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Showing posts with the label langchain

Llamhub SnowflakeReader: A Loader to query and chat Snowflake Data in your LLM Applications

  Snowflake Loader for LLM Recently my second contribution to Llamaindex "SnowflakeReader" was merged to Lllamahub repository. This loader connects to Snowflake (using SQLAlchemy under the hood). The user specifies a query and extracts Document objects corresponding to the results. This loader is designed to be used as a way to load data into  LlamaIndex  and/or subsequently used as a Tool in a  LangChain  Agent.  Usage Option 1: Pass your own SQLAlchemy Engine object of the database connection Here's an example usage of the SnowflakeReader. from llama_index import download_loader SnowflakeReader = download_loader ( 'SnowflakeReader' ) reader = SnowflakeReader ( engine = your_sqlalchemy_engine , ) query = "SELECT * FROM your_table" documents = reader . load_data ( query = query ) Option 2: Pass the required parameters to esstablish Snowflake connection Here's an example usage of the SnowflakeReader. from llama_index import down