : 0.782 Precision / Positive Predictive Value : 0.304 F1-score : 0.447 Logistic Regr PCA GRIDSEARCH Test Baseline : Accuracy : 0.788 Sensitivity / True Positive Rate / Recall : 0.851 Specificity / True Negative Rate : 0.781 Precision / Positive Predictive Value : 0.308 F1-score : 0.452
Model 3 : PCA + Random Forest¶
# Ratio of classes
class_0 = y[y == 0].count()
class_1 = y[y == 1].count()
pca_rf = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42, class_weight= {0 : class_1/(class_0 + class_1) , 1 : class_0/(class_0 + class_1) } , oob_score=True, n_jobs=-1,verbose=1)
RandomForestClassifier(class_weight={0: 0.10188716981671167, 1: 0.8981128301832884}, n_jobs=-1, oob_score=True, random_state=42, verbose=1)
# Hyper parameter Tuning
params = {
'n_estimators' : [30,40,50,100],
'max_depth' : [3,4,5,6,7],
'min_samples_leaf' : [15,20,25,30]
folds = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=4, shuffle=True, random_state=42)
pca_rf_model_search = GridSearchCV(estimator=pca_rf, param_grid=params,
cv=folds, scoring='roc_auc', verbose=True, n_jobs=-1 ), y_train)
Fitting 4 folds for each of 80 candidates, totalling 320 fits
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 8 concurrent workers. [Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done 34 tasks | elapsed: 1.3s [Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done 100 out of 100 | elapsed: 3.4s finished
GridSearchCV(cv=StratifiedKFold(n_splits=4, random_state=42, shuffle=True), estimator=RandomForestClassifier(class_weight={0: 0.10188716981671167, 1: 0.8981128301832884}, n_jobs=-1, oob_score=True, random_state=42, verbose=1), n_jobs=-1, param_grid={'max_depth': [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], 'min_samples_leaf': [15, 20, 25, 30], 'n_estimators': [30, 40, 50, 100]}, scoring='roc_auc', verbose=True)
# Optimum Hyperparametersprint('Best ROC-AUC score :', pca_rf_model_search.best_score_)
print('Best Parameters :', pca_rf_model_search.best_params_)
Best Parameters : {'max_depth': 7, 'min_samples_leaf': 30, 'n_estimators': 100}
# Modelling using the best PCA-RandomForest Estimator
pca_rf_best = pca_rf_model_search.best_estimator_
pca_rf_best_fit =, y_train)
# Prediction on Train set
y_train_pred_pca_rf_best = pca_rf_best_fit.predict(X_train_pca)
[Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 8 concurrent workers. [Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done 34 tasks | elapsed: 1.3s [Parallel(n_jobs=-1)]: Done 100 out of 100 | elapsed: 3.4s finished [Parallel(n_jobs=8)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 8 concurrent workers. [Parallel(n_jobs=8)]: Done 34 tasks | elapsed: 0.0s [Parallel(n_jobs=8)]: Done 100 out of 100 | elapsed: 0.0s finished
# Prediction on test set
y_test_pred_pca_rf_best = pca_rf_best_fit.predict(X_test_pca)
[Parallel(n_jobs=8)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 8 concurrent workers. [Parallel(n_jobs=8)]: Done 34 tasks | elapsed: 0.0s [Parallel(n_jobs=8)]: Done 100 out of 100 | elapsed: 0.0s finished
## PCA - RandomForest Model Performance - Hyper Parameter Tuned
train_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_train, y_train_pred_pca_rf_best)
test_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_test_pred_pca_rf_best)
AppendToModelPerfDF(train_matrix,f"Randomforest PCA GRIDSEARCH Train Baseline")
AppendToModelPerfDF(test_matrix,f"Randomforest PCA GRIDSEARCH Test Baseline")
Randomforest PCA GRIDSEARCH Train Baseline : Accuracy : 0.864 Sensitivity / True Positive Rate / Recall : 0.798 Specificity / True Negative Rate : 0.872 Precision / Positive Predictive Value : 0.413 F1-score : 0.544 Randomforest PCA GRIDSEARCH Test Baseline : Accuracy : 0.857 Sensitivity / True Positive Rate / Recall : 0.77 Specificity / True Negative Rate : 0.867 Precision / Positive Predictive Value : 0.398 F1-score : 0.525
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'Metrics by Model (sorted by accuracy)' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Metrics by Model (sorted by accuracy)¶
model | accuracy | sensitivity/recall | specificity | precision | f1-score |
Randomforest PCA GRIDSEARCH Train Baseline | 0.864 | 0.798 | 0.872 | 0.413 | 0.544 |
Logistic Regr RFE Test (Optimal:0.19 Thres) | 0.859 | 0.806 | 0.866 | 0.407 | 0.541 |
Logistic Regr RFE Train (Optimal:0.19 Thres) | 0.858 | 0.788 | 0.866 | 0.399 | 0.53 |
Randomforest PCA GRIDSEARCH Test Baseline | 0.857 | 0.77 | 0.867 | 0.398 | 0.525 |
Logistic Regr Train (Optimal:0.53 Thres) | 0.817 | 0.837 | 0.814 | 0.338 | 0.482 |
Logistic Regr Test (Optimal:0.53 Thres) | 0.815 | 0.846 | 0.811 | 0.339 | 0.484 |
Logistic Regr Train (0.5 Thres) | 0.797 | 0.85 | 0.791 | 0.315 | 0.46 |
Logistic Regr Test (0.5 Thres) | 0.795 | 0.862 | 0.788 | 0.317 | 0.464 |
Logistic Regr PCA Train Baseline) | 0.789 | 0.842 | 0.783 | 0.305 | 0.448 |
Logistic Regr PCA Test Baseline | 0.788 | 0.852 | 0.781 | 0.308 | 0.452 |
Logistic Regr PCA GRIDSEARCH Train Baseline | 0.788 | 0.843 | 0.782 | 0.304 | 0.447 |
Logistic Regr PCA GRIDSEARCH Test Baseline | 0.788 | 0.851 | 0.781 | 0.308 | 0.452 |
Model 4 : PCA + XGBoost¶
pca_xgb = xgb.XGBClassifier(random_state=42, scale_pos_weight= class_0/class_1 ,
) # scale_pos_weight takes care of class imbalance, y_train)
XGBClassifier(base_score=None, booster=None, callbacks=None, colsample_bylevel=None, colsample_bynode=None, colsample_bytree=None, early_stopping_rounds=None, enable_categorical=False, eval_metric=None, feature_types=None, gamma=None, gpu_id=None, grow_policy=None, importance_type=None, interaction_constraints=None, learning_rate=None, max_bin=None, max_cat_threshold=None, max_cat_to_onehot=None, max_delta_step=None, max_depth=None, max_leaves=None, min_child_weight=None, missing=nan, monotone_constraints=None, n_estimators=100, n_jobs=None, num_parallel_tree=None, predictor=None, random_state=42, ...)
print('Baseline Train AUC Score')
print(roc_auc_score(y_train, pca_xgb.predict_proba(X_train_pca)[:, 1]))
print('Baseline Test AUC Score')
print(roc_auc_score(y_test, pca_xgb.predict_proba(X_test_pca)[:, 1]))
Baseline Train AUC Score 0.9927243051899077 Baseline Test AUC Score 0.895996661001121
# A parameter grid for XGBoost
params = {
'n_estimators' : [400, 500, 600], # no of trees
'learning_rate' : [0.04, 0.05, 0.07, 0.06], # et
'gamma': [0.05, 0.1, 0.2],
'max_depth': [ 11, 12, 14, 15]
## Hyper parameter Tuning
parameters = {
'learning_rate': [0.1, 0.2, 0.3],
'gamma' : [10,20,50],
'max_depth': [2,3,4]}
folds = 3
param_comb = 100
#pca_xgb_search = RandomizedSearchCV(pca_xgb, param_distributions=params, n_iter=param_comb, scoring='accuracy', n_jobs=-1, cv=3, verbose=3, random_state=42)
pca_xgb_search = GridSearchCV(estimator=pca_xgb , param_grid=params,scoring='roc_auc', cv=3, n_jobs=-1, verbose=1), y_train)
Fitting 3 folds for each of 144 candidates, totalling 432 fits
GridSearchCV(cv=3, estimator=XGBClassifier(base_score=None, booster=None, callbacks=None, colsample_bylevel=None, colsample_bynode=None, colsample_bytree=None, early_stopping_rounds=None, enable_categorical=False, eval_metric=None, feature_types=None, gamma=None, gpu_id=None, grow_policy=None, importance_type=None, interaction_constraints=None, learning_rate=None,... max_delta_step=None, max_depth=None, max_leaves=None, min_child_weight=None, missing=nan, monotone_constraints=None, n_estimators=100, n_jobs=None, num_parallel_tree=None, predictor=None, random_state=42, ...), n_jobs=-1, param_grid={'gamma': [0.05, 0.1, 0.2], 'learning_rate': [0.04, 0.05, 0.07, 0.06], 'max_depth': [11, 12, 14, 15], 'n_estimators': [400, 500, 600]}, scoring='roc_auc', verbose=1)
# Optimum Hyperparameters
print('Best ROC-AUC score :', pca_xgb_search.best_score_)
print('Best Parameters :', pca_xgb_search.best_params_)
Best ROC-AUC score : 0.9046821389020542 Best Parameters : {'gamma': 0.05, 'learning_rate': 0.05, 'max_depth': 12, 'n_estimators': 600}
# Modelling using the best PCA-XGBoost Estimator
pca_xgb_best_1 = pca_xgb_search.best_estimator_
pca_xgb_best_fit =, y_train)
# Prediction on Train set
y_train_pred_pca_xgb_best = pca_xgb_best_fit.predict(X_train_pca)
y_test_pred_pca_xgb_best = pca_xgb_best_fit.predict(X_test_pca)
## PCA - XGBOOST [Hyper parameter tuned] Model Performance
train_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_train, y_train_pred_pca_xgb_best)
test_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_test_pred_pca_xgb_best)
AppendToModelPerfDF(train_matrix,f"XGBoost PCA RandomSEARCH Train ")
AppendToModelPerfDF(test_matrix,f"XGBoost PCA RandomSEARCH Test ")
XGBoost PCA RandomSEARCH Train : Accuracy : 1.0 Sensitivity / True Positive Rate / Recall : 1.0 Specificity / True Negative Rate : 1.0 Precision / Positive Predictive Value : 1.0 F1-score : 1.0 XGBoost PCA RandomSEARCH Test : Accuracy : 0.922 Sensitivity / True Positive Rate / Recall : 0.548 Specificity / True Negative Rate : 0.965 Precision / Positive Predictive Value : 0.642 F1-score : 0.591
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'Metrics by Model (sorted by accuracy)' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Metrics by Model (sorted by accuracy)¶
model | accuracy | sensitivity/recall | specificity | precision | f1-score |
XGBoost PCA RandomSEARCH Train | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
XGBoost PCA RandomSEARCH Test | 0.922 | 0.548 | 0.965 | 0.642 | 0.591 |
Randomforest PCA GRIDSEARCH Train Baseline | 0.864 | 0.798 | 0.872 | 0.413 | 0.544 |
Logistic Regr RFE Test (Optimal:0.19 Thres) | 0.859 | 0.806 | 0.866 | 0.407 | 0.541 |
Logistic Regr RFE Train (Optimal:0.19 Thres) | 0.858 | 0.788 | 0.866 | 0.399 | 0.53 |
Randomforest PCA GRIDSEARCH Test Baseline | 0.857 | 0.77 | 0.867 | 0.398 | 0.525 |
Logistic Regr Train (Optimal:0.53 Thres) | 0.817 | 0.837 | 0.814 | 0.338 | 0.482 |
Logistic Regr Test (Optimal:0.53 Thres) | 0.815 | 0.846 | 0.811 | 0.339 | 0.484 |
Logistic Regr Train (0.5 Thres) | 0.797 | 0.85 | 0.791 | 0.315 | 0.46 |
Logistic Regr Test (0.5 Thres) | 0.795 | 0.862 | 0.788 | 0.317 | 0.464 |
Logistic Regr PCA Train Baseline) | 0.789 | 0.842 | 0.783 | 0.305 | 0.448 |
Logistic Regr PCA Test Baseline | 0.788 | 0.852 | 0.781 | 0.308 | 0.452 |
Logistic Regr PCA GRIDSEARCH Train Baseline | 0.788 | 0.843 | 0.782 | 0.304 | 0.447 |
Logistic Regr PCA GRIDSEARCH Test Baseline | 0.788 | 0.851 | 0.781 | 0.308 | 0.452 |
Preparing the Kaggle TEST data set¶
# reading the dataset
telecom_test = pd.read_csv("test.csv")
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 30000 entries, 0 to 29999 Data columns (total 171 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 30000 non-null int64 1 circle_id 30000 non-null int64 2 loc_og_t2o_mou 29684 non-null float64 3 std_og_t2o_mou 29684 non-null float64 4 loc_ic_t2o_mou 29684 non-null float64 5 last_date_of_month_6 30000 non-null object 6 last_date_of_month_7 29798 non-null object 7 last_date_of_month_8 29633 non-null object 8 arpu_6 30000 non-null float64 9 arpu_7 30000 non-null float64 10 arpu_8 30000 non-null float64 11 onnet_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 12 onnet_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 13 onnet_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 14 offnet_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 15 offnet_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 16 offnet_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 17 roam_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 18 roam_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 19 roam_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 20 roam_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 21 roam_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 22 roam_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 23 loc_og_t2t_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 24 loc_og_t2t_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 25 loc_og_t2t_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 26 loc_og_t2m_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 27 loc_og_t2m_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 28 loc_og_t2m_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 29 loc_og_t2f_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 30 loc_og_t2f_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 31 loc_og_t2f_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 32 loc_og_t2c_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 33 loc_og_t2c_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 34 loc_og_t2c_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 35 loc_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 36 loc_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 37 loc_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 38 std_og_t2t_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 39 std_og_t2t_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 40 std_og_t2t_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 41 std_og_t2m_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 42 std_og_t2m_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 43 std_og_t2m_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 44 std_og_t2f_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 45 std_og_t2f_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 46 std_og_t2f_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 47 std_og_t2c_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 48 std_og_t2c_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 49 std_og_t2c_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 50 std_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 51 std_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 52 std_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 53 isd_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 54 isd_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 55 isd_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 56 spl_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 57 spl_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 58 spl_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 59 og_others_6 28831 non-null float64 60 og_others_7 28828 non-null float64 61 og_others_8 28325 non-null float64 62 total_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 63 total_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 64 total_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 65 loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 66 loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 67 loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 68 loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 69 loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 70 loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 71 loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 72 loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 73 loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 74 loc_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 75 loc_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 76 loc_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 77 std_ic_t2t_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 78 std_ic_t2t_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 79 std_ic_t2t_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 80 std_ic_t2m_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 81 std_ic_t2m_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 82 std_ic_t2m_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 83 std_ic_t2f_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 84 std_ic_t2f_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 85 std_ic_t2f_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 86 std_ic_t2o_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 87 std_ic_t2o_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 88 std_ic_t2o_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 89 std_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 90 std_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 91 std_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 92 total_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 93 total_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 94 total_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 95 spl_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 96 spl_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 97 spl_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 98 isd_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 99 isd_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 100 isd_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 101 ic_others_6 28831 non-null float64 102 ic_others_7 28828 non-null float64 103 ic_others_8 28325 non-null float64 104 total_rech_num_6 30000 non-null int64 105 total_rech_num_7 30000 non-null int64 106 total_rech_num_8 30000 non-null int64 107 total_rech_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 108 total_rech_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 109 total_rech_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 110 max_rech_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 111 max_rech_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 112 max_rech_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 113 date_of_last_rech_6 29494 non-null object 114 date_of_last_rech_7 29467 non-null object 115 date_of_last_rech_8 28839 non-null object 116 last_day_rch_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 117 last_day_rch_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 118 last_day_rch_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 119 date_of_last_rech_data_6 7585 non-null object 120 date_of_last_rech_data_7 7706 non-null object 121 date_of_last_rech_data_8 7922 non-null object 122 total_rech_data_6 7585 non-null float64 123 total_rech_data_7 7706 non-null float64 124 total_rech_data_8 7922 non-null float64 125 max_rech_data_6 7585 non-null float64 126 max_rech_data_7 7706 non-null float64 127 max_rech_data_8 7922 non-null float64 128 count_rech_2g_6 7585 non-null float64 129 count_rech_2g_7 7706 non-null float64 130 count_rech_2g_8 7922 non-null float64 131 count_rech_3g_6 7585 non-null float64 132 count_rech_3g_7 7706 non-null float64 133 count_rech_3g_8 7922 non-null float64 134 av_rech_amt_data_6 7585 non-null float64 135 av_rech_amt_data_7 7706 non-null float64 136 av_rech_amt_data_8 7922 non-null float64 137 vol_2g_mb_6 30000 non-null float64 138 vol_2g_mb_7 30000 non-null float64 139 vol_2g_mb_8 30000 non-null float64 140 vol_3g_mb_6 30000 non-null float64 141 vol_3g_mb_7 30000 non-null float64 142 vol_3g_mb_8 30000 non-null float64 143 arpu_3g_6 7585 non-null float64 144 arpu_3g_7 7706 non-null float64 145 arpu_3g_8 7922 non-null float64 146 arpu_2g_6 7585 non-null float64 147 arpu_2g_7 7706 non-null float64 148 arpu_2g_8 7922 non-null float64 149 night_pck_user_6 7585 non-null float64 150 night_pck_user_7 7706 non-null float64 151 night_pck_user_8 7922 non-null float64 152 monthly_2g_6 30000 non-null int64 153 monthly_2g_7 30000 non-null int64 154 monthly_2g_8 30000 non-null int64 155 sachet_2g_6 30000 non-null int64 156 sachet_2g_7 30000 non-null int64 157 sachet_2g_8 30000 non-null int64 158 monthly_3g_6 30000 non-null int64 159 monthly_3g_7 30000 non-null int64 160 monthly_3g_8 30000 non-null int64 161 sachet_3g_6 30000 non-null int64 162 sachet_3g_7 30000 non-null int64 163 sachet_3g_8 30000 non-null int64 164 fb_user_6 7585 non-null float64 165 fb_user_7 7706 non-null float64 166 fb_user_8 7922 non-null float64 167 aon 30000 non-null int64 168 aug_vbc_3g 30000 non-null float64 169 jul_vbc_3g 30000 non-null float64 170 jun_vbc_3g 30000 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(135), int64(27), object(9) memory usage: 39.1+ MB
PreProcess kaggle dataset by applying required transformations for predictions¶
HandleOutliers(telecom, 0.9, 0.99)
telecom_test = CreateDummyVars(telecom_test)
X_K_test = telecom_test.drop(["id", "sachet_2g_6_4"],axis=1)
X_K_test.index = telecom_test["id"]
# Transform test set
X_K_test[numerical_vars] = scaler.transform(X_K_test[numerical_vars])
# Transforming test set with pca
X_K_test_pca = ApplyPCATransformation(X_K_test)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 30000 entries, 0 to 29999 Data columns (total 171 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 30000 non-null int64 1 circle_id 30000 non-null int64 2 loc_og_t2o_mou 29684 non-null float64 3 std_og_t2o_mou 29684 non-null float64 4 loc_ic_t2o_mou 29684 non-null float64 5 last_date_of_month_6 30000 non-null datetime64[ns] 6 last_date_of_month_7 29798 non-null datetime64[ns] 7 last_date_of_month_8 29633 non-null datetime64[ns] 8 arpu_6 30000 non-null float64 9 arpu_7 30000 non-null float64 10 arpu_8 30000 non-null float64 11 onnet_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 12 onnet_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 13 onnet_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 14 offnet_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 15 offnet_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 16 offnet_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 17 roam_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 18 roam_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 19 roam_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 20 roam_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 21 roam_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 22 roam_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 23 loc_og_t2t_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 24 loc_og_t2t_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 25 loc_og_t2t_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 26 loc_og_t2m_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 27 loc_og_t2m_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 28 loc_og_t2m_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 29 loc_og_t2f_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 30 loc_og_t2f_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 31 loc_og_t2f_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 32 loc_og_t2c_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 33 loc_og_t2c_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 34 loc_og_t2c_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 35 loc_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 36 loc_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 37 loc_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 38 std_og_t2t_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 39 std_og_t2t_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 40 std_og_t2t_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 41 std_og_t2m_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 42 std_og_t2m_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 43 std_og_t2m_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 44 std_og_t2f_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 45 std_og_t2f_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 46 std_og_t2f_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 47 std_og_t2c_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 48 std_og_t2c_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 49 std_og_t2c_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 50 std_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 51 std_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 52 std_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 53 isd_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 54 isd_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 55 isd_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 56 spl_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 57 spl_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 58 spl_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 59 og_others_6 28831 non-null float64 60 og_others_7 28828 non-null float64 61 og_others_8 28325 non-null float64 62 total_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 63 total_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 64 total_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 65 loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 66 loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 67 loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 68 loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 69 loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 70 loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 71 loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 72 loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 73 loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 74 loc_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 75 loc_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 76 loc_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 77 std_ic_t2t_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 78 std_ic_t2t_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 79 std_ic_t2t_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 80 std_ic_t2m_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 81 std_ic_t2m_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 82 std_ic_t2m_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 83 std_ic_t2f_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 84 std_ic_t2f_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 85 std_ic_t2f_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 86 std_ic_t2o_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 87 std_ic_t2o_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 88 std_ic_t2o_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 89 std_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 90 std_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 91 std_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 92 total_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 93 total_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 94 total_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 95 spl_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 96 spl_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 97 spl_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 98 isd_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 99 isd_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 100 isd_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 101 ic_others_6 28831 non-null float64 102 ic_others_7 28828 non-null float64 103 ic_others_8 28325 non-null float64 104 total_rech_num_6 30000 non-null int64 105 total_rech_num_7 30000 non-null int64 106 total_rech_num_8 30000 non-null int64 107 total_rech_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 108 total_rech_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 109 total_rech_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 110 max_rech_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 111 max_rech_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 112 max_rech_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 113 date_of_last_rech_6 29494 non-null datetime64[ns] 114 date_of_last_rech_7 29467 non-null datetime64[ns] 115 date_of_last_rech_8 28839 non-null datetime64[ns] 116 last_day_rch_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 117 last_day_rch_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 118 last_day_rch_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 119 date_of_last_rech_data_6 7585 non-null datetime64[ns] 120 date_of_last_rech_data_7 7706 non-null datetime64[ns] 121 date_of_last_rech_data_8 7922 non-null datetime64[ns] 122 total_rech_data_6 7585 non-null float64 123 total_rech_data_7 7706 non-null float64 124 total_rech_data_8 7922 non-null float64 125 max_rech_data_6 7585 non-null float64 126 max_rech_data_7 7706 non-null float64 127 max_rech_data_8 7922 non-null float64 128 count_rech_2g_6 7585 non-null float64 129 count_rech_2g_7 7706 non-null float64 130 count_rech_2g_8 7922 non-null float64 131 count_rech_3g_6 7585 non-null float64 132 count_rech_3g_7 7706 non-null float64 133 count_rech_3g_8 7922 non-null float64 134 av_rech_amt_data_6 7585 non-null float64 135 av_rech_amt_data_7 7706 non-null float64 136 av_rech_amt_data_8 7922 non-null float64 137 vol_2g_mb_6 30000 non-null float64 138 vol_2g_mb_7 30000 non-null float64 139 vol_2g_mb_8 30000 non-null float64 140 vol_3g_mb_6 30000 non-null float64 141 vol_3g_mb_7 30000 non-null float64 142 vol_3g_mb_8 30000 non-null float64 143 arpu_3g_6 7585 non-null float64 144 arpu_3g_7 7706 non-null float64 145 arpu_3g_8 7922 non-null float64 146 arpu_2g_6 7585 non-null float64 147 arpu_2g_7 7706 non-null float64 148 arpu_2g_8 7922 non-null float64 149 night_pck_user_6 7585 non-null float64 150 night_pck_user_7 7706 non-null float64 151 night_pck_user_8 7922 non-null float64 152 monthly_2g_6 30000 non-null int64 153 monthly_2g_7 30000 non-null int64 154 monthly_2g_8 30000 non-null int64 155 sachet_2g_6 30000 non-null int64 156 sachet_2g_7 30000 non-null int64 157 sachet_2g_8 30000 non-null int64 158 monthly_3g_6 30000 non-null int64 159 monthly_3g_7 30000 non-null int64 160 monthly_3g_8 30000 non-null int64 161 sachet_3g_6 30000 non-null int64 162 sachet_3g_7 30000 non-null int64 163 sachet_3g_8 30000 non-null int64 164 fb_user_6 7585 non-null float64 165 fb_user_7 7706 non-null float64 166 fb_user_8 7922 non-null float64 167 aon 30000 non-null int64 168 vbc_3g_8 30000 non-null float64 169 vbc_3g_7 30000 non-null float64 170 vbc_3g_6 30000 non-null float64 dtypes: datetime64[ns](9), float64(135), int64(27) memory usage: 39.1 MB <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 30000 entries, 0 to 29999 Data columns (total 171 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 30000 non-null int64 1 circle_id 30000 non-null int64 2 loc_og_t2o_mou 29684 non-null float64 3 std_og_t2o_mou 29684 non-null float64 4 loc_ic_t2o_mou 29684 non-null float64 5 last_date_of_month_6 30000 non-null datetime64[ns] 6 last_date_of_month_7 29798 non-null datetime64[ns] 7 last_date_of_month_8 29633 non-null datetime64[ns] 8 arpu_6 30000 non-null float64 9 arpu_7 30000 non-null float64 10 arpu_8 30000 non-null float64 11 onnet_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 12 onnet_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 13 onnet_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 14 offnet_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 15 offnet_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 16 offnet_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 17 roam_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 18 roam_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 19 roam_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 20 roam_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 21 roam_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 22 roam_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 23 loc_og_t2t_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 24 loc_og_t2t_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 25 loc_og_t2t_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 26 loc_og_t2m_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 27 loc_og_t2m_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 28 loc_og_t2m_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 29 loc_og_t2f_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 30 loc_og_t2f_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 31 loc_og_t2f_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 32 loc_og_t2c_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 33 loc_og_t2c_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 34 loc_og_t2c_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 35 loc_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 36 loc_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 37 loc_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 38 std_og_t2t_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 39 std_og_t2t_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 40 std_og_t2t_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 41 std_og_t2m_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 42 std_og_t2m_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 43 std_og_t2m_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 44 std_og_t2f_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 45 std_og_t2f_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 46 std_og_t2f_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 47 std_og_t2c_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 48 std_og_t2c_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 49 std_og_t2c_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 50 std_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 51 std_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 52 std_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 53 isd_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 54 isd_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 55 isd_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 56 spl_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 57 spl_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 58 spl_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 59 og_others_6 28831 non-null float64 60 og_others_7 28828 non-null float64 61 og_others_8 28325 non-null float64 62 total_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 63 total_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 64 total_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 65 loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 66 loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 67 loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 68 loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 69 loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 70 loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 71 loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 72 loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 73 loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 74 loc_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 75 loc_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 76 loc_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 77 std_ic_t2t_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 78 std_ic_t2t_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 79 std_ic_t2t_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 80 std_ic_t2m_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 81 std_ic_t2m_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 82 std_ic_t2m_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 83 std_ic_t2f_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 84 std_ic_t2f_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 85 std_ic_t2f_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 86 std_ic_t2o_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 87 std_ic_t2o_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 88 std_ic_t2o_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 89 std_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 90 std_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 91 std_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 92 total_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 93 total_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 94 total_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 95 spl_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 96 spl_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 97 spl_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 98 isd_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 99 isd_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 100 isd_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 101 ic_others_6 28831 non-null float64 102 ic_others_7 28828 non-null float64 103 ic_others_8 28325 non-null float64 104 total_rech_num_6 30000 non-null int64 105 total_rech_num_7 30000 non-null int64 106 total_rech_num_8 30000 non-null int64 107 total_rech_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 108 total_rech_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 109 total_rech_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 110 max_rech_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 111 max_rech_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 112 max_rech_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 113 date_of_last_rech_6 29494 non-null datetime64[ns] 114 date_of_last_rech_7 29467 non-null datetime64[ns] 115 date_of_last_rech_8 28839 non-null datetime64[ns] 116 last_day_rch_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 117 last_day_rch_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 118 last_day_rch_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 119 date_of_last_rech_data_6 7585 non-null datetime64[ns] 120 date_of_last_rech_data_7 7706 non-null datetime64[ns] 121 date_of_last_rech_data_8 7922 non-null datetime64[ns] 122 total_rech_data_6 30000 non-null float64 123 total_rech_data_7 30000 non-null float64 124 total_rech_data_8 30000 non-null float64 125 max_rech_data_6 7585 non-null float64 126 max_rech_data_7 7706 non-null float64 127 max_rech_data_8 7922 non-null float64 128 count_rech_2g_6 7585 non-null float64 129 count_rech_2g_7 7706 non-null float64 130 count_rech_2g_8 7922 non-null float64 131 count_rech_3g_6 7585 non-null float64 132 count_rech_3g_7 7706 non-null float64 133 count_rech_3g_8 7922 non-null float64 134 av_rech_amt_data_6 30000 non-null float64 135 av_rech_amt_data_7 30000 non-null float64 136 av_rech_amt_data_8 30000 non-null float64 137 vol_2g_mb_6 30000 non-null float64 138 vol_2g_mb_7 30000 non-null float64 139 vol_2g_mb_8 30000 non-null float64 140 vol_3g_mb_6 30000 non-null float64 141 vol_3g_mb_7 30000 non-null float64 142 vol_3g_mb_8 30000 non-null float64 143 arpu_3g_6 7585 non-null float64 144 arpu_3g_7 7706 non-null float64 145 arpu_3g_8 7922 non-null float64 146 arpu_2g_6 7585 non-null float64 147 arpu_2g_7 7706 non-null float64 148 arpu_2g_8 7922 non-null float64 149 night_pck_user_6 7585 non-null float64 150 night_pck_user_7 7706 non-null float64 151 night_pck_user_8 7922 non-null float64 152 monthly_2g_6 30000 non-null int64 153 monthly_2g_7 30000 non-null int64 154 monthly_2g_8 30000 non-null int64 155 sachet_2g_6 30000 non-null int64 156 sachet_2g_7 30000 non-null int64 157 sachet_2g_8 30000 non-null int64 158 monthly_3g_6 30000 non-null int64 159 monthly_3g_7 30000 non-null int64 160 monthly_3g_8 30000 non-null int64 161 sachet_3g_6 30000 non-null int64 162 sachet_3g_7 30000 non-null int64 163 sachet_3g_8 30000 non-null int64 164 fb_user_6 7585 non-null float64 165 fb_user_7 7706 non-null float64 166 fb_user_8 7922 non-null float64 167 aon 30000 non-null int64 168 vbc_3g_8 30000 non-null float64 169 vbc_3g_7 30000 non-null float64 170 vbc_3g_6 30000 non-null float64 dtypes: datetime64[ns](9), float64(135), int64(27) memory usage: 39.1 MB Columns with outliers : ['delta_vol_3g' 'delta_total_og_mou' 'delta_total_ic_mou' 'delta_vbc_3g' 'delta_arpu' 'delta_total_rech_amt'] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'Outliers handled(above 99.0 percentile)' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Outliers handled(above 99.0 percentile)¶
Column | Outlier Threshold | Outliers replaced |
delta_vol_3g | 1114.54 | 700 |
delta_total_og_mou | 1011.39 | 700 |
delta_total_ic_mou | 462.635 | 700 |
delta_vbc_3g | 587.457 | 700 |
delta_arpu | 619.774 | 700 |
delta_total_rech_amt | 769.01 | 700 |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 30000 entries, 0 to 29999 Data columns (total 137 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 30000 non-null int64 1 arpu_6 30000 non-null float64 2 arpu_7 30000 non-null float64 3 arpu_8 30000 non-null float64 4 onnet_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 5 onnet_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 6 onnet_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 7 offnet_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 8 offnet_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 9 offnet_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 10 roam_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 11 roam_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 12 roam_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 13 roam_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 14 roam_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 15 roam_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 16 loc_og_t2t_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 17 loc_og_t2t_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 18 loc_og_t2t_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 19 loc_og_t2m_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 20 loc_og_t2m_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 21 loc_og_t2m_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 22 loc_og_t2f_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 23 loc_og_t2f_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 24 loc_og_t2f_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 25 loc_og_t2c_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 26 loc_og_t2c_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 27 loc_og_t2c_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 28 loc_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 29 loc_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 30 loc_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 31 std_og_t2t_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 32 std_og_t2t_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 33 std_og_t2t_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 34 std_og_t2m_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 35 std_og_t2m_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 36 std_og_t2m_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 37 std_og_t2f_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 38 std_og_t2f_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 39 std_og_t2f_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 40 std_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 41 std_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 42 std_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 43 isd_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 44 isd_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 45 isd_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 46 spl_og_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 47 spl_og_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 48 spl_og_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 49 og_others_6 28831 non-null float64 50 og_others_7 28828 non-null float64 51 og_others_8 28325 non-null float64 52 total_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 53 total_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 54 total_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 55 loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 56 loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 57 loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 58 loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 59 loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 60 loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 61 loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 62 loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 63 loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 64 loc_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 65 loc_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 66 loc_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 67 std_ic_t2t_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 68 std_ic_t2t_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 69 std_ic_t2t_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 70 std_ic_t2m_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 71 std_ic_t2m_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 72 std_ic_t2m_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 73 std_ic_t2f_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 74 std_ic_t2f_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 75 std_ic_t2f_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 76 std_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 77 std_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 78 std_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 79 total_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 80 total_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 81 total_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 82 spl_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 83 spl_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 84 spl_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 85 isd_ic_mou_6 28831 non-null float64 86 isd_ic_mou_7 28828 non-null float64 87 isd_ic_mou_8 28325 non-null float64 88 ic_others_6 28831 non-null float64 89 ic_others_7 28828 non-null float64 90 ic_others_8 28325 non-null float64 91 total_rech_num_6 30000 non-null int64 92 total_rech_num_7 30000 non-null int64 93 total_rech_num_8 30000 non-null int64 94 total_rech_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 95 total_rech_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 96 total_rech_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 97 max_rech_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 98 max_rech_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 99 max_rech_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 100 date_of_last_rech_6 29494 non-null datetime64[ns] 101 date_of_last_rech_7 29467 non-null datetime64[ns] 102 date_of_last_rech_8 28839 non-null datetime64[ns] 103 last_day_rch_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 104 last_day_rch_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 105 last_day_rch_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 106 total_rech_data_6 30000 non-null float64 107 total_rech_data_7 30000 non-null float64 108 total_rech_data_8 30000 non-null float64 109 av_rech_amt_data_6 30000 non-null float64 110 av_rech_amt_data_7 30000 non-null float64 111 av_rech_amt_data_8 30000 non-null float64 112 vol_2g_mb_6 30000 non-null float64 113 vol_2g_mb_7 30000 non-null float64 114 vol_2g_mb_8 30000 non-null float64 115 vol_3g_mb_6 30000 non-null float64 116 vol_3g_mb_7 30000 non-null float64 117 vol_3g_mb_8 30000 non-null float64 118 monthly_2g_6 30000 non-null category 119 monthly_2g_7 30000 non-null category 120 monthly_2g_8 30000 non-null category 121 sachet_2g_6 30000 non-null category 122 sachet_2g_7 30000 non-null category 123 sachet_2g_8 30000 non-null category 124 monthly_3g_6 30000 non-null category 125 monthly_3g_7 30000 non-null category 126 monthly_3g_8 30000 non-null category 127 sachet_3g_6 30000 non-null category 128 sachet_3g_7 30000 non-null category 129 sachet_3g_8 30000 non-null category 130 aon 30000 non-null int64 131 vbc_3g_8 30000 non-null float64 132 vbc_3g_7 30000 non-null float64 133 vbc_3g_6 30000 non-null float64 134 total_rech_amt_data_6 30000 non-null float64 135 total_rech_amt_data_7 30000 non-null float64 136 total_rech_amt_data_8 30000 non-null float64 dtypes: category(12), datetime64[ns](3), float64(108), int64(14) memory usage: 29.0 MB ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'sachet_3g_6 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sachet_3g_6 categorical_counts¶
sachet_3g_6 |
95.7667 |
3.07667 |
0.6 |
0.223333 |
0.106667 |
0.0633333 |
0.0366667 |
0.03 |
0.0266667 |
0.0166667 |
0.01 |
0.00666667 |
0.00666667 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
Replaced [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 8, 18, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 12, 19, 21, 22, 28] in sachet_3g_6 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'sachet_2g_8 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sachet_2g_8 categorical_counts¶
sachet_2g_8 |
85.9467 |
5.72333 |
2.48 |
1.46333 |
1.11 |
0.92 |
0.606667 |
0.386667 |
0.343333 |
0.283333 |
0.21 |
0.15 |
0.09 |
0.0866667 |
0.0633333 |
0.0466667 |
0.0233333 |
0.02 |
0.01 |
0.00666667 |
0.00666667 |
0.00666667 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
Replaced [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 13, 15, 16, 19, 18, 17, 24, 25, 20, 21, 26, 33, 34] in sachet_2g_8 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'monthly_2g_6 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
monthly_2g_6 categorical_counts¶
monthly_2g_6 |
92.5933 |
6.8 |
0.576667 |
0.0266667 |
0.00333333 |
Replaced [2, 3, 4] in monthly_2g_6 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'monthly_2g_8 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
monthly_2g_8 categorical_counts¶
monthly_2g_8 |
92.58 |
6.79 |
0.576667 |
0.0433333 |
0.00666667 |
0.00333333 |
Replaced [2, 3, 4, 5] in monthly_2g_8 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'sachet_2g_6 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sachet_2g_6 categorical_counts¶
sachet_2g_6 |
87.0467 |
5.69667 |
2.39 |
1.32333 |
1.01 |
0.566667 |
0.46 |
0.356667 |
0.263333 |
0.26 |
0.206667 |
0.103333 |
0.0933333 |
0.0533333 |
0.0366667 |
0.0266667 |
0.0266667 |
0.0233333 |
0.0166667 |
0.01 |
0.00666667 |
0.00666667 |
0.00666667 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
Replaced [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 17, 19, 20, 16, 22, 24, 21, 27, 39] in sachet_2g_6 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'monthly_3g_7 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
monthly_3g_7 categorical_counts¶
monthly_3g_7 |
94.2133 |
4.36333 |
1.01667 |
0.213333 |
0.0866667 |
0.05 |
0.0266667 |
0.0133333 |
0.00666667 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
Replaced [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 8, 9, 12] in monthly_3g_7 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'sachet_3g_8 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sachet_3g_8 categorical_counts¶
sachet_3g_8 |
95.8333 |
2.71667 |
0.676667 |
0.276667 |
0.166667 |
0.0966667 |
0.07 |
0.0466667 |
0.0266667 |
0.0166667 |
0.0133333 |
0.0133333 |
0.0133333 |
0.01 |
0.00666667 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
Replaced [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 10, 13, 15, 11, 16, 21, 27, 30] in sachet_3g_8 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'sachet_2g_7 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sachet_2g_7 categorical_counts¶
sachet_2g_7 |
86.7233 |
5.08333 |
2.71 |
1.23333 |
1.07333 |
0.773333 |
0.633333 |
0.41 |
0.393333 |
0.23 |
0.22 |
0.136667 |
0.123333 |
0.0666667 |
0.0466667 |
0.0433333 |
0.03 |
0.02 |
0.02 |
0.0133333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
Replaced [5, 6, 8, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 14, 18, 15, 17, 20, 19, 24, 28, 29, 30] in sachet_2g_7 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'monthly_3g_8 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
monthly_3g_8 categorical_counts¶
monthly_3g_8 |
93.8133 |
4.62333 |
1.14667 |
0.226667 |
0.11 |
0.0333333 |
0.0233333 |
0.0166667 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
Replaced [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10] in monthly_3g_8 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'sachet_3g_7 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sachet_3g_7 categorical_counts¶
sachet_3g_7 |
95.8933 |
2.86333 |
0.593333 |
0.21 |
0.14 |
0.1 |
0.05 |
0.03 |
0.0233333 |
0.02 |
0.0133333 |
0.0133333 |
0.00666667 |
0.00666667 |
0.00666667 |
0.00666667 |
0.00666667 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
Replaced [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 19, 18, 11, 10, 16, 17, 14, 21, 35] in sachet_3g_7 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'monthly_3g_6 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
monthly_3g_6 categorical_counts¶
monthly_3g_6 |
94.3333 |
4.40667 |
0.886667 |
0.233333 |
0.06 |
0.0566667 |
0.00666667 |
0.00666667 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
0.00333333 |
Replaced [2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 11, 7, 8, 14] in monthly_3g_6 with category : Others ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you dont see the table 'monthly_2g_7 categorical_counts' below, please ensure the Jupyter Notebook is marked Trusted (File --> Trusted Notebook) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
monthly_2g_7 categorical_counts¶
monthly_2g_7 |
92.4667 |
6.83 |
0.673333 |
0.02 |
0.00666667 |
0.00333333 |
Replaced [2, 3, 4, 5] in monthly_2g_7 with category : Others <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 30000 entries, 0 to 29999 Data columns (total 123 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 30000 non-null int64 1 onnet_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 2 onnet_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 3 onnet_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 4 offnet_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 5 offnet_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 6 offnet_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 7 roam_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 8 roam_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 9 roam_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 10 roam_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 11 roam_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 12 roam_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 13 loc_og_t2t_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 14 loc_og_t2t_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 15 loc_og_t2t_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 16 loc_og_t2m_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 17 loc_og_t2m_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 18 loc_og_t2m_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 19 loc_og_t2f_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 20 loc_og_t2f_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 21 loc_og_t2f_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 22 loc_og_t2c_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 23 loc_og_t2c_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 24 loc_og_t2c_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 25 loc_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 26 loc_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 27 loc_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 28 std_og_t2t_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 29 std_og_t2t_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 30 std_og_t2t_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 31 std_og_t2m_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 32 std_og_t2m_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 33 std_og_t2m_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 34 std_og_t2f_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 35 std_og_t2f_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 36 std_og_t2f_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 37 std_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 38 std_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 39 std_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 40 isd_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 41 isd_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 42 isd_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 43 spl_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 44 spl_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 45 spl_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 46 og_others_6 30000 non-null float64 47 og_others_7 30000 non-null float64 48 og_others_8 30000 non-null float64 49 loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 50 loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 51 loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 52 loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 53 loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 54 loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 55 loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 56 loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 57 loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 58 loc_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 59 loc_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 60 loc_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 61 std_ic_t2t_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 62 std_ic_t2t_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 63 std_ic_t2t_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 64 std_ic_t2m_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 65 std_ic_t2m_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 66 std_ic_t2m_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 67 std_ic_t2f_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 68 std_ic_t2f_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 69 std_ic_t2f_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 70 std_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 71 std_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 72 std_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 73 spl_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 74 spl_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 75 spl_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 76 isd_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 77 isd_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 78 isd_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 79 ic_others_6 30000 non-null float64 80 ic_others_7 30000 non-null float64 81 ic_others_8 30000 non-null float64 82 total_rech_num_6 30000 non-null int64 83 total_rech_num_7 30000 non-null int64 84 total_rech_num_8 30000 non-null int64 85 max_rech_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 86 max_rech_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 87 max_rech_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 88 date_of_last_rech_6 29494 non-null datetime64[ns] 89 date_of_last_rech_7 29467 non-null datetime64[ns] 90 date_of_last_rech_8 28839 non-null datetime64[ns] 91 last_day_rch_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 92 last_day_rch_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 93 last_day_rch_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 94 total_rech_data_6 30000 non-null float64 95 total_rech_data_7 30000 non-null float64 96 total_rech_data_8 30000 non-null float64 97 av_rech_amt_data_6 30000 non-null float64 98 av_rech_amt_data_7 30000 non-null float64 99 av_rech_amt_data_8 30000 non-null float64 100 monthly_2g_6 30000 non-null category 101 monthly_2g_7 30000 non-null category 102 monthly_2g_8 30000 non-null category 103 sachet_2g_6 30000 non-null category 104 sachet_2g_7 30000 non-null category 105 sachet_2g_8 30000 non-null category 106 monthly_3g_6 30000 non-null category 107 monthly_3g_7 30000 non-null category 108 monthly_3g_8 30000 non-null category 109 sachet_3g_6 30000 non-null category 110 sachet_3g_7 30000 non-null category 111 sachet_3g_8 30000 non-null category 112 total_rech_amt_data_6 30000 non-null float64 113 total_rech_amt_data_7 30000 non-null float64 114 total_rech_amt_data_8 30000 non-null float64 115 delta_vol_2g 30000 non-null float64 116 delta_vol_3g 30000 non-null float64 117 delta_total_og_mou 30000 non-null float64 118 delta_total_ic_mou 30000 non-null float64 119 delta_vbc_3g 30000 non-null float64 120 delta_arpu 30000 non-null float64 121 delta_total_rech_amt 30000 non-null float64 122 aon_months 30000 non-null int32 dtypes: category(12), datetime64[ns](3), float64(97), int32(1), int64(10) memory usage: 25.6 MB <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 30000 entries, 0 to 29999 Data columns (total 143 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 30000 non-null int64 1 onnet_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 2 onnet_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 3 onnet_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 4 offnet_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 5 offnet_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 6 offnet_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 7 roam_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 8 roam_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 9 roam_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 10 roam_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 11 roam_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 12 roam_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 13 loc_og_t2t_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 14 loc_og_t2t_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 15 loc_og_t2t_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 16 loc_og_t2m_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 17 loc_og_t2m_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 18 loc_og_t2m_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 19 loc_og_t2f_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 20 loc_og_t2f_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 21 loc_og_t2f_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 22 loc_og_t2c_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 23 loc_og_t2c_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 24 loc_og_t2c_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 25 loc_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 26 loc_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 27 loc_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 28 std_og_t2t_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 29 std_og_t2t_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 30 std_og_t2t_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 31 std_og_t2m_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 32 std_og_t2m_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 33 std_og_t2m_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 34 std_og_t2f_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 35 std_og_t2f_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 36 std_og_t2f_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 37 std_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 38 std_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 39 std_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 40 isd_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 41 isd_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 42 isd_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 43 spl_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 44 spl_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 45 spl_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 46 og_others_6 30000 non-null float64 47 og_others_7 30000 non-null float64 48 og_others_8 30000 non-null float64 49 loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 50 loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 51 loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 52 loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 53 loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 54 loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 55 loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 56 loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 57 loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 58 loc_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 59 loc_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 60 loc_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 61 std_ic_t2t_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 62 std_ic_t2t_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 63 std_ic_t2t_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 64 std_ic_t2m_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 65 std_ic_t2m_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 66 std_ic_t2m_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 67 std_ic_t2f_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 68 std_ic_t2f_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 69 std_ic_t2f_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 70 std_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 71 std_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 72 std_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 73 spl_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 74 spl_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 75 spl_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 76 isd_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 77 isd_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 78 isd_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 79 ic_others_6 30000 non-null float64 80 ic_others_7 30000 non-null float64 81 ic_others_8 30000 non-null float64 82 total_rech_num_6 30000 non-null int64 83 total_rech_num_7 30000 non-null int64 84 total_rech_num_8 30000 non-null int64 85 max_rech_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 86 max_rech_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 87 max_rech_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 88 last_day_rch_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 89 last_day_rch_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 90 last_day_rch_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 91 total_rech_data_6 30000 non-null float64 92 total_rech_data_7 30000 non-null float64 93 total_rech_data_8 30000 non-null float64 94 av_rech_amt_data_6 30000 non-null float64 95 av_rech_amt_data_7 30000 non-null float64 96 av_rech_amt_data_8 30000 non-null float64 97 total_rech_amt_data_6 30000 non-null float64 98 total_rech_amt_data_7 30000 non-null float64 99 total_rech_amt_data_8 30000 non-null float64 100 delta_vol_2g 30000 non-null float64 101 delta_vol_3g 30000 non-null float64 102 delta_total_og_mou 30000 non-null float64 103 delta_total_ic_mou 30000 non-null float64 104 delta_vbc_3g 30000 non-null float64 105 delta_arpu 30000 non-null float64 106 delta_total_rech_amt 30000 non-null float64 107 aon_months 30000 non-null int32 108 sachet_3g_6_0 30000 non-null category 109 sachet_3g_6_1 30000 non-null category 110 sachet_2g_8_0 30000 non-null category 111 sachet_2g_8_1 30000 non-null category 112 sachet_2g_8_2 30000 non-null category 113 sachet_2g_8_3 30000 non-null category 114 sachet_2g_8_4 30000 non-null category 115 monthly_2g_6_0 30000 non-null category 116 monthly_2g_6_1 30000 non-null category 117 monthly_2g_8_0 30000 non-null category 118 monthly_2g_8_1 30000 non-null category 119 sachet_2g_6_0 30000 non-null category 120 sachet_2g_6_1 30000 non-null category 121 sachet_2g_6_2 30000 non-null category 122 sachet_2g_6_3 30000 non-null category 123 sachet_2g_6_4 30000 non-null category 124 monthly_3g_7_0 30000 non-null category 125 monthly_3g_7_1 30000 non-null category 126 monthly_3g_7_2 30000 non-null category 127 sachet_3g_8_0 30000 non-null category 128 sachet_3g_8_1 30000 non-null category 129 sachet_2g_7_0 30000 non-null category 130 sachet_2g_7_1 30000 non-null category 131 sachet_2g_7_2 30000 non-null category 132 sachet_2g_7_3 30000 non-null category 133 sachet_2g_7_4 30000 non-null category 134 monthly_3g_8_0 30000 non-null category 135 monthly_3g_8_1 30000 non-null category 136 monthly_3g_8_2 30000 non-null category 137 sachet_3g_7_0 30000 non-null category 138 sachet_3g_7_1 30000 non-null category 139 monthly_3g_6_0 30000 non-null category 140 monthly_3g_6_1 30000 non-null category 141 monthly_2g_7_0 30000 non-null category 142 monthly_2g_7_1 30000 non-null category dtypes: category(35), float64(97), int32(1), int64(10) memory usage: 25.6 MB
# From train test split
print("Train Test Split: ")
print("\n \ n Kaggle dataset: ")
# Kaggle dataset
Train Test Split: <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 21000 entries, 57621 to 2571 Data columns (total 141 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 onnet_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 1 onnet_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 2 onnet_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 3 offnet_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 4 offnet_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 5 offnet_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 6 roam_ic_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 7 roam_ic_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 8 roam_ic_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 9 roam_og_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 10 roam_og_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 11 roam_og_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 12 loc_og_t2t_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 13 loc_og_t2t_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 14 loc_og_t2t_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 15 loc_og_t2m_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 16 loc_og_t2m_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 17 loc_og_t2m_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 18 loc_og_t2f_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 19 loc_og_t2f_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 20 loc_og_t2f_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 21 loc_og_t2c_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 22 loc_og_t2c_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 23 loc_og_t2c_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 24 loc_og_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 25 loc_og_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 26 loc_og_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 27 std_og_t2t_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 28 std_og_t2t_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 29 std_og_t2t_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 30 std_og_t2m_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 31 std_og_t2m_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 32 std_og_t2m_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 33 std_og_t2f_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 34 std_og_t2f_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 35 std_og_t2f_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 36 std_og_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 37 std_og_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 38 std_og_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 39 isd_og_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 40 isd_og_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 41 isd_og_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 42 spl_og_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 43 spl_og_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 44 spl_og_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 45 og_others_6 21000 non-null float64 46 og_others_7 21000 non-null float64 47 og_others_8 21000 non-null float64 48 loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 49 loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 50 loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 51 loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 52 loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 53 loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 54 loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 55 loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 56 loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 57 loc_ic_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 58 loc_ic_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 59 loc_ic_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 60 std_ic_t2t_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 61 std_ic_t2t_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 62 std_ic_t2t_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 63 std_ic_t2m_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 64 std_ic_t2m_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 65 std_ic_t2m_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 66 std_ic_t2f_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 67 std_ic_t2f_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 68 std_ic_t2f_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 69 std_ic_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 70 std_ic_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 71 std_ic_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 72 spl_ic_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 73 spl_ic_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 74 spl_ic_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 75 isd_ic_mou_6 21000 non-null float64 76 isd_ic_mou_7 21000 non-null float64 77 isd_ic_mou_8 21000 non-null float64 78 ic_others_6 21000 non-null float64 79 ic_others_7 21000 non-null float64 80 ic_others_8 21000 non-null float64 81 total_rech_num_6 21000 non-null int64 82 total_rech_num_7 21000 non-null int64 83 total_rech_num_8 21000 non-null int64 84 max_rech_amt_6 21000 non-null int64 85 max_rech_amt_7 21000 non-null int64 86 max_rech_amt_8 21000 non-null int64 87 last_day_rch_amt_6 21000 non-null int64 88 last_day_rch_amt_7 21000 non-null int64 89 last_day_rch_amt_8 21000 non-null int64 90 total_rech_data_6 21000 non-null float64 91 total_rech_data_7 21000 non-null float64 92 total_rech_data_8 21000 non-null float64 93 av_rech_amt_data_6 21000 non-null float64 94 av_rech_amt_data_7 21000 non-null float64 95 av_rech_amt_data_8 21000 non-null float64 96 total_rech_amt_data_6 21000 non-null float64 97 total_rech_amt_data_7 21000 non-null float64 98 total_rech_amt_data_8 21000 non-null float64 99 delta_vol_2g 21000 non-null float64 100 delta_vol_3g 21000 non-null float64 101 delta_total_og_mou 21000 non-null float64 102 delta_total_ic_mou 21000 non-null float64 103 delta_vbc_3g 21000 non-null float64 104 delta_arpu 21000 non-null float64 105 delta_total_rech_amt 21000 non-null float64 106 aon_months 21000 non-null float64 107 sachet_3g_6_0 21000 non-null category 108 sachet_3g_6_1 21000 non-null category 109 sachet_2g_8_0 21000 non-null category 110 sachet_2g_8_1 21000 non-null category 111 sachet_2g_8_2 21000 non-null category 112 sachet_2g_8_3 21000 non-null category 113 sachet_2g_8_4 21000 non-null category 114 monthly_2g_6_0 21000 non-null category 115 monthly_2g_6_1 21000 non-null category 116 monthly_2g_8_0 21000 non-null category 117 monthly_2g_8_1 21000 non-null category 118 sachet_2g_6_0 21000 non-null category 119 sachet_2g_6_1 21000 non-null category 120 sachet_2g_6_2 21000 non-null category 121 sachet_2g_6_3 21000 non-null category 122 monthly_3g_7_0 21000 non-null category 123 monthly_3g_7_1 21000 non-null category 124 monthly_3g_7_2 21000 non-null category 125 sachet_3g_8_0 21000 non-null category 126 sachet_3g_8_1 21000 non-null category 127 sachet_2g_7_0 21000 non-null category 128 sachet_2g_7_1 21000 non-null category 129 sachet_2g_7_2 21000 non-null category 130 sachet_2g_7_3 21000 non-null category 131 sachet_2g_7_4 21000 non-null category 132 monthly_3g_8_0 21000 non-null category 133 monthly_3g_8_1 21000 non-null category 134 monthly_3g_8_2 21000 non-null category 135 sachet_3g_7_0 21000 non-null category 136 sachet_3g_7_1 21000 non-null category 137 monthly_3g_6_0 21000 non-null category 138 monthly_3g_6_1 21000 non-null category 139 monthly_2g_7_0 21000 non-null category 140 monthly_2g_7_1 21000 non-null category dtypes: category(34), float64(98), int64(9) memory usage: 18.0 MB \ n Kaggle dataset: <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 30000 entries, 69999 to 99998 Data columns (total 141 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 onnet_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 1 onnet_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 2 onnet_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 3 offnet_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 4 offnet_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 5 offnet_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 6 roam_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 7 roam_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 8 roam_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 9 roam_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 10 roam_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 11 roam_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 12 loc_og_t2t_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 13 loc_og_t2t_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 14 loc_og_t2t_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 15 loc_og_t2m_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 16 loc_og_t2m_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 17 loc_og_t2m_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 18 loc_og_t2f_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 19 loc_og_t2f_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 20 loc_og_t2f_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 21 loc_og_t2c_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 22 loc_og_t2c_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 23 loc_og_t2c_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 24 loc_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 25 loc_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 26 loc_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 27 std_og_t2t_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 28 std_og_t2t_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 29 std_og_t2t_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 30 std_og_t2m_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 31 std_og_t2m_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 32 std_og_t2m_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 33 std_og_t2f_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 34 std_og_t2f_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 35 std_og_t2f_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 36 std_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 37 std_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 38 std_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 39 isd_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 40 isd_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 41 isd_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 42 spl_og_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 43 spl_og_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 44 spl_og_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 45 og_others_6 30000 non-null float64 46 og_others_7 30000 non-null float64 47 og_others_8 30000 non-null float64 48 loc_ic_t2t_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 49 loc_ic_t2t_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 50 loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 51 loc_ic_t2m_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 52 loc_ic_t2m_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 53 loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 54 loc_ic_t2f_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 55 loc_ic_t2f_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 56 loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 57 loc_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 58 loc_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 59 loc_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 60 std_ic_t2t_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 61 std_ic_t2t_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 62 std_ic_t2t_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 63 std_ic_t2m_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 64 std_ic_t2m_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 65 std_ic_t2m_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 66 std_ic_t2f_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 67 std_ic_t2f_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 68 std_ic_t2f_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 69 std_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 70 std_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 71 std_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 72 spl_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 73 spl_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 74 spl_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 75 isd_ic_mou_6 30000 non-null float64 76 isd_ic_mou_7 30000 non-null float64 77 isd_ic_mou_8 30000 non-null float64 78 ic_others_6 30000 non-null float64 79 ic_others_7 30000 non-null float64 80 ic_others_8 30000 non-null float64 81 total_rech_num_6 30000 non-null int64 82 total_rech_num_7 30000 non-null int64 83 total_rech_num_8 30000 non-null int64 84 max_rech_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 85 max_rech_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 86 max_rech_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 87 last_day_rch_amt_6 30000 non-null int64 88 last_day_rch_amt_7 30000 non-null int64 89 last_day_rch_amt_8 30000 non-null int64 90 total_rech_data_6 30000 non-null float64 91 total_rech_data_7 30000 non-null float64 92 total_rech_data_8 30000 non-null float64 93 av_rech_amt_data_6 30000 non-null float64 94 av_rech_amt_data_7 30000 non-null float64 95 av_rech_amt_data_8 30000 non-null float64 96 total_rech_amt_data_6 30000 non-null float64 97 total_rech_amt_data_7 30000 non-null float64 98 total_rech_amt_data_8 30000 non-null float64 99 delta_vol_2g 30000 non-null float64 100 delta_vol_3g 30000 non-null float64 101 delta_total_og_mou 30000 non-null float64 102 delta_total_ic_mou 30000 non-null float64 103 delta_vbc_3g 30000 non-null float64 104 delta_arpu 30000 non-null float64 105 delta_total_rech_amt 30000 non-null float64 106 aon_months 30000 non-null float64 107 sachet_3g_6_0 30000 non-null category 108 sachet_3g_6_1 30000 non-null category 109 sachet_2g_8_0 30000 non-null category 110 sachet_2g_8_1 30000 non-null category 111 sachet_2g_8_2 30000 non-null category 112 sachet_2g_8_3 30000 non-null category 113 sachet_2g_8_4 30000 non-null category 114 monthly_2g_6_0 30000 non-null category 115 monthly_2g_6_1 30000 non-null category 116 monthly_2g_8_0 30000 non-null category 117 monthly_2g_8_1 30000 non-null category 118 sachet_2g_6_0 30000 non-null category 119 sachet_2g_6_1 30000 non-null category 120 sachet_2g_6_2 30000 non-null category 121 sachet_2g_6_3 30000 non-null category 122 monthly_3g_7_0 30000 non-null category 123 monthly_3g_7_1 30000 non-null category 124 monthly_3g_7_2 30000 non-null category 125 sachet_3g_8_0 30000 non-null category 126 sachet_3g_8_1 30000 non-null category 127 sachet_2g_7_0 30000 non-null category 128 sachet_2g_7_1 30000 non-null category 129 sachet_2g_7_2 30000 non-null category 130 sachet_2g_7_3 30000 non-null category 131 sachet_2g_7_4 30000 non-null category 132 monthly_3g_8_0 30000 non-null category 133 monthly_3g_8_1 30000 non-null category 134 monthly_3g_8_2 30000 non-null category 135 sachet_3g_7_0 30000 non-null category 136 sachet_3g_7_1 30000 non-null category 137 monthly_3g_6_0 30000 non-null category 138 monthly_3g_6_1 30000 non-null category 139 monthly_2g_7_0 30000 non-null category 140 monthly_2g_7_1 30000 non-null category dtypes: category(34), float64(98), int64(9) memory usage: 25.7 MB
print("Mismatched columns if any:")
Mismatched columns if any:
def ConvertToDFAndSave(ser, name_file):
df = ser.to_frame().reset_index()
t ="%Y_%m_%d-%I_%M_%S_%p")
df.to_csv(f"Godwin-Paul-Vincent_{name_file}_{t}.csv", index = False)
Kaggle Predict using Baseline Logistic Regressions Model¶
y_train_pred_kaggle = baseline_model.predict_proba(X_K_test)[:,1]
y_train_pred_kaggle = pd.Series(y_train_pred_kaggle,index = X_K_test.index, name='churn_probability') # converting test and train to a series to preserve index
optimum_cutoff = 0.55
y_train_pred_kaggle_final = x : 1 if x > optimum_cutoff else 0)
y_train_pred_kaggle_final = pd.Series(y_train_pred_kaggle_final,index = X_K_test.index, name='churn_probability') # converting test and train to a series to preserve index
ConvertToDFAndSave(y_train_pred_kaggle_final, "baseline_log_regr")
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 30000 entries, 0 to 29999 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 30000 non-null int64 1 churn_probability 30000 non-null int64 dtypes: int64(2) memory usage: 468.9 KB
id 69999 0 70000 0 70001 1 70002 0 70003 0 .. 99994 0 99995 0 99996 1 99997 1 99998 0 Name: churn_probability, Length: 30000, dtype: int64
Kaggle Predict using RandomForest PCA¶
# Prediction on RandomForest test set
y_k_test_pred_pca_rf_best = pca_rf_best_fit.predict(X_K_test_pca)
y_k_test_pred_pca_rf_best = pd.Series(y_k_test_pred_pca_rf_best,index = X_K_test.index, name='churn_probability')
ConvertToDFAndSave(y_k_test_pred_pca_rf_best, "rf_pca")
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 30000 entries, 0 to 29999 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 30000 non-null int64 1 churn_probability 30000 non-null int32 dtypes: int32(1), int64(1) memory usage: 351.7 KB
[Parallel(n_jobs=8)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 8 concurrent workers. [Parallel(n_jobs=8)]: Done 34 tasks | elapsed: 0.0s [Parallel(n_jobs=8)]: Done 100 out of 100 | elapsed: 0.0s finished
Kaggle Predict using XGBoost PCA GridSearch Best Estimator¶
y_k_test_pred_pca_xgb_best = pca_xgb_best_fit.predict(X_K_test_pca)
y_k_test_pred_pca_xgb_best = pd.Series(y_k_test_pred_pca_xgb_best,index = X_K_test.index, name='churn_probability')
ConvertToDFAndSave(y_k_test_pred_pca_xgb_best, "xgb_pca")
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 30000 entries, 0 to 29999 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 30000 non-null int64 1 churn_probability 30000 non-null int32 dtypes: int32(1), int64(1) memory usage: 351.7 KB
Kaggle Predict using XGBoost Orginal Data ( Non PCA transformed data)¶
class_0 = y[y == 0].count()
class_1 = y[y == 1].count()
pca_xgb_org = xgb.XGBClassifier(random_state=42, scale_pos_weight= class_0/class_1 ,
objective='binary:logistic',enable_categorical = True
) # scale_pos_weight takes care of class imbalance, y_train)
print('Baseline Train AUC Score')
print(roc_auc_score(y_train, pca_xgb_org.predict_proba(X_train)[:, 1]))
print('Baseline Test AUC Score')
print(roc_auc_score(y_test, pca_xgb_org.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]))
Baseline Train AUC Score 0.9946002349072965 Baseline Test AUC Score 0.938009380469196
# Prediction on RandomForest test set
y_k_test_pred_pca_rf_best = pca_rf_best_fit.predict(X_K_test_pca)
y_k_test_pred_xgb_org_best = pca_xgb_org.predict(X_K_test)
y_k_test_pred_xgb_org_best = pd.Series(y_k_test_pred_xgb_org_best,index = X_K_test.index, name='churn_probability')
ConvertToDFAndSave(y_k_test_pred_pca_rf_best, "xgb_org_data")
[Parallel(n_jobs=8)]: Using backend ThreadingBackend with 8 concurrent workers. [Parallel(n_jobs=8)]: Done 34 tasks | elapsed: 0.0s [Parallel(n_jobs=8)]: Done 100 out of 100 | elapsed: 0.0s finished
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 30000 entries, 0 to 29999 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 30000 non-null int64 1 churn_probability 30000 non-null int32 dtypes: int32(1), int64(1) memory usage: 351.7 KB
Kaggle Predict using GridSearch BestEstimator for XGBoost Orginal Data ( Non PCA transformed data)¶
# A parameter grid for XGBoost
params = {
'n_estimators' : [400, 500, 600], # no of trees
'learning_rate' : [0.04, 0.05, 0.07, 0.06], # et
'gamma': [0.05, 0.1, 0.2],
'max_depth': [ 11, 12, 14, 15]
## Hyper parameter Tuning
parameters = {
'learning_rate': [0.1, 0.2, 0.3],
'gamma' : [10,20,50],
'max_depth': [2,3,4]}
folds = 3
param_comb = 100
#pca_xgb_search = RandomizedSearchCV(pca_xgb, param_distributions=params, n_iter=param_comb, scoring='accuracy', n_jobs=-1, cv=3, verbose=3, random_state=42)
pca_xgb_search_org = GridSearchCV(estimator=pca_xgb_org , param_grid=params,scoring='roc_auc', cv=3, n_jobs=-1, verbose=1), y_train)
Fitting 3 folds for each of 144 candidates, totalling 432 fits
GridSearchCV(cv=3, estimator=XGBClassifier(base_score=None, booster=None, callbacks=None, colsample_bylevel=None, colsample_bynode=None, colsample_bytree=None, early_stopping_rounds=None, enable_categorical=True, eval_metric=None, feature_types=None, gamma=None, gpu_id=None, grow_policy=None, importance_type=None, interaction_constraints=None, learning_rate=None, m... max_delta_step=None, max_depth=None, max_leaves=None, min_child_weight=None, missing=nan, monotone_constraints=None, n_estimators=100, n_jobs=None, num_parallel_tree=None, predictor=None, random_state=42, ...), n_jobs=-1, param_grid={'gamma': [0.05, 0.1, 0.2], 'learning_rate': [0.04, 0.05, 0.07, 0.06], 'max_depth': [11, 12, 14, 15], 'n_estimators': [400, 500, 600]}, scoring='roc_auc', verbose=1)
pca_xgb_best_1 = pca_xgb_search_org.best_estimator_
pca_xgb_best_fit =, y_train)
# Prediction on Train set
y_train_pred_xgb_org = pca_xgb_best_fit.predict(X_train)
y_test_pred_xgb_org = pca_xgb_best_fit.predict(X_test)
train_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_train, y_train_pred_xgb_org)
test_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_test_pred_xgb_org)
AppendToModelPerfDF(train_matrix,f"XGBoost ORG Grid data Train ")
AppendToModelPerfDF(test_matrix,f"XGBoost ORG Grid data Test ")
XGBoost ORG Grid data Train : Accuracy : 1.0 Sensitivity / True Positive Rate / Recall : 1.0 Specificity / True Negative Rate : 1.0 Precision / Positive Predictive Value : 0.999 F1-score : 0.999 XGBoost ORG Grid data Test : Accuracy : 0.941 Sensitivity / True Positive Rate / Recall : 0.696 Specificity / True Negative Rate : 0.969 Precision / Positive Predictive Value : 0.719 F1-score : 0.707
y_k_test_pred_xgb_org_best = pca_xgb_best_fit.predict(X_K_test)
y_k_test_pred_xgb_org_best = pd.Series(y_k_test_pred_xgb_org_best,index = X_K_test.index, name='churn_probability')
ConvertToDFAndSave(y_k_test_pred_xgb_org_best, "xgb_org_data_grid_search")
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 30000 entries, 0 to 29999 Data columns (total 2 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 id 30000 non-null int64 1 churn_probability 30000 non-null int32 dtypes: int32(1), int64(1) memory usage: 351.7 KB
Rank Model by accuracy performance on Test dataset (train-test split data)¶
testterms = ['Test', 'test']
model_performance_testdata = model_perf_df[model_perf_df['model'].str.contains('|'.join(testterms))]
model_performance_testdata.sort_values(by='accuracy', ascending = False).head(len(model_performance_testdata))
model | accuracy | sensitivity/recall | specificity | precision | f1-score | |
15 | XGBoost ORG Grid data Test | 0.941 | 0.696 | 0.969 | 0.719 | 0.707 |
13 | XGBoost PCA RandomSEARCH Test | 0.922 | 0.548 | 0.965 | 0.642 | 0.591 |
5 | Logistic Regr RFE Test (Optimal:0.19 Thres) | 0.859 | 0.806 | 0.866 | 0.407 | 0.541 |
11 | Randomforest PCA GRIDSEARCH Test Baseline | 0.857 | 0.77 | 0.867 | 0.398 | 0.525 |
3 | Logistic Regr Test (Optimal:0.53 Thres) | 0.815 | 0.846 | 0.811 | 0.339 | 0.484 |
1 | Logistic Regr Test (0.5 Thres) | 0.795 | 0.862 | 0.788 | 0.317 | 0.464 |
7 | Logistic Regr PCA Test Baseline | 0.788 | 0.852 | 0.781 | 0.308 | 0.452 |
9 | Logistic Regr PCA GRIDSEARCH Test Baseline | 0.788 | 0.851 | 0.781 | 0.308 | 0.452 |
Best performing model is determned to be:¶
Highest Accuracy + Good Recall : XGBoost GridSearch Best Estimator on the original data¶
This is very closely followed by the XGBoost GridSearch Best Estimator on the PCA transformed features and can be considered for high performance with a minute tradoff on accuracy.¶
Interestingly Recall/Sensitivity is higher for Logistic regression¶
Important predictors of Churn: Logistic Regression BaseLine & RFE Coefficients (Sorted by RFE Coeff)¶
## Important predictors of Churn: Logistic Regression BaseLine & RFE Coefficients (Sorted by RFE Coeff)
coeffient_df.sort_values(by='rfe_coef', ascending = False, key=abs).head(25)
columns | baseline_coefficients | rfe_coef | |
139 | monthly_2g_7_0 | 0.034233 | 1.7619 |
53 | loc_ic_t2m_mou_8 | -0.241128 | -1.7135 |
140 | monthly_2g_7_1 | -0.026529 | 1.1920 |
50 | loc_ic_t2t_mou_8 | -0.178816 | -1.0143 |
74 | spl_ic_mou_8 | -0.326426 | -0.9522 |
117 | monthly_2g_8_1 | -0.038206 | -0.8239 |
17 | loc_og_t2m_mou_8 | -0.138874 | -0.7237 |
92 | total_rech_data_8 | -0.087028 | -0.6211 |
56 | loc_ic_t2f_mou_8 | -0.160829 | -0.5702 |
105 | delta_total_rech_amt | -0.028625 | -0.4799 |
106 | aon_months | -0.327769 | -0.3149 |
29 | std_og_t2t_mou_8 | -0.025622 | -0.2925 |
5 | offnet_mou_8 | -0.034623 | -0.2220 |
0 | onnet_mou_6 | 0.021831 | NaN |
1 | onnet_mou_7 | 0.019746 | NaN |
2 | onnet_mou_8 | -0.026879 | NaN |
3 | offnet_mou_6 | 0.017341 | NaN |
4 | offnet_mou_7 | 0.043449 | NaN |
6 | roam_ic_mou_6 | -0.009990 | NaN |
7 | roam_ic_mou_7 | 0.035472 | NaN |
8 | roam_ic_mou_8 | 0.134955 | NaN |
9 | roam_og_mou_6 | 0.043490 | NaN |
10 | roam_og_mou_7 | 0.060988 | NaN |
11 | roam_og_mou_8 | 0.269920 | NaN |
12 | loc_og_t2t_mou_6 | 0.003068 | NaN |
Noteworthy factors identified during the exploratory data analysis (EDA) that can be combined for these insights:¶
- Monitoring and tagging users whose total recharge amount shows a significant difference from the previous 2 month averages, as this indicates a high likelihood of churn.
- Applying a tag to users whose maximum recharge amount remains below 200 even during the prevous 2 months, and re-evaluating their status periodically, given their increased likelihood to churn.
- Keeping a close watch on users who have been part of the network for less than 4 years, as data suggests that those with less than 4 years of association are more prone to churning.
- While Minutes of Usage (MOU) is a significant factor, it's important to also consider data usage, particularly Voluntary Base Contribution (VBC), for users not utilizing data packs, as it presents another important churn indicator.